Lesson learned to not go so over calories in one day!

My first week on mfp went well I lost 2lb. I'm allowed 1700 calories a day following tdee method. My plan was to have up to 2100 calories every Saturday and then have 400 less spread through the week after to balance it all out. Well Last Friday I went over by 200 but then Saturday by 1500 netting 3200!!! Luckily I did burn 1000 calories Saturday so I'm sure I limited some damage there. Worse thing was 1900 calories was on chocolate and alcohol! So now I'm having to cut back by 500 calories just about every day until Friday (weigh in) to even it out. The scales have shown 1lb gain today hoping this goes and another 1lb by Friday, I certainly will not be doing this again although I did enjoy it at the time lol. X


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Honestly, I wouldn't worry about Easter week. Everyone deserves a break from time to time. It's your life and should be expected now and then.
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    Thank you, it's strange when I use to do weight watchers and I went over plan I would beat myself up so so much and feel dead guilty. But with fitness pal I log EVERYTHING and I think this helps me to see things are maybe not as bad as I think and working out a bit extra or cutting back through week can even it all out. So I haven't really felt all that guilty but I know for next time I won't do it again lol x
  • mollybuck
    mollybuck Posts: 64 Member
    Really, Don't cut back, just do the plan. Cutting back like that makes me feel like you are punishing yourself for "going off the wagon". Just get back on the plan. The past is past and just move on. I've allowed myself a few "Way Way Over days" but I'm not going to let that color the rest of my week. I always think to myself "What do thin people do?" I don't think a lot of naturally thin people eat less just because the day before they overindulged. The thing you did really well is to be honest with yourself about what you ate. JUst move on. I think you might be surprised by weigh in day.
  • Mikihathaway
    Mikihathaway Posts: 1 Member
    I think its like budgeting money. I plan and save to go on vacation. I don't spend less on necessities before vacation, but I do cut back on extras. With eating, I don't neglect basic nutrition. I eat all the veggies and lean protein I want. Then I cut back and/or eliminate the extras--soda, breads, white rice, processed sugars, fake sugar (stevia, nutrasweet, diet drinks, etc) and other cheats. Then...when I need a splurge day or week--I have some saved up calories to have TWO pieces of double lemon cheese cake for Easter (800cals!--and not even counting fat and carbs and....lolol).
    Budget your money and save for rainy days and long term. Budget your calories and save for occasional splurges and for a healthy long life
  • kenthepainter
    kenthepainter Posts: 195 Member
    I accept that I will go over my limit somewhat on the weekends, going out to eat is hard to accurately know the calorie count, I usually over estimate what I eat in calories. I figure I need to log calories for as long as I want the weight to stay off and accept the fact that I will indulge from time to time if I'm gonna stay near my goal weight for the rest of my life !
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    I view 'My Fitness Pal' as a daily goal. If you mess up one day, the next day is a new day. It keeps me from obsessing, from hating myself, and honestly seems to be just a generally good life lesson - tomorrow's another day and all that.

    That said, I went WAY WAY over on Saturday for our housewarming party. Mostly in booze, like you. I felt guilty but I just went about the next couple of days, and as of today I've lost another pound. So it's not worth stressing over!
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    I think the main lesson learned is how quickly a little bit of what you fancy adds up. I did exactly the same last Sunday. I dropped calories all week to make up for it. By Wednesday I was up a kilo. I think my body held on to water to deal with the toxin ( I drank 16 units of alcohol) by Friday it was gone again. I won't be doing that again in a hurry.
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    Thanks for replies, nice to hear we're all the same :). X