Is this thing on...?

Hello myfitnesspal world! My name is Nicole and I am a 27 year old assistant director at an early childhood education facility. I am here because I want to make positive changes in my life and I am hoping to find some additional support, and hopefully be able to support others! I have a major problem with food! I love it, and I feel like I need it. I know, I know...everyone needs food, but I feel like I need it for reasons other than for fuel. I used myfitnesspal a couple years ago to help me lose a boat load of extra weight that I had gained. I ended up losing 40 pounds! That loss of 40 pounds put me back at my "usual" weight and I got comfortable. Since then I have fluctuated from my "usual" weight up and down a few pounds, but have had no major loses. I keep starting to "feel motivated" only to have another "I'll start again Monday" moment a few days later. I am looking to be inspired again! I want to get under my "usual" weight and make some new, great progress! My goals are set, I just need help getting to them. Anyone that is looking to be an inspiration, or that needs some support should feel free to add me!


  • Hey! I totally get what you mean, i've tried using myfitnesspal before but never took it very seriously, now i think it time for me to get serious about losing weight and no matter how much i try i feel like i cant get myself motivated enough. So hopefully with some mutual support, we can both reach our goals!
  • TRIX5884
    TRIX5884 Posts: 318 Member
    I used to do the whole "I'll start again monday" thing too - it's NOT the way to go. Getting past it was definately a barrier for me. I have been steady going for 3 weeks now - THAT is a feat for me. I have to make this change - I need this change - I WANT this change. Feel free to add me as a friend. I know what it's like to need that support and just want someone that understands - even if you don't say 2 words. Trust me - I get the struggles. I'm a mother of 5 in a great relationship and I work full time. My hands are always full and I barely have time to myself - but for once in my life - I refuse to NOT make time. I'm always looking for friends to exchange motivation with! I'm Tiffany - nice to meet you Nicole!
  • nicolieolie328
    nicolieolie328 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Tiffany! I would love to be friends and help motivate each other! You're right...I need to get that Monday mentality out of my head! Congrats on your 3 weeks! That's impressive!
  • nicolieolie328
    nicolieolie328 Posts: 7 Member
    Yes! Let's do this! Maybe what we need is support from strangers...I have a lot of friends that are also struggling with weight issues, and we tend to let each other hopefully this support will encourage your weight loss, my weight loss and my friends weight loss too! We need to hold each other accountable!

  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Good on you for maintaining though! When I dropped out of MFP after losing about 37 lbs. I ended up gaining most of it back. Grrr. This time I'm trying to be in it for the long haul and to learn how to maintain because I've never really done maintenance.

    Welcome back!
  • nicolieolie328
    nicolieolie328 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you! I am really hopeful that I will make some noticeable progress! I am sure you'll do great! I don't think that you will want to re-RE- lose the weight! That should help motivate you! :)
  • 2013ST
    2013ST Posts: 9 Member
    In England. 2.40 am I should be asleep really.
    Just about embark on my journey, 37 lbs to get back to where I was between baby 2 and 3 . Been trying to " do diets" since then and just got fatter and fatter. So am going to work it out for myself now. Time to get my life back. Just need to get shut of relatives after Easter, bin the junk and then away I go.
    Good luck to you!
  • 2013ST
    2013ST Posts: 9 Member
    Ooh this thing is good , I lost 10lbs just by typing lol!
  • nicolieolie328
    nicolieolie328 Posts: 7 Member
    Good luck on your journey! I am sure you can do it! Your "bin the junk" comment made me smile! :)
  • bstnsportsfan3
    bstnsportsfan3 Posts: 16 Member

    I am 27 also. Just wanted to say that you CAN do this! I have dropped 25 pounds in 2 months. I started at 315 and i am now down to 290. I use to eat fast food 2-3 meals a day everyday and now i don't touch the stuff, i use to drink soda all day and haven't touched once since Feb 9th. I always said i would start the first of the week, first of the month ect...and yet never did. The main factor is its all Mental. If you believe you want it, you will succeed. I would love if you wanted to add me as i love giving support to make everyone's journey a bit easier.
  • Hello -
    Congrats to the bstnsportsfan! What an accomplishment your dietary changes have brought you. I am not 27; I've got about 20 years on your 27.

    Just signed up on MFP and am going to give it a try. I have a long, long way to go. Started on my weight loss journey about 3 weeks ago and am down 11 pounds. I have about 200 more to go. I'm taking this 25 lbs at a time. I believe I can do this! Today is the first time in three weeks I took in foods that are not consistent with my weight loss goal. I am not going to beat myself up. I took a very different approach. After the holiday dinner, I changed out of my dressy clothes and put on exercise clothing. I walked a little over one mile at a local track. I will approach tomorrow's meal planning as I have for the last three weeks and continue on my journey. Thanks for listening:).