How do you break through the metal barriers?

I'm having a really hard time staying motivated to exercise lately. I had the WORST attitude at hot yoga yesterday, and I haven't gone for a run in a long time. I have a major problem with wanting to see results NOW, and not having the endurance to stick with anything long enough for results. How do you guys stay motivated? How do you convince yourself to stay positive? What keeps you going on hard days/weeks? I guess sometimes the task of losing weight seems so daunting that I just shut down and convince myself that its not worth it because I'm not seeing results anyway. I need some helpful advice/ideas. Anyone?


  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
  • sana1314
    sana1314 Posts: 17 Member
    I hate cardio, running was like a torture....
    Tried Kenpo X, few times it was hard and then I just realized that I love it!!
    to this day I'm doing only fighting cardio, thats my thing....
    Find your thing!

    Have a problem with demanding results now?... forget about results!!!
    I know I'm stupid haha but look you just pushing yourself too hard...
    Have fun first and eat good healthy food!

    Don't like running? Then don't run, go try swimming, playing tennis, boxing..... whatever makes your mind happy and your body busy!
  • RachelRuns9
    RachelRuns9 Posts: 585 Member
    For me it's become routine now, and that really helps. Try making a schedule for your week so you are forced to do your workouts. Then, schedule your next week in advance, too. By the end of the month you'll be used to it again and perhaps it will stick for longer. I find that when I break my routine it is VERY difficult to get back into it - but you just have to push through! You can do it :)
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    I'm having a really hard time staying motivated to exercise lately. I had the WORST attitude at hot yoga yesterday, and I haven't gone for a run in a long time. I have a major problem with wanting to see results NOW, and not having the endurance to stick with anything long enough for results. How do you guys stay motivated? How do you convince yourself to stay positive? What keeps you going on hard days/weeks? I guess sometimes the task of losing weight seems so daunting that I just shut down and convince myself that its not worth it because I'm not seeing results anyway. I need some helpful advice/ideas. Anyone?

    I cannot take credit for this quote - but I think it's true.

    Being overweight is hard (or daunting)
    Losing weight is hard
    Maintaining weight is also hard

    So - pick your hard.

    If we let ourselves go and give up, we end up miserable and that's pretty daunting as well. I also believe that you need to find an activity that you enjoy. Sometimes I don't want to run or lift weights, but I know that when I'm done, I'm pretty proud of myself. I've tried a few activities that I didn't like, so I didn't stick with it.

    Try something new! A new class, biking, hiking, fly a kite, dance around, rent or stream a DVD, walk the neighborhood, borrow a dog or child and walk them. Run up stairs. Endless possibilities.

    Good luck!
  • gwencakes
    gwencakes Posts: 15 Member
    For me it's become routine now, and that really helps. Try making a schedule for your week so you are forced to do your workouts. Then, schedule your next week in advance, too. By the end of the month you'll be used to it again and perhaps it will stick for longer. I find that when I break my routine it is VERY difficult to get back into it - but you just have to push through! You can do it :)

    Totally agree. If it's a routine then it's just what I have to do next in my day. It's not an option, it's an appointment set I have to go to like any other part of my day!
  • wonderbeard101
    wonderbeard101 Posts: 75 Member
    It helps to have something that you enjoy and want to improve in. Then, set goals for yourself.

    For me, it's strength training and hitting certain numbers by the end of the year. Maybe for you it's cycling sprints, or being able to hold a really advanced yoga position for an extended time, or climbing that one wall, or whatever! Find something that you want be be better at and then train, train, train.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    I stopped trying to lose weight and just concentrate on my running. going for distance, duration. I enjoy running so it doesn't feel like a chore. in the end you lose weight. but while I'm running i'm just relaxing. letting my mind free and letting go for awhile.
  • josieconquerstheworld
    Thank you so much, everyone! These have all really helped. I love reading your advice.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Blow torch?
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Blow torch?

  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Sometimes you remember the last time you had to drag yourself kicking and screaming to do something and how great you felt afterward. You remember that afterward and make yourself do it again.

    As for breaking through metal barriers, very carefully (haven't had a tetanus shot in awhile) and only when I'm sure the cops aren't looking.
  • josieconquerstheworld
    Blow torch?

    Oh my! haha That's what I get for not proof reading. I didn't even notice I had done that. To clarify: mental* hahaha
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Blow torch?

    Oh my! haha That's what I get for not proof reading. I didn't even notice I had done that. To clarify: mental* hahaha


    Sorry. I couldn't resist.

    But to answer your question, sometimes you just have to push yourself through it. I often have to remind myself that while I have often regretted not doing a workout, I have never regretted doing one. Sometimes that helps.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    With a hack saw
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    I register for 5k's and such... this way I am not exercising just to exercise - I have a *bigger* purpose for my exercise. I am working towards a goal. Knowing I've paid the money and I am going to be racing helps keep me commited.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I'm having a really hard time staying motivated to exercise lately. I had the WORST attitude at hot yoga yesterday, and I haven't gone for a run in a long time. I have a major problem with wanting to see results NOW, and not having the endurance to stick with anything long enough for results. How do you guys stay motivated? How do you convince yourself to stay positive? What keeps you going on hard days/weeks? I guess sometimes the task of losing weight seems so daunting that I just shut down and convince myself that its not worth it because I'm not seeing results anyway. I need some helpful advice/ideas. Anyone?
    You need to find an exercise that you enjoy. if you don't enjoy running don't do it. Find something else. I love running but no matter waht I am not motivated all of the time, no one can be. Now though it's just habit the same way logging my food is. SOme days I love it and others I really wonder what I'm doing but habit keeps me going. Motivation in reality is highly over rated as that only gets you started.

    So look for exercises activities you may enjoy. Go walking, sign up for classes give wind surfing a go, try skateboarding, think what would you like to try and give it a go. You need to enjoy what you're doing otherwise whats the point?
  • AreUjoking2
    AreUjoking2 Posts: 142
    I used to be where you are today. I found my "thing", I ride. I bought a bike and just went for it. Now, I can't go a day without it. I get a "runners high". I started off with going 3 miles, that was 2 months ago, now I ride anywhere from 10-20 a day. You can free your mind, listen to music, feel the wind in your face. You just need to start something that you LOVE to do. Find your passion, your obsession and then it won't be a chore to do, you will want to do it. Try anything and everything until it clicks for you. Good luck on finding your passion