Your Experience With The Pill & Weight Gain/Loss

Hey everybody!

So, just a little background, I had been on the pill before (I took it continuously to skip my periods) for about eight months. I had never really paid attention to whether or not I gained weight during this time in comparison to before starting birth control, and I stopped taking it around the start of my freshman year in college. By January, I noticed I had reached an all time high for my weight (hello, freshman 15) and in February I began dieting and exercising. Now that I have been steadily losing weight and reconsidering starting back up on the pill, I am nervous about how this will reflect on the scale (if at all).

I am fully aware that the pill itself doesn't directly cause you to gain weight, and that most of the time it is causing you to retain more water, etc etc. But I am just curious as to what your personal experience was on the pill. Did it result in any weight gain/loss? Do you believe it affected the speed at which you lost weight during your time here on MFP?

Any insight is helpful!

Thanks so much :smile:



  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I didn't gain at all on the pill the last round I was on it (about the past year and a half; I just quit taking it again in March of this year). I weighed 250 when I started the pill, I weighed 254 the day of my first MFP weigh in this time, and I have lost all of my weight so far while on the pill, sometimes at a rate of up to 4 pounds a week but usually at a much more reasonable pace. I don't believe it affected the speed of loss at all. FTR I was on Microgestin FE 1/20. I think as long as you're aware of what you're putting in your body it won't be (or doesn't have to be) an issue.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I found it very hard to lose weight on a high dose pill. I'm having no issues at all losing on a low dose one.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    I gained 40 pounds on Depo.
    Nuvaring didn't bother me.

    It really depends on your tolerance and what type of birth control you're taking. Too much progesterone was what ended up being a problem for me, but it's different for different people.
    That said, I stopped Nuvaring for surgery a month ago and completely lost my appetite. I'm on a 1,000 calorie pre-surgery diet (which is NOT a lot of food D:) and it's not as bothersome as I thought it would be after stopping my bc. I'm kinda hoping that this doesn't wear off until after surgery :P
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    In my mid 20's I hovered between about 5 pounds of the same weight about eight years, then I started on Loestrin in 1997. I gained ten pounds in about a year, but it was a while before I made the connection (I was a bit thick, and not just in weight :wink: ) over the next few years I gained and gained, slowly and nefariously. When I had my daughter in 2001, I had my tubes tied and so didn't go back on it. I was back to pre pregnancy weight within three months without seriously trying (still fat, but no baby weight.) Then I did start dieting (admittedly too extreme calorie reduction) and dropped another 30.

    My OBGYN then told me that some birth control meds can cause you to crave carbs :huh:
  • x_Samtastic
    x_Samtastic Posts: 16 Member
    Thank for the replies ladies! I'll be watching closely to see if I notice any big changes, but I'm hoping I don't because I am finally seeing results after many failed attempts at weight loss haha! :)
  • angel_of_harmony
    angel_of_harmony Posts: 188 Member
    I was on a combination (estrogen/progesterone) pill for the majority of my young adult life. Over the course of three years I gained about 30lbs, but also was not very healthy. I have heard other stories from people that have gained weight; my doctor has said that the depo shot causes significant side affects in this regard. After I stopped taking it, I did not notice any significant weight loss and believe that I may have a hormonal imbalance, which is preventing me from loosing weight. Personally, if you also have problems like I have described it is more beneficial to take the pill. Please talk to your doctor if you have concerns regarding the possible side effects of your medication.
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    Unfortunately, there isn't a clear cut answer because all women are so different in this aspect. For me, I found that any form of hormonal birth control (low dose, high dose, NuvaRing, etc) would make me overly emotional and also made it nearly impossible for me to lose weight when I tried.

    About a year ago, I had a copper IUD inserted and I can't say enough positive things about it! If you do find that you have trouble losing weight on the pill, know that there are definitely other options out there (hormonal and non). Whatever you decide, be sure and stay safe!
  • sdonovan96
    sdonovan96 Posts: 46 Member
    I never gained weight on the pill. I did on Depo. Then I got Essure in 2010 and I've put on about 50 lbs. Funny thing is, Essure is the only non hormonal BC I've ever been on and I've gained the most weight with it. Don't ever get Essure!!! So many issues.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    There are a few things going on. First of all, you also admit that while you were on BC and gained the weight you were in college - that's a major lifestyle change and probably not attributed to the pill.

    I gained weight while I was taking Depo but I doubted it was from the pill. More so, I just wasn't at a happy place in my life and I was always big and so I just continued to eat. I've been on a few other BCs since then with no impact on my weight.

    Most times, people start the pill when they start a new lifestyle or relationship. Many times, these relationships and lifestyles create a change in diet and exercise. When I first met my husband, most of our dates included food and/or drink - it wasn't until a few competitive dates in we began being more active together.

    I did, however, gain 10 pounds when I got OFF the pill - partly due to some negative hormone things that the pill would keep at bay. I am trying to get pregnant and can't wait to have a kid so I can go back on the pill and control those things!
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    I've been taking oral BC for about 9 years now. For the first few years I took a standard combination pill and then switched to a low dose pill a few years later. I gained weight on the pill - about 50 pounds actually - but not because of the pill. I gained weight because I ate too much and wasn't active.

    Once I joined MFP and started tracking my intake and sticking to my calorie goal, I've had no issues losing weight. :smile: