Clean(ish) high calorie meals?

Hey all,

Looking to do a bulk over winter. Can anyone recommend cleanish meals that are high calorie but not explosive amount of fats?



  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    What's wrong with high fat?
  • matt6050
    matt6050 Posts: 56 Member
    Rice and beans with a peanut flour/soy sauce dressing and wilted leafy greens
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hey all,

    Looking to do a bulk over winter. Can anyone recommend cleanish meals that are high calorie but not explosive amount of fats?


    how many cals and how much fat do you have to work with?
  • liamormsby
    Add me on mfp, username: LiamOrmsby

    I'm trying to bulk up and target calories is 3000 with burning over 1000 with exercise.
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    Not all fat is bad. Avocados for example are extremely calorie dense, and loaded with the groovy monounsaturated fats that all growing boys crave. :D

    Also, consider lots of peanut butter. Extremely calorie dense, also a great protein source. Nuts in general are pretty calorie rich.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    I like to eat home made pastas and pizzas if I'm really looking for intense high calorie meals.. A pizza with whatever toppings to assist in meeting macro goals.. I firstly ensure I've met my dietary fiber requirements first though :)
  • Bounce2
    Bounce2 Posts: 138 Member
    For me a simple high calorie main meal consists of protein (steak/fish/pork etc.) plus either (depending on the weather) a) salad with balsamic dressing and full fat feta plus flavored rice / cous cous / quinoa OR b) roasted vegetables with paprika, garlic and rosemary (think pumpkin, sweet potato, potato etc) and corn on the cob.. If I have a tonne of calories I eat 'fancy' breads with my meals..

    I have started drinking some calories as an "entree" to a main meal; soups like laska's (regular not the diet variety) can be high in calories. I have also been known to eat ALOT of pasta..... Lasagna, spaghetti and meatballs, ravioli etc are all good options for hitting macro goals if you know how to cook/read the back of a container :)

    Quick fixes for lunches or when I am time poor include things like; Wokka noodles/pre-cooked flavored rice / quinoa / cous cous with a drizzle of flavored olive oil, cottage cheese/Parmesan and a tin of tuna or precooked chicken/steak etc.. Stuff like this works hot or cold if you don't have access to a microwave...

    Staple foods include; eggs, bread, avocado, beans, tinned tuna, chicken, rice, quinoa, cous cous, pasta, bacon, mince, steak, fish/salmon, nuts by the fistful, ice-cream and chocolate.... You said cleanish right ;)

    This site has recipes and nutritional breakdown that may be helpful;,4
  • addysolari
    addysolari Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks for the replies guys. Ta
  • FckUrExcuses
    My favorite is my typical breakfast, i simply make an egg sandwich, which consists of:

    - 4 whole large or jumbo eggs ( or you can use eggwhites but thats less calories)
    - 2 pieces of whole wheat bread ( I used bread that had 7g of protein each)
    - And a piece of cheese, i prefer pepperjack ;)
    - Optional: you can put ham in the eggs, sausage, or even bacon, for that little extra protein / taste

    That accumulates anywhere from 40-60g of protein and upwards of 550+ calories depending how much ingredients you use, and which brands of the food you buy.