Advice onFeeling Tired and Bloated

I have been feeling extremely exhausted for the last few months, along with stomach bloating. I go from having a flat stomach in the mornings, to looking pregnant by the afternoons. This is happening not everyday but almost.

I am 5'4" and around 125 (I fluctuate between 125-129). 3 days a week I do Jillian Michaels Shred it with Weights, Kettlebell DVD and 2 days a week I do a spin class for 55 minutes at the gym, then typically jog or something on the weekends. Rest/ walk on Sundays.

I did have my calories set at 1200 and eating back what I burn from exercising. I have plateaued and I would really like to lose about 5 more pounds. I am now wondering if that is way too little. (I know 5 pounds doesn't seem like a lot but I just feel better there, I had started Birth Control and then quit smoking and got up to 130).

I eat Overnight Oats for Breakfast (1/2 cup rolled oats, 1/2 almond milk, 1 tbsp chia seeds, cinnamon and half a banana) for breakfast and it keeps me full until lunch.

For lunch I'll have a salad (green leafy, spinach, carrotts, cucumber, green pepper, celery, sprinkle sliced almonds, sprinkle of cheese) with light honey mustard dressing, and 2 oz of low sodium turkey, and an apple.

It's always between 2 and 3 that i'll get bloated and my stomach looks like i am pregnant (even my husband couldn't deny it!)

Around 3ish I typically have some fruit for a snack (half a banana and a cutie orange).

And I have a dinner, typically pretty healthy, fish or chicken a carb and veggie. But I dont really restrict myself for dinner.

I can not figure out what is causing my bloating when I have been eating the same type of salad for a year and the Over night oats for a few months but it doesn't happen every day. Plus I am so tired. I wonder if I am not eating enough? I feel like I feel worse now that i have started eating better.

Any ideas?


  • jodybo2
    jodybo2 Posts: 116 Member
    I have the same problem. I would like to hear ideas as well.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Honestly.... are you pooping regularly?

    I found one signal my body gives me when I'm not eating enough is that I don't poop.

    In any case, when I'm not regular it does make me super bloated. Try and change up your diet a bit. Probiotics are also good for your stomach and can be found in Live and Active Culture yogurts or in separate pill form - but that can get pricey. Also in Kefir (I don't like that stuff though).

    Do you eat much with iron in it typically? Low iron levels can also cause fatigue and are common in many women. Are you taking a multivitamin?
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I'd suggest eating a proper amount of food. Your BMI is 21 you don't need to lose weight so why are you eating at a level to lose weight? If your after a 'look' try looking at some resistance training which will involve you eating more
  • lindsayk324
    lindsayk324 Posts: 54 Member
    Okay, here's the coolest part about being involved in your personal nutrition -- you are your own science experiment! Try something new, and if it doesn't work, you can always go back to what you were doing before or try something else!
    I did have my calories set at 1200 and eating back what I burn from exercising. I have plateaued and I would really like to lose about 5 more pounds. I am now wondering if that is way too little. (I know 5 pounds doesn't seem like a lot but I just feel better there, I had started Birth Control and then quit smoking and got up to 130).

    A couple of things here.

    First, birth control doesn't cause weight gain. ( ) This can be a hard self-narrative to correct, but there you have it.

    Second, you may actually need MORE calories. I'd enthusiastically encourage you to try increasing your caloric intake by 200-300 kcal for 6-8 weeks. See how your body responds to it. You can always go back to 1200 if you really honestly feel like your body is functioning better on the bare minimum it needs to be a living, breathing, well-running body.

    Third, try changing up your workout routine! If it doesn't feel "hard" anymore, then it might be time to try a new challenge. Is there anything you've been interested in learning? Boxing or yoga or aerobatics? Try it out!
    Plus I am so tired. I wonder if I am not eating enough? I feel like I feel worse now that i have started eating better.

    Unfortunately, it's tough to gauge your normal diet because your diary is closed. Maybe you could try slowly replacing your "normal" breakfast and lunch with something different, and see if any eliminated items are the bloating culprit.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What do you have weight loss rate set at on MFP? 2 lbs per week usually = 1200 starting calories.

    2 lbs per week with only 5 lbs to go is unrealistic. Change that to .5 lbs per week, eat what MFP tells you, including continuing to eat your exercise calories.

    I would also suggest trying a daily probiotic.

    If you continue to feel tired and bloated, then you may have developed a food intollerance. You can try eliminating foods one by one yourself to try and find out, or see a doctor and ask about an elimination diet and/or allergy test.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Feel free to friend me..

    I also experience bloat..more often during a time in my cycle RIGHT before my period starts..but I have battled bloat for years. Its lessened, but still there.

    I eat at least ONE greek yogurt a day now..and Ive found my bloating has decreased. I also take an anti gas supplement (Beano, ect) or Gas-X..mine is typically mid afternoon too.

    I will say, I am technically in maintenace..I recently upped my calories Id been eating (I still generally dont eat back my exercises calories) and Ive actually felt alot better..
  • mrslmartin1001
    mrslmartin1001 Posts: 23 Member
    I don't see your diary, so its hard to problem was breads, grains, wheat, anything doughy. I was having the same problem and cut my breads down by 99% and WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!!
    It cut the foggy headed dizziness out and the bloating and I dropped weight from all the fluid retention it was causing. I feel like a new person when I cut out those products.
    As someone above said, experiment, its not going to hurt and yes...if I don't eat and drink enough I don't poop either.
    It took me about 3 years of playing with the weight watchers, cal deficit, low fat ways until I had exhausted myself and tried cutting breads...worked like a charm!!
    Damon Light Activia yogurt is great to move your stomach to! 10 carbs, 7 sugar lots of protein...
    Hope this tid bit helps you!
    Just because one thing works for one doesn't mean it will for the other!!!
    Work with your body and listen to it :)
  • Carmen1003
    Carmen1003 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for all the input!

    I do take a multivitamin daily as well as fish oil.

    I have recently started having a hard time "going" regularly. I sometimes will go 2 or 3 days with out going. And that drives me nuts!

    I am going to start taking a probiotic to see if that will help. I bought one specifically to help with constipation and bloating.

    I have a hard time with getting stuck on the number I want to be at. I have upped my calories and am just trying to eat more nutritiously, vs worrying about the calorie number.

    I'll keep playing with my foods, to see if one thing is causing it or not.