I've lost a Zuzu

Has anyone ever had my experience with a pet or child or favorite bowling ball or whatever, where you would ponder inwardly about how wouldn't it be nice if I could just lose (my weight in) "Snoopy", or "Junior", or "Rolling Thunder"?

In my case, the target of my ambition has always been Zuzu, my low-riding, keg-on-legs cat who weighs in at modest 24 pounds. How she manages this on 3/4 cup of kibble a day has astounded children, vets, and the general population of well-wishers for years, but I digress. As of today's weigh in I have officially lost a Zuzu. Woohooo! And from now the magnitude of my acheivement will literally be ground into my chest by her peg legs each time she catches me napping and decides that I would make a nice place for a nap of her own ;)


  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    Great now I have to learn a whole new measuring system, Zuzus. lol.

    That is too funny (and very interesting) that you lost a Zuzu.

    Congrats on meeting your goal. !!

  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Zuzu, my low-riding, keg-on-legs cat who weighs in at modest 24 pounds.


  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Cute post! Grats on losing a Zuzu! :bigsmile:
  • mschroeder22
    1.25 Zuzus!! Just in time for New Years!
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