Moms Looking to Shine

I've been up since 5AM. Yes, you read that right, 5AM.
Not because of a baby. Not because we had to catch an early flight.
No, I'm up because I decided today, April 21, 2014 was going to be the day that I stopped making excuses. The day I started achieving goals.
Today starts a journey that will be difficult. One that I will want to abandon more times than not, I'm sure.

However, the weight isn't going to just disappear. It doesn't just fall off anymore.
Hell, it's never just fell off.

So while the guys were comfy, cozy in bed this morning, I went to the Y. I busted out a little over 3.3 miles and did a quick arm and leg workout. I'm currently drinking and ENJOYING a Peanut Butter Banana Green Smoothie for breakfast.

There is so much potential lying deep within me. Potential that I've been overlooking, abusing for the last 17 months.

Each week I will be holding myself accountable. Pushing myself to do more, be more, give me, achieve more. My first goal is to rid myself of 19 pounds. I would love to see the majority of this disappear by June 30th. That's 10 weeks. Do you know how much can change in 10 weeks? We're about to find out.

I have a lot of work to do. I have a lot to prove to myself. I want to be the best wife/mom I can be. That all starts with me loving myself, inside and out.

So dream big dreams. Stick to your goals. Don't give up hope.
Don't believe for a second that a small step in the right direction is a pointless exercise.
As long as you have breath in your body, opportunity is waiting for your somewhere.

Looking for someone to help push you? To cheer you on? To hold your hand when it gets tough? I'm that person. Feel free to add me! I look forward to 'meeting' you.


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hello, I'm Rachel. I'm a, married mom who works full time job and has crazy hours. I know how hard it is, but I also know that it can be done!!!I started my journey at 202 and I'm at 135 now!!! My goal is to have the best body possible,abs and all!!!!!! :-)
  • kat2475
    kat2475 Posts: 159 Member
    Sent you a friend request! My name is Katrina and I'm a SAHM in the Detroit area. My girls are about to turn 5 and 7. I'm currently going to school online to be a Medical Transcriptionist and then will be working from home. Last night I decided the same thing you did. I'm done making excuses. I know what to do and need to just do it.
  • shan11180
    shan11180 Posts: 110 Member
    LOVE your post! I too, am a busy working mother that is trying desperately to rid myself of all this extra weight. Lots of excuses have spewed from my mouth; reality is, I was LAZY. It's not an easy decision, and it's not an easy task, but IT CAN BE DONE!! Good luck on your journey! Adding you! :) I'd love to share this journey with all of you, so feel free to add me!
  • rebeccawesterfield5
    rebeccawesterfield5 Posts: 132 Member
    Just sent you a friend request, love your positive outlook!
  • sclose14
    sclose14 Posts: 6 Member
    I loved the posting. Im inspired. Although I don't have a whole lot to lose, its hard to get motivated not to eat junk food. Especially when my house is filled with boys. Sending friends request to you ladies
  • taranj21
    taranj21 Posts: 83 Member
    great post!! i'm inspired...i can use some motivational friends.
    i too, am looking to be in much better shape by june 30th (going to my skinny twin sisters house on july 2nd, lol)
    tired of eating crap food & not taking care of myself.
    i also joined the y recently. i'm going tonight with my 12 year old to do c25k on treadmill & some weight machines.
    i've never used anything in the weight room & am a little scared, but i want to do it!!
  • I'm a busy working mom of 16 month old twin girls. I want to be healthy so I can play with them and be around for my grandkids some day. Your post was awesome & inspiring. I've yo-yo'd a lot in the last few years, but I'm ready to just lose it now! Would love help being held accountable!
  • dirty_diana
    dirty_diana Posts: 27 Member
    I really, really needed to read this today.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Great post! Yes, I was warm in bed at 5am, but was also up and hitting play on my DVD by 6... its not easy but we can do it!!!!!!

    LOVE your attitude!!!!!

    you've got this!
  • nextlife75
    nextlife75 Posts: 4 Member
    Great post! Just what I needed to hear. Today is my day too. After 2 kiddos, a rough divorce, cancer and an all around crazy life, I've decided there can't be anymore excuses. I have a long way to go, but I'm ready. Reading posts like yours will help keep me going. Good luck :)
  • blynas
    blynas Posts: 1
    Great post! Love your attitude!
    I made a decision last night to do this. I have been "on and off" the bandwagon for the past 11 years. 11 years of telling myself "I'll start tomorrow or Sunday or Monday or maybe after that one big event/holiday". You name it - I said it and it was always anything but TODAY. I'm done. I want to get healthy. It's TIRING thinking constantly that I am unhealthy and not doing anything about it. I have a long way to go but I know I can do it. I am a SAHM in North Dakota with three boys. I so want to be active with them and a healthy role model as well! My sister-in-law set up family pictures for us all in mid-July when we go visit family in Texas. It's my first goal marker. I'd like to lose 20lbs by then (10 weeks). Please feel free to friend me :)
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    just LOVE your attitude. you go girl!!!
    I am married, have 2 boys (ages 7 and almost 10) and a 2 yr old Lab. Hubby works shift. I work full time but luckily work from a home office. But still, I am struggling to get my "me" time in. I have realized it has to be first thing in the day i.e. early morning. EEEEk!
    Friend request sent. :flowerforyou:
  • mommyvo23
    mommyvo23 Posts: 22 Member
    Absolutely great post! I have struggled at times with a lack of motivation, stating any number of excuses. But I have proven over that last couple of months that a mom of 4 (ages 8-16) that works full-time can still make time to be healthier...but making the time and the choice is key. No more just letting my life happen to me...I am taking charge! Would love to be friends with like minded supporters!!
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    Good for you! You will be amazed at what you can accomplish in 10 weeks! I am doing things I never dreamed possible--I am learning to jump (on horseback), running (which I couldn't even do 20 lbs and 20 years ago), lifting weights. I am stronger and fitter than I have been in years (maybe ever), and I am just getting started!!
  • Loved your post! I too am starting this journey today. Just made some MAJOR life changes and I am looking forward to all of the new things in my life and that includes getting myself healthy again. Thanks for the motivational words.
  • DanielleH1213
    DanielleH1213 Posts: 154 Member
    Loved your post. I have gotten my eating habits under control the last few weeks but still seem to allow myself to put off exercising! I have realized that my best bet for exercising it to go in the morning, but I have yet to find that inner strength to get up and get to the gym. You and everyone else on here who have been able to make that change are an inspiration!
  • perfectlytrained
    perfectlytrained Posts: 83 Member
    wishing you all the best! I'm a horrible correspondent and only a sometimes cheerleader, so I'm not great as a motivator... kudos to you for not only wanting to help yourself, but to also help others!