"You're eating for two!"

I'm not. I'm 7 months pregnant and the 2-3 pound baby in my tummy isn't the equivalent of an additional adult. I try to dispel the myth that expectant mothers need to eat like sumo wrestlers. What we DO need to eat is a variety of highly nutritious foods and average at around 300 calories more than our maintenance, depending on our doctor's recommendations. If you see me eyeing the cake, or cookies, or doughnuts, don't assume the baby "needs" it. My shoving that piece of cake in my mouth is not something anyone "needs" to do. Sometimes I mention the attitude they're pushing is the thing that gave me gestational diabetes during my first pregnancy. Sometimes I just smile and nod. Depends on my hormone levels that day.

Yep, I'm whining about what people say. Yep, I'll ignore them and do my own thing.


  • Shikonneko
    Shikonneko Posts: 187 Member
    "Kick 'em in the crotch and run!"
  • lovekohl
    lovekohl Posts: 111 Member
    I most certainly used both of my pregnancies as an excuse to eat for two! I can understand how it would be annoying to have people telling you to eat. People will always have an opinion regardless. Congrats to you!
  • marcon125
    marcon125 Posts: 259 Member
    Ha ha, I remember that. "You're starving the baby" is what I would get if I turn down a treat.

    I was just outside of the range for gestational diabetes - failed the first test and barely passed the 3 hr test. My family, who are predominantly obese by the way, just did not get why I didn't go crazy on fried chicken or other cravings. I try to remember that their frame of reference for healthy weight and habits is sooooo skewed.

    Good for you and happy pregnancy!!
  • unkleschilke
    unkleschilke Posts: 3 Member
    LOL! Direct and tactless, yet so much truth...
  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    "Kick 'em in the crotch and run!"

    LMAO! You just made me snort my water!
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    "Kick 'em in the crotch and run!"

    Yeah .. youre eating for one and a 1/4
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    I have no scientific evidence to back this up, but I believe my eating habitsduring my pregnancies directly shaped my childrens' eating habits today. I was super-vigilant with my healthy diet during pregnancy #1, and he has always been a kid who likes fruits and vegetables and is very adventurous in trying new foods. With baby #2, I was kind of lax with my diet and indulged in sweets as much as I wanted. He is my picky eater who fights me on every single fruit/veggie and will only eat from a select list when coerced. He also has a terrible sweet tooth. I was several years older with Baby #3 and worried about losing the pregnancy weight. I was back to healthy eating vigilance, limited my carb intake and eschewed almost all sweets and processed foods. She is my healthiest eater yet, and craves fruits and vegetables. She will also try almost any new food.

    Coincidence? Correlation? Hard to say. But I would love to see what might happen if I could have a do-over for pregnancy #2!
  • aribugg
    aribugg Posts: 164 Member
    this is ironic for me. my sister is pregnant, and we're trying to get her to stop eating so much, and make better choices. as our mother says "she's eating enough for three!" and nope, there's only one kid in there. the gestational diabetes test is next week, and the doctor already told her she's gaining too much weight.

    I completely agree with you, the baby doesnt need cake, nor does it eat like an adult.
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    I have no scientific evidence to back this up, but I believe my eating habitsduring my pregnancies directly shaped my childrens' eating habits today. I was super-vigilant with my healthy diet during pregnancy #1, and he has always been a kid who likes fruits and vegetables and is very adventurous in trying new foods. With baby #2, I was kind of lax with my diet and indulged in sweets as much as I wanted. He is my picky eater who fights me on every single fruit/veggie and will only eat from a select list when coerced. He also has a terrible sweet tooth. I was several years older with Baby #3 and worried about losing the pregnancy weight. I was back to healthy eating vigilance, limited my carb intake and eschewed almost all sweets and processed foods. She is my healthiest eater yet, and craves fruits and vegetables. She will also try almost any new food.

    Coincidence? Correlation? Hard to say. But I would love to see what might happen if I could have a do-over for pregnancy #2!

    Ha Ha! It's the exact opposite for me! Baby #1..I gained 100lbs and ate a Monster burger from Hardee's EVERY. DAY. Baby #2 fresh fruit, veggies, lean meat, Baby #3 all things in moderation. Child 1 (now 13) likes variety and veggies, Child 2 (now 7) fights me every step to eat anything not covered in frosting or chocolate, and Child 3 (now 1) also likes variety, but will go absolutel ape ****e over fig newtons....
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Maintenance + 300 for me was 2600 calories. I felt like I didn't stop eating when I was pregnant, definitely felt like I was eating for 2 :flowerforyou:
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    This annoys me too. I am 8 months pregnant and I have people telling me how lucky I am that I can eat as much as I want. Thing is, I don't want to have so much weight to lose after I have the baby. My doctor told me to gain 15 pounds only. I have been very good at keeping with that and she is happy and it's looking like I will have a 8 pound baby. I do still enjoy my treats once and a while but I make sure I don't go overboard.
  • luvmydawgs
    luvmydawgs Posts: 182 Member
    My body issues are not them 50 pounds I gained and LOST from my pregnancies. Its the change on my body. I don't think I did that bad eating while I was pregnant but I sure wanted Mexican and Ice Cream more that broccoli and green beans!
  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    I have no scientific evidence to back this up, but I believe my eating habitsduring my pregnancies directly shaped my childrens' eating habits today. I was super-vigilant with my healthy diet during pregnancy #1, and he has always been a kid who likes fruits and vegetables and is very adventurous in trying new foods. With baby #2, I was kind of lax with my diet and indulged in sweets as much as I wanted. He is my picky eater who fights me on every single fruit/veggie and will only eat from a select list when coerced. He also has a terrible sweet tooth. I was several years older with Baby #3 and worried about losing the pregnancy weight. I was back to healthy eating vigilance, limited my carb intake and eschewed almost all sweets and processed foods. She is my healthiest eater yet, and craves fruits and vegetables. She will also try almost any new food.

