I feel like I have no idea what Im doing

Im new to using this. I have finally started to get my weight under control. Im 5'2 and weigh 153. A little over a year ago i was 137 i would like to be about 125-130
Im 46 but I have been in menopause since 36 so my metabolism and hormones are junk

My calories are 1200 which I stay at or go slightly over but that could be due to incorrect counting

I also have a fitbit bit I cant sync it because I usually sync at work and im on vacation. I left the usb thingy in work so does that mean it wont register my activity on mfp???

How much should I be exercising everyday?? I dont weight train I mostly walk.

I just feel like im not doing it right.


  • pjangerman
    I know the feeling I started about a month and a half and I feel like I take a step forward and 10 back
  • slimsoon2014
    You need to train. Everyone needs to train. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn everyday. Plus it gives shape to your body. Ease into it but lift heavy. You should find the last 2 reps in a set difficult. You may be sore at first, its normal and means progress but dont give up. Also use a lighter weight for you first set. Ex you use 10lb dumbells and do 10 to 12 reps of a shoulder press. then you pick up 15 lbs dumbells. Do 10 to 12 reps of the same exercise. If it's difficult to do the last two then thats your weight. If its not challenging then grab those 20's. also try doing some squats and lunges. Work that core too.
  • AnthonyThrashD
    AnthonyThrashD Posts: 306 Member
    i'm far from an expert, but I would start by focusing on logging calories as accurately as possible. I recommend a digital scale. I'm so hardcore about my scale, I took it to Easter dinner ;)

    Second, I would ask for some friend adds. Getting likes and supportive comments from friends helps motivate. You can send me a friend request if you want.

    I don't have a fitbit, can't help you on that one. The exercise depends on what you want. If you want extra calories from burning, cardio is hard to beat. If you want to sculpt your body (more muscle tone) I'd go with free weights and a little protein increase.

    hope this helps
  • slimsoon2014
    Walking is great too!
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    I am also 46, and 5'2" a little bit heavier though. On a slow or "lazy" day I eat about 1350 calories. Most days I get 1500-1700. Your fitbit will not sync without the dongle. Depending on how long you've had your fitbit you should be able to figure out what your average burn is.
  • krispy1982
    krispy1982 Posts: 47 Member
    Which fitbit do you have? You can get the app on your smartphone and it syncs via blue tooth. I've actually never synced to the computer, just my phone. I agree though, about really tightening up the logging.

    P.S. Weightlifting is good for the bones, menopause is not:( Might as well balance it out?
  • DeeDeeMee
    DeeDeeMee Posts: 133 Member
    Hi leighlala,

    Your intake is the biggest thing so log it accurately. I find that logging as much as possible at the beginning of the day is the best way to do things as it gives you the opportunity to gauge where you have leeway and where you need to cut back. Also remember that weightloss isn't linear and doesn't just happen. It might take a while for your body to catch up to things, but as long as you are eating in deficit it is guaranteed to work.

    For now, ignore the fitbit. It's a great tool but you're not using it anyway by the sounds of it. Just log your exercise the same way you log your food. Pick up the fitbit again later.

    You don't need to 'train' if it's not something that you're going to be able to maintain in the long run. Some people find it necessary but having more muscle isn't going to make pounds and pounds of difference off your weightloss, especially if you can't be motivated to get out of bed in the morning to do it consistently. If you like walking, do that. I'm the same, there's not a chance in hell I'd go to a gym regularly but I spend an hour a day walking to walk and back and I love it. Find something you enjoy and stick to that. You can always start lifting weights or something later (it is good for your bones).
