Who wears short shorts?

Not me! In fact I did not wear a pair of shorts (short or long) one time last summer. I really would like to be able to wear shorts this summer and feel comfortable and avoid the dreaded "chub rub." I have been doing squats, squats and more squats. Sometimes I do lunges. I do calf raises everyday, because my legs are flabby even on the calves. I also have started walking at a brisk pace for one hour.

Is there anything else I can do to see smaller or more toned legs? I am not afraid of them looking bulky, just flabby.

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  • xRay85Rayx
    xRay85Rayx Posts: 369
    Jog or run.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    to strip fat you'll need to do some cardio too.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I live in shorts. I run, hike, and lift heavy weights.
  • jessie62993
    jessie62993 Posts: 27 Member
    Will walking just not cut it? I am not very good at running-- I know that sounds weird, but I have a hard time with the form and intensity of it.
  • xRay85Rayx
    xRay85Rayx Posts: 369
    Try training for it using an app like C25k (couch to 5k). It gives you tips and you transition from walking to jogging/running.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    You can't pick where your fat comes off. You just have to keep doing your deficit and eventually the muscles in your legs will poke through.
  • kristenveganvixen
    kristenveganvixen Posts: 87 Member
    Not short shorts but I wear capri-length workout pants which are comfier for doing aerobics than jogging bottoms (less chance of tripping lol)

    If you don't like running cycling may be a good option, or aerobics which adds a bit of cardio, or a crossfit machine at the gym? x
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    Running isn't necessary if you don't like it. Bicycling makes great legs, as do squats.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    Running isn't necessary if you don't like it. Bicycling makes great legs, as do squats.

    Though if you're just doing squats without cardio be warned muscle might build quicker than fat dissappears (my dilemma atm... lost 2 inches on my hips, gained one each in my thighs! *sigh*)
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    alternating from ..SPRINT, Jog, Walk then repeat, instead of steady run.

    Start with a jog for 60sec to warm up
    - then sprint for 30secs
    - then walk or jog for 60
    - repeat

    start with 5min and progress when able to 10-15min and so on
  • Chaskavitch
    Chaskavitch Posts: 172 Member
    You can add little bursts of cardio to your weight routine as super sets of plyometric exercises. For example, immediately after you do a set of squats, do 15 jump squats or 15 wall balls or 10 jumping lunges. Then you rest until you catch your breath, then do your next set of squats followed by the jumping exercise again. I know it doesn't *sound* like a lot of extra work, but I get a side stitch and have to sit there and huff and puff for a minute before continuing almost every time.

    For more muscle, add hip thrusts, deadlift, or split squats. Hip thrusts are great for glutes :) We do stiff-legged deadlift because my deadlift form is awful, and split squats are nice because then your legs have to lift the same weight; neither of them can overcompensate for a weak leg. My right leg tends to do more lifting than my left, so I try to even them out.
  • JakeNJ95
    JakeNJ95 Posts: 54
    alternating from ..SPRINT, Jog, Walk then repeat, instead of steady run.

    Start with a jog for 60sec to warm up
    - then sprint for 30secs
    - then walk or jog for 60
    - repeat

    start with 5min and progress when able to 10-15min and so on

    Yes. You can also do this on an elliptical or bike.
  • felonebeats
    felonebeats Posts: 433
    High Intensity Interval Training.Do a few sessions on exercise bike,30 seconds moderate pace then 30 seconds flat out for 20 mins.I do it 3 times a week.HIIT is good because it carries on burning fat for hours afterwards
  • unkleschilke
    unkleschilke Posts: 3 Member

    While there are probably more leg focused exercises that could give you faster results, I believe runners have the most awesome tone in their legs.

    It is a slow process, but will be longer lasting. Because once you start running, you'll get addicted, and NEVER loose that tone!
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    Just wanted to comment on the bicycling. It will work and isn't hard on feet/knees. There was a time in my life when I biked a lot and my legs were rock hard. I didn't do it for training so there was no real method and I didn't do anything else either. It just takes time up out of your day - probably more time than weight training - but it is way more fun if you ask me :) I was single and had no kids then so time wasn't an issue.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    you want to lose fat eat at a deficet...that will get rid of the rub.

    I wear short shorts with no rub...50lbs later...

    I do squats and DL during my lifting...but it's the fact fat is gone not that I do those exercises.
  • jessie62993
    jessie62993 Posts: 27 Member
    alternating from ..SPRINT, Jog, Walk then repeat, instead of steady run.

    Start with a jog for 60sec to warm up
    - then sprint for 30secs
    - then walk or jog for 60
    - repeat

    start with 5min and progress when able to 10-15min and so on

    I like that. It sounds manageable.
  • Rocky791
    Rocky791 Posts: 52 Member
    I just got a rowing machine since I have foot problems and running is not a good option for me.
  • The God Forsaken Stair Master for 60 minutes with intermittent levels of intensity and back leg kicks and side steps/leg raises has really helped the appearance in my legs (which are the worst, well, one of the many worst body parts). Also, Sephora/Ulta carries this amazing product topical to help in the prevention of the side effects in which you call the 'chub hub'. It's an aqua color and near the checkouts. I'm too tired to look in the bedroom when I currently have a date with Sofa City. I am not allowed to run, so my cardio is step master, spin, and elliptical (although the elliptical is too easy for me). I also suggest weight training for legs, and squats, squats, squats. Best of luck
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    Yeah any type of cardio really machines - rower, stairmaster, cross trainer, bike, treadmill or cardio based gym classes. HIIT training is good, high intensity for short intervals.