Weight Loss- Am I On the Right Track?

My calorie goal is 1560 per day (without any exercise).
I joined a gym.

Firstly, I must say that I had a terrible sleep last time, my body is tired, but I still went to the gym.

10 minutes on stationary bike --> 149 calories
5 minutes on eliptical --> 50 calories
11 minutes on treadmill (walking) --> 100 calories
Two 10 minute walks around the neighbourhood --> 180 calories
Some strength training (an ab machine, weights, leg raises -- i got tired, so I don't know if I did a full set in a row but I got tired and continued when I felt like i could)
Walking up and down a flight of stairs a few times

Breakfast- 1 cup of Liberte Greek Yogurt and a banana
Lunch- 3 small white pitas :(, 1 falafel ball, a chicken skewer, a cup of rice and a small salad
Dinner- salad

Usually, I will be eating a way smaller lunch… But is this really terrible for wanting to lose weight?
People think that I'm trolling- I'm not. I really am just uneducated on this kind of thing.

Here is a photo of me:
- the boy.
