Success with Weight Watchers, and then...

Ah yes, the age old story of someone who rocked it on an organized diet/lifestyle change plan, stopped going to meetings and then found themselves on the path to gaining it all back again.

This is me.

Last summer I headed home to see the folks, and while I was there I tried on my wedding dress (no date had been set at this time). To my horror it didn't fit... the zipper went up, but there was no way in cold hell I was going to be able to breathe for the duration of the day. So I knew things had to change.

My mum had had major success on WW when she was in her late twenties, and so I decided to check out my nearest location and head to a meeting or two. I forced my hubby-to-be along with me for moral support and before you knew it we were losing weight and feeling great.

In December, my husband and I got married. We looked amazing. I lost all the weight I needed to fit into my dress and looked fabulous. My husband went down two dress sizes and had to get his suit re-measured a week before the big day so he didn't drown in the excess fabric.

Then it all kind of stopped.

We returned home after the wedding and kept going to our meetings every week. But I completely lost all motivation. I had been so good over the Christmas holidays to ensure that I would fit into my dress that I told myself I deserved every treat that I came across. All of our friends wanted to celebrate our newly weddedness with us, and so we found ourselves going out to eat all the time. I gained three pounds over the Christmas break and was mortified at my first meeting back, but then I just sort of stopped caring. I had achieved my goal, what else did I have to work for?

I am in the forces, and sometimes I have to go away for long periods of time... usually two to three months at a time. Unfortunately, I don't get too much notice sometimes of when I'm going away and so planning a honeymoon is a nightmare - otherwise I'd use that as my motivation to get skinny again. I just got back from a three month tour and found I had gained 5lb. Not overly much weight. Definitely a manageable amount. You'd think it would be easy to stay in shape in the military, but you'd be surprised. A lot of tasty food, boredom and lack of fitness equipment makes Jack a chunky boy... or me a chunky lass...

So here I am. Back on the weightloss train again. I am excited to start losing... and am nervous of the times where I just stop caring and find myself a restaurant ordering fries and mayo with everything.

(I went to THREE different McDonalds today in search of a Creme Egg McFlurry and every location I went to had had some terrible technical disaster with their ice cream machine... sounds like fate to me. I went for a run instead - my first one this year! My first one in almost a year... eek!)

I hope that I lose those measly 8-9lbs to get back to my most-successful WW weight. I also hope to find motivation to keep living a healthy life with my new husband.

I am definitely looking for some like-minded people who don't mind giving me a cyber-prod to get me moving. I will be happy to reciprocate! Add me if you're looking for a friend!


  • jgross1789
    jgross1789 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I too had great success with WW last year. My job paid for it for us as long as we lost the minimum amount of weight. I went beyond that and lost 30lbs. I got another job and slowly put back on some of the weight I loss. I did not want to have to pay for all the meetings and program so I am trying this. So far I like it. I am new here so feel free to add me.