New yet not new...desperate need of friends and motivation

Hello all :) This isn't my first go 'round with MFP but it has been awhile. I kinda gave up on well everything. So here I am again more determined than I was to lose the 80lbs I need to feel better inside and out. I always try to do things on my own and it hasn't worked for me. I need and want friends to help/motivate me along. People to talk to when I want to quit or feel like giving in. I'm a great listener as well. Add me if you want. Any questions just ask :)


  • la_te_ra_lus
    la_te_ra_lus Posts: 243 Member
    Welcome back aboard... I was always a do my own thing. until i let my ego go and started trying new programs and incorporated that into my lifestyle change (05/06) its been a long journey but it has taught me a lot about myself.. Feel free to add me . I'm on daily ( night owl status)..

    There are a lot of members on here that will help encourage and motivate you..
  • Hi there!!! Welcome back!!!! Advice is to take it one day at a time. This is about my 4th time doing this. I own my own
    Omni biz and lost almost 50 pounds. Then I gained 20 pounds back of it recently. We can do this! Just do your very
    best. Congrats on making the decision to get back on track, that's half the battle.:wink: Sorry my post is all messed
    up. Please add me as a friend, I just started today!
  • Hello!!!! Nice to meet you ALL! I would love to connect with others that are just starting out again,
    I've been successful at MFP and then I didn't follow thru. So I am trying this again. I would love to
    connect with others that are just starting again. I do have a plan that i'm following that has worked
    for me in the past. Maybe I can help to encourage others as well. I would like to lose 20-30 pounds!

    Have a great night!!!!!!
  • silencioesoro
    silencioesoro Posts: 318 Member
    I try to log in a couple times a day, I put up random stuff and will listen. Add away. :)
  • mishtery
    mishtery Posts: 148
    welcome back! also back after some time off. Good luck :)
  • JoeLewie
    JoeLewie Posts: 20 Member
    Team Amy!
  • lwynd002
    lwynd002 Posts: 115 Member
    Hello! I am also a return MFP. I struggle with motivation too--so I will add you!
  • JoeLewie
    JoeLewie Posts: 20 Member
    BTW I am completely new here - any and all friends are most welcome to add.

    I'm motivated now but will no doubt some extra encouragement soon.
  • jojolou1
    jojolou1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Its been a while - I'm trying again. Would love friends to help motivation :-)
  • Hello all. Feel free to add me. I try to log in as often as my work schedule allows me to. This is my first real attempt at losing weight and getting into shape.
  • dpants89
    dpants89 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! I also need to loose about 80lbs! Would be happy to friend you - I also need all the help I can get lol! -Bianca
  • pennalooloo
    pennalooloo Posts: 2 Member
    Hi and welcome back! I have been known to yo-yo from MFP and I really don't post to the boards enough but today is a new day! Good luck! :)
  • Helloo, I'm also back after quite a long break.

    Hope it's ok that I've added some of you on this thread - feel free to add me anyone else that sees this :)
  • george7527
    george7527 Posts: 267 Member
    Welcome back feel free to add me
  • Hello, I joined MFP years ago (different profile) and lost over 50lbs. I fell off the wagon the last few years due to various life issues but I'm back with a new profile and ready to kick start all over again :smile:

    I'm on here daily and will always be around if anyone needs to chat. Feel free to add me if you like :flowerforyou:
  • rideontechnology
    rideontechnology Posts: 54 Member
    Welcome back! Same thing happened to me, I "tried this" a couple of times with some diet that was going around. Now, I'm doing it the right way and just logging my food, making healthier choices, and staying under the calorie budget. Get lots of friends! The support system here is incredible, they motivate me every day and I try to do the same! Good luck, you can do this
  • heatherutopia
    heatherutopia Posts: 78 Member
    Same here, I've logged on and off for about 2 years and never really lost any weight only maintained, gained or then lost whatever I'd gained. I thought I was doing everything right and just couldn't understand what I was doing wrong.

    This time, I am exercising daily, logging/weighing everything including the foods I would forget to log previously, things like olive oil, butter & milk in my tea. I'm eating between 1400 - 1800 cal a day which is more than I would allow myself previously and in 3 weeks I have lost 8lbs! I don't eat crisps, chocolate etc but I still eat brown bread, cereals, milk, veg, sweet potatoes, rice, cous cous and white meat. I just can't believe for the first time in my life this is working, but I know I'm doing it right this time as I'm never hungry, I'm full of energy and the weight is FINALLY coming off.

    Feel free to add and take a peek at my diary :)
  • Abi198111
    Abi198111 Posts: 76 Member
    Feel free to add me anyone looking for new friends and motivation :-)
  • juekes
    juekes Posts: 12 Member
    Hello, its my first time using MFP and I'm a month in and 4.5lb down, seriously lacking the motivation after a long Easter weekend. Feel free to add me anyone looking for friends and motivation - I'm on here everyday (several times lol!)
  • I also took break from MFP but now ready to kick some *kitten* and get this weight off for good!

    Feel free to add me,let's do this!