Am I ecto morph endomorph or mesomorph?

I am a 18 year old female and I am pear shaped.
I weight 116 pounds at 5'4, and have 33 bust, 26 waist, 35.5 hips 20.5 inch thighs. I strength train and feel I have toned up (I used to be 112 pounds with these measurements and my arms have gained an inch and shoulders which is rare so I think it is muscle as my thighs are normally bigger at this weight)
I have a small frame (other than thighs) and can my middle finger and thumb overlap if I put them round my wrist.
I find myself able to gain & lose weight easily, however am not sure anymore as I tend to lose weight when not lifting and gain when I am.
I feel like I have characteristics of all three but want to set macros. I read that to lose far

Ecto morphs 25% protein 55% protein 20% fat

Endomorphs 35% protein 25% protein 40% fat

Mesomorphs 30% protein 40% carb 30% fat

Please help me decide my macros
