A Down Day

Does anyone else ever just get tired of worrying about and recording every single thing you eat? Sometimes I just get sick and tired of the whole thing and want to abandon ship.

I also wish that it wouldn't say at the bottom of the food diary "you'll weigh *whatever* in 5 weeks!" I don't find it motivating at all, especially when you have a bad day in the kids' Easter chocolate. *sigh*

Guess I'm having a down day. How are you all doing?


  • JaxNole82
    JaxNole82 Posts: 21
    Yea, there are several days I wont log, but I will keep tabs in my head of my intake. I also usually pre plan my meals for the day so It only takes me a short time to log everything and it doesnt become such a burden to log each meal.

    If you do not want to see the 5 week update you dont have to complete your entry. It still logs everything you input.
  • cfoley4
    cfoley4 Posts: 5
    I can appreciate your frustration! This losing weight business can be overwhelming. Don't think too far down the road, one day at a time and each day starts fresh. Yesterday doesn't matter.
    I actually like the "You will weigh _ in 5 weeks" Here's hoping!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I very rarely feel like that...


    But then I look at myself and where I have come with so much hard work into reaching my goal that the little annoyance of turning the scale on is such a small annoyance in comparison to hip pain, knee pain, high cholesteral etc that I get past it pretty freakin quick.
  • JaxNole82
    JaxNole82 Posts: 21
    I very rarely feel like that...


    But then I look at myself and where I have come with so much hard work into reaching my goal that the little annoyance of turning the scale on is such a small annoyance in comparison to hip pain, knee pain, high cholesteral etc that I get past it pretty freakin quick.
    Good point, it definitely happened less for me as I started seeing changes and getting closer to my goals.
  • wtimbrell
    wtimbrell Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for your replies, I appreciate that there are people out there who are as supportive as you guys are. Maybe its silly, but it helped me open up the diary and start logging the day today.

    I was 235 lbs a couple of years ago, and disgusted with myself. I'm 5'7 and over 40, but I found myself on the couch eating popcorn with extra butter and watching the 2010 Olympic games, and I thought to myself - what am I doing? Look at those people and all they can do, and look at me. I got up off the couch, went to the track and started walking. Every morning, a bit at a time. I started walking to work. Then I tried to run and omg that was hard, but the next time I made it a little further and a little further, and with each little victory my outlook started to change.

    I had a couple of setbacks where I gained back 10-15 pounds because I slacked off for a few months, but by the time I joined the military in 2012 I was 168 lbs, and I looked pretty damn good. I could run! I was in the best shape of my life.

    Not sure what happened but I totally fell off the wagon, and when I got on the scale one day in early January and saw the 198 come up, I flipped. How could I let that happen?? I beat myself up for awhile, and then I got my act together and joined this place looking for some help.

    I'm down to 183 lbs now, and its slow and painful, and I guess this whole post is about my personal feeling that sometimes it seems like I have a lifetime ahead of me where I will always be fighting this fight, always have to think about every little thing I choose to eat and whether or not I went for a run today. When I let myself think like that, I get overwhelmed and want to give up.

    I mean, I ate a tube of Cadbury mini-eggs, a normal sized crème egg, and a slice of carrot cake my daughter made, in addition to my usual diet, and I feel like I ate a boat load of crap. My stomach is upset and my self-esteem is in the toilet today.

    So, thanks for being willing to listen and offer your advice and support. I have never posted before, just recorded my food and read some of your posts, but I thought maybe I should reach out for some help before I totally hurl myself off the wagon again and the next time I get on the scale it cracks 200 lbs. I promised myself when I hit 199 a few years ago that I would NEVER see 200 again...and I sure came close.