weight fluctuation upwards...not going back down

I posted a while back that my weight has been fluctuating upwards and seems perfectly content to stay there. I haven't seen it go back down to where it was in about three weeks. I know all of the things (water retention, TOM, exercise, hormones, full-moon, just because) that can cause fluctuations. but at this point i need to accept that i simply gained this weight back. it isn't the end of the world as it is only a couple of pounds. i am interested in your feedback. my dairy isn't open because i don't always log on MFP. I do however count calories. I do not exercise at this time.

Interestingly, when i weighed less I ate more. I refuse to believe in the "eat more, weigh less" theory. But honestly, I don't know what the answer could be. I've been pretty strict with my intake (about 1200 a day--sometimes a bit less). everything i eat is pre-measured (no restaurants, no guessing on portions, etc.) I realize that food labels can be incorrect and a food scale is often advised here...but to the extent portions are accurate on food labels--I am counting accurately.

I recently had blood work done. no problems with my thyroid.


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Since you ruled out medical conditions then the issue seems to be a lack of an adequate calorie deficiency. Where did the 1200 calorie limit come from?
  • gina_nz_
    gina_nz_ Posts: 74 Member
    Try exercising
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    I choose it because it is the recommended "do not go below" number. I also do not exercise, so a higher caloric intake is not needed. My job is sedentary. I do not expect big weight loses...but i also didn't expect a weight gain.
  • midwestspitfire
    midwestspitfire Posts: 46 Member
    How much do you weigh, how tall are you, and how much are you looking to lose?
  • ChristinWrites
    ChristinWrites Posts: 119 Member
    Exercise. When you move more you will feel more energetic, your body will start changing. It is possible to lose without exercise, but you won't look or feel as good. Start moving - even if it's just walking a bit or whatever you can manage. You'll see the scale start going down again.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    I find it interesting that you refuse to believe the "eat more to weigh less" rule, when you said yourself that you found you lost when you ate more… Personal truths...
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I choose it because it is the recommended "do not go below" number. I also do not exercise, so a higher caloric intake is not needed. My job is sedentary. I do not expect big weight loses...but i also didn't expect a weight gain.

    I hope it was recommended by your doctor. Otherwise, you might want to reconsider that number. I don't get into the 1200 calorie wars but your job may be sedentary but you life isn't unless you are restricted to bed or wheelchair. If you are using MFP, the sedentary option doesn't account for any exercise at all which is not the case for most people. You are at least "Lightly Active" which will give you more calories to eat. If your calorie deficiency is too extreme, your body will not have the adequate amount of fuel to burn fat away. If you are happy with the gain then no big deal but just some food for thought.
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    I do need to exercise. I have a gym membership. I have no excuse not to go but plain laziness. i definitely admit to that.

    as far as the "eat more, weigh less" concept...I am trying to wrap my brain around it. it seems contrary to all that I have learned about calories and weight. however, i must concede that there may be truth to it. besides my personal experience, i have read so many posts expressing support for the concept.

    I am 5'5''--extremely petite. I have been told i have "bird bones." I guess that means very small-boned. and am around 105. I am not looking to lose, but I am confused why I have started to gain when I am not eating more.

    So if I am not overweight, why do I care if I gain a little weight? Well, I shouldn't care. I am, however, confused by it. That is why I had my thyroid checked.
  • midwestspitfire
    midwestspitfire Posts: 46 Member
    Well then.
    You're eating at maintenance or a bit above.
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    Well then.
    You're eating at maintenance or a bit above.

    Yes, I have considered that. perhaps when i thought i was eating more (and weighed less) I was mistaken. or, again, perhaps there is truth to the value of increasing caloric intake? either way, there were no alarm bells re my blood work so I guess I just move on from here.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    5'5" and 105 is a BMI of 17.5....that is underweight. That is concerning as being underweight can cause health problems. I am not generally a believer in "starvation mode", but I am wondering if your body is adapting to a low calorie level and trying to protect itself.
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    I have been more strict about my calorie consumption since i posted this...and i have seen some loss. i have not lost to a point where I had been maintaining for many months--but still a small loss.

    I still find it very perplexing. I don't want to discredit or abandon the concept of eating more and losing weight. i believe that concept has merit. however, if you are someone gaining weight on a relatively low calorie plan (or maintaining) I don't think the answer would be to increase one's calories.

    Again, I am someone who was maintaining at the same weight for months. Sure there were fluctuations...but such fluctuations were transitory.

    I am continuing the examination of my daily consumption. I am currently consuming large amounts of sugarless gum (which is a relatively new thing). I do count these calories, but maybe I am over looking how the chemicals in the gum may be affecting my body's metabolism. shot in the dark, i know.

    I believe I am repeating myself when I mention this...but I also gave up all alcohol and replaced it with flavored water (which I count) and tea.

    Could it just be as simple as my body has changed and there is no "real" explanation for it.?