    Coincidence? Correlation? Hard to say. But I would love to see what might happen if I could have a do-over for pregnancy #2!

    You've got me on the verge of doing some actual research into this. The pregnancy where I ate without restraint is my healthy eater who can't get enough veggies and can't stand junk food with the exception of chips. My second I ate very healthy and I have to constantly deny her requests for sweets. I'm confused! I'm at a middle ground with this one and am curious where she'll land in the appetite spectrum.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I have no scientific evidence to back this up, but I believe my eating habitsduring my pregnancies directly shaped my childrens' eating habits today. I was super-vigilant with my healthy diet during pregnancy #1, and he has always been a kid who likes fruits and vegetables and is very adventurous in trying new foods. With baby #2, I was kind of lax with my diet and indulged in sweets as much as I wanted. He is my picky eater who fights me on every single fruit/veggie and will only eat from a select list when coerced. He also has a terrible sweet tooth. I was several years older with Baby #3 and worried about losing the pregnancy weight. I was back to healthy eating vigilance, limited my carb intake and eschewed almost all sweets and processed foods. She is my healthiest eater yet, and craves fruits and vegetables. She will also try almost any new food.

    Coincidence? Correlation? Hard to say. But I would love to see what might happen if I could have a do-over for pregnancy #2!

    Ha Ha! It's the exact opposite for me! Baby #1..I gained 100lbs and ate a Monster burger from Hardee's EVERY. DAY. Baby #2 fresh fruit, veggies, lean meat, Baby #3 all things in moderation. Child 1 (now 13) likes variety and veggies, Child 2 (now 7) fights me every step to eat anything not covered in frosting or chocolate, and Child 3 (now 1) also likes variety, but will go absolutel ape ****e over fig newtons....

    If I were to make an anecdotal assumption, it'd be that middle children are pains in the *kitten*.

    ... Just kidding. *innocent whistle*
  • I don't disagree with what you're saying but I'd rather just eat for two people, end up with some extra baby fat at the end and be sure that the baby is getting what it needs. If this is BAD for the baby then that's different but if it's because it's not "optimal" for you, that's hardly a good reason. Having a baby in the first place isn't really optimal for you.

    Not really my area of expertise, regardless.
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    I have no scientific evidence to back this up, but I believe my eating habitsduring my pregnancies directly shaped my childrens' eating habits today. I was super-vigilant with my healthy diet during pregnancy #1, and he has always been a kid who likes fruits and vegetables and is very adventurous in trying new foods. With baby #2, I was kind of lax with my diet and indulged in sweets as much as I wanted. He is my picky eater who fights me on every single fruit/veggie and will only eat from a select list when coerced. He also has a terrible sweet tooth. I was several years older with Baby #3 and worried about losing the pregnancy weight. I was back to healthy eating vigilance, limited my carb intake and eschewed almost all sweets and processed foods. She is my healthiest eater yet, and craves fruits and vegetables. She will also try almost any new food.

    Coincidence? Correlation? Hard to say. But I would love to see what might happen if I could have a do-over for pregnancy #2!

    Ha Ha! It's the exact opposite for me! Baby #1..I gained 100lbs and ate a Monster burger from Hardee's EVERY. DAY. Baby #2 fresh fruit, veggies, lean meat, Baby #3 all things in moderation. Child 1 (now 13) likes variety and veggies, Child 2 (now 7) fights me every step to eat anything not covered in frosting or chocolate, and Child 3 (now 1) also likes variety, but will go absolutel ape ****e over fig newtons....
  • jesslagr
    jesslagr Posts: 11
    Just as an aside, gestational diabetes is really more about all the hormonal changes that happen to your body during pregnancy. Your placenta makes a hormone that can cause insulin resistance. Obviously I'm not saying it is a go ahead to eat whatever you want, but it isn't all about your size/weight. Even someone who is very fit and eats healthy can get gestational diabetes.
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    Well now you guys are completely blowing my theory out of the water! lol
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    I have no scientific evidence to back this up, but I believe my eating habitsduring my pregnancies directly shaped my childrens' eating habits today. I was super-vigilant with my healthy diet during pregnancy #1, and he has always been a kid who likes fruits and vegetables and is very adventurous in trying new foods. With baby #2, I was kind of lax with my diet and indulged in sweets as much as I wanted. He is my picky eater who fights me on every single fruit/veggie and will only eat from a select list when coerced. He also has a terrible sweet tooth. I was several years older with Baby #3 and worried about losing the pregnancy weight. I was back to healthy eating vigilance, limited my carb intake and eschewed almost all sweets and processed foods. She is my healthiest eater yet, and craves fruits and vegetables. She will also try almost any new food.

    Coincidence? Correlation? Hard to say. But I would love to see what might happen if I could have a do-over for pregnancy #2!

    I think it was NPR where I heard about a study similar to what you're talking about. Eating habits of the woman can influence the children after their born.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I was sleeping for two.