Why am I bulky?

I think I may know the answer, but I'd really like some advice.
So I am a vegan, with what have been some truly atrocious eating habits. Way way way too much sugar. Binges like you've never seen. Basically, I put on lots of weight and developed uncontrolled eating when I started working, because everyone was making comments about how small I was, and how they (mostly obese or just "big" women) are able to do the job much better because of their weight. Even then I was surprised about how little I put on considering what I'd been eating, and I guess I've got my running to thank for that.
I run about 10K most days and work out too. I use weights which I think have actually been making me less bulky. I am very active, and walk a lot as well. Until very recently, I have been eating a lot, and eating lots of sugar and bread and black coffee. I am not fat, whatever I may tell myself. My highest weight ever has been 10 stone, and I am kind of hovering in the lowish end of 9 stone now (9.7lb high, 9.3lb low) I am aiming for 8 stone, because I have a very small frame and I know it's something I could easily get to if I cleaned up my act.
I am quite bulky, and even though I did slim down a bit crash dieting not long ago, I've never been able to shift the "roll" of what looks like muscle under my bra line at the front (+4-pack!). I have always had very "thick" legs, and I think that's the way my body tends. My back ripples with muscle! I am just overall quite bulky and muscly, which doesn't look very atttractive at all on my little frame. So I guess I'm wondering if - if I try harder and more consistently to lose weight by "being good" - will I look less bulky? Do you think there's something else causing it?
Also! I have just started the mini-pill (progesterone only) and my belly fat has really been shifting, just wondering if that will help with overall bulk?
Any insights would be really valuable.


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Stop calling yourself bulky.. the majority of woman are not bulky.. and if they are it takes years in the gym.. not running and eating sugar..

    Gonna be real serious with this.. you gained weight and its not muscle, eat at a deficit and cut your bf% down to not be "bulky" or "Big Boned" or "Curvy"

    Your young, your bf% is high.. need to figure out your TDEE, develop some eating habits, maybe start some strength training, and read some informative posts on here.
  • orangesmarties
    orangesmarties Posts: 49 Member
    Thank you, I think that was the answer I needed to hear. I just need to get my butt into gear and sort myself out! I have a couple questions:
    - I assume bf% = body fat percentage? That would make sense as I think what I was getting at was that I thought all that muscle was covered in fat, which is making me bulky
    - what does TDEE mean?
    - what kind of eating habits would you recommend, and how many calories? I am 5ft4, 18 year old girl who lives actively. I was thinking the other day about how dysfunctional I've been about eating and how I don't even know how I should be eating any more :/
    Thank you for your help
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Pics for proof of your bulk. Seriously, your perceived bulk may be all in your head and my guess is that you do not have as much lean mass (everything not fat) or muscle as you may think.

    TDEE is Total Daily Energy Expenditure - basically, how many total calories you burn in the day with all your activity.

    Best thing to read is this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • orangesmarties
    orangesmarties Posts: 49 Member
    Thank you, that's a really helpful post! I think you're both right and I should just follow that advice. I'm overcomplicating things, and losing the blubber by using common sense is the way forward :)