New to the community

Although I had been using My Fitness Pal off and on for quite a few months now, I had never known about the community. I had only used the app on my phone and had never even been aware of the rest of what the site has to offer. I am hoping that the community will be something that will help me stay motivated and accountable throughout my journey.

I am a serial "fresh start"-er, and have tried pretty much everything under the sun in order to lose weight. So now, like my profile phrase states, I am changing my perspective. Focusing on adding healthy foods and attitudes to my life, adding movement and strength to my life as well as my outlook.

I have a substantial amount of weight to lose, and I would love to meet some motivational people to share the journey with along the way :)


  • faygerri
    faygerri Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there Kristin,

    I'm in a really similar position: lots to lose and lots of failed attempts behind me. I'm trying to change my habits and mindset. It'd be great to motivate each other :)

  • stephx8
    stephx8 Posts: 5 Member
    I have alot of weight to lose too. Looking for people to keep me motivated. I am on the same boat too. My whole perspective to food needs to change. Hope this community helps!
  • kristinsnm
    kristinsnm Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Fay,

    Sounds great :) Lets not look back at what was, but rather forward to what we can create for ourselves!
  • kristinsnm
    kristinsnm Posts: 67 Member

    Well hopefully this is a good start :) Thanks for the invite!
  • His_Amet
    His_Amet Posts: 9 Member
    I know what you mean about a 'serial fresh starter' - me too! This time it WILL be different, as I'm doing what the successful people seem to do, and not 'going on a diet' but rather changing my whole way of life, albeit one step at a time. These are going to be permanent changes I can stick with, and I have accepted that the weight did not go on overnight, so likewise it will only come off slowly.
    But I've got the rest of my life to do this, so one step at a time is achievable - as I long as I keep putting one foot in front of the other I will get there.
  • Krishna_Veni
    Krishna_Veni Posts: 173 Member
    hi kristin,
    i m also on my weightloss journey seriously. l love to support and motivate eachother. sending frnd request
  • WitchyKisses
    WitchyKisses Posts: 11 Member
    Also new, just wrote my first blog entry. I'm 294lbs. Started at 298lbs, goal is 205lbs (for now). Looking for people in the same boat.
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    I've had some on again/off again experience as well. Also a significant amount to lose. Its gotta work out some time. Might as well be this time.
  • JoeLewie
    JoeLewie Posts: 20 Member
    If I had a donut for every time I started again, I'd be obese.. oh hang on, I am!

    New here too and would welcome you, or anyone else as a friend.

  • JoeLewie
    JoeLewie Posts: 20 Member
    But I've got the rest of my life to do this, so one step at a time is achievable - as I long as I keep putting one foot in front of the other I will get there.

    Strong words.
  • liamormsby
    Add me on mfp, username: LiamOrmsby
  • cdavis3746
    Hi All!

    I am new to Fitness Pal. I have tried several other methods to lose weight. After I had my son I never lost weight. I gained 65 pounds when I was pregnant and need to do something! I am looking for people to help keep me motivated!! Has anyone else tried Advocare? what was your success with it?
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    good luck to everyone,.,hope you hit those goals..

    anyone can add me if they like..log in daily!
  • Kimmy7777
    Kimmy7777 Posts: 79
    Feel free to add me for support.
  • Jules190179
    Jules190179 Posts: 57 Member
    I know what you mean about serial starter! I have just finished an Easter binge, have tried to ask about for some advice, and will try again something different from what advice has been given. Could do with support to stay on track and will do the same in return if you want to add me.