
Is anyone doing Shaun T's T25 workout? If so, how is it?


  • toigeorge
    Im doing it...I have to take measurements on Saturday. I started yday and im excited about seeing results. I will keep you updated
  • RMZ2014
    RMZ2014 Posts: 31 Member
    I have been stuck on a plateau for the last 3 weeks so I decided I needed to try something else. I Started it on Saturday as well. It is difficult. I had been working out 4-5 x per week for 35- 55 minutes each time but obviously wasn't as intense as these workouts. I have done 3 of the 5 so far and I am definitely sore today which surprised me b/c I had been lifting weights consistently and this work out does not use any weights. I will let you know if I make any progress.
  • ericzanetti
    ericzanetti Posts: 41 Member
    Is anyone doing Shaun T's T25 workout? If so, how is it?

    Just finished Alpha on Sunday. Noticed improvements in my cardio and conditioning. Lost 8 lbs and can see the difference in the mirror.

    Starting P90X today.
  • Heather5424
    Heather5424 Posts: 3 Member
    Started Yesterday. Love it, but it wrecks me! I'm really into the high intensity/short duration workouts. keeps me motivated knowing its only a half hour so I get them in. I liked P90X but I just don't have time right to devote an hour or more to exercise, my kids are young. T25 is intense but not impossible and the infomercial comments are pretty true. Just when you feel like you can'y do anymore, it's time to bring the interval down. Not really a "break" but feels like by comparison. Even when I can't keep up with their pace I at least keep going to finish. Best of Luck if you get it!
  • mcnicola74
    Does anyone have the T25 workout DVDs they no longer use and are looking to sell?
  • RMZ2014
    RMZ2014 Posts: 31 Member
    I have been stuck on a plateau for the last 3 weeks so I decided I needed to try something else. I Started it on Saturday as well. It is difficult. I had been working out 4-5 x per week for 35- 55 minutes each time but obviously wasn't as intense as these workouts. I have done 3 of the 5 so far and I am definitely sore today which surprised me b/c I had been lifting weights consistently and this work out does not use any weights. I will let you know if I make any progress.

    I finished my 4th week of Alpha and I am down a dress size. The workouts are still really hard. My cardio improved a lot. I can now do the Cardio and Speed 1.0 workouts without a rest (almost:) But the Total Body Circuit is still really tough for me. I pause it a few times.
    I fit into pants I have not worn in years. I don't think I lost much weight, (I will weigh in in one week, when I finish Alpha) But I am pleased with the results so far. I am eating fairly well and logging my calories, but I will admit my diet could always improve a little. I did not do other workouts besides T25 so I think it is a pretty good trade off for 25 minutes 5 days a week and 50 minutes one day a week.

    Hopefully Beta can get me down one more size to goal:)
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I must be the oddball who did not enjoy T25. I love Shaun T, but found these workouts to be robotic and unmotivating. I didn't look forward to doing them, like I do some of my other workouts, including Shaun T's Hip Hop Abs.

    These workouts are difficult and will definitely make you sweat, though. I just didn't care for them.
  • JackieLivingHealthy
    JackieLivingHealthy Posts: 64 Member
    I am currently doing my second round of it. I completed the program late April, but did not get that great of results because I wasn't eating well. I just finished Week 1 of Alpha and am more conscience of what I'm eating. The first time I actually lost 1" off waist and 1" off hips. Nothing too significant. This time around I plan on KILLING IT!!!! The workouts are challenging for the allotted time - you work up quite a sweat in just 25 min! Feel free to add me! :-)
  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,063 Member
    Thank you for all reminding me how much I loved these workouts. I went through Alpha twice (yes, it took me two times to really be able to do it). I stopped because my workout partner quit and I didn't keep it up but that would be a great way for me to get back on track.
  • Monroe121
    Monroe121 Posts: 358 Member
    I must be the oddball who did not enjoy T25. I love Shaun T, but found these workouts to be robotic and unmotivating. I didn't look forward to doing them, like I do some of my other workouts, including Shaun T's Hip Hop Abs.

    These workouts are difficult and will definitely make you sweat, though. I just didn't care for them.

    HEY!! Thank you for your feedback! Are there any dvd's that you like?
  • Margarita1978
    This was the only program that gave me results. I love it!! (and hate it too...)
    I've been struggling with my weight for years, and nothing seemed to work. I must admit that I wasn't doing my part with the diet, thinking that exercise will burn the calories...boy I was wrong!! ... No exercise can fix a bad diet....

    So I bought "The Skinny Rules" from Bob Harper, and I got some of his DVD's but I wasn't seeing the results I wanted. Then I got T25, I followed the diet which is very similar to the rules from the book, and I did the Alpha and Beta phase of the program. I lost 15 pounds and my friends and family noticed the changes. I'm finally on my normal weight range!!

    I started a second round last week to loose the last 10 pounds, and I'm planing to buy the Gama phase of the program. The workouts are hard and you may feel that those are the 25 longest minutes of your life, but time goes fast and the results are wonderful!! Shaun T is a great trainer and motivator. :wink:
  • AnchoredinHimfitness
    I completed all 3 phases. Loved it and will do it again. I lost over 20lbs :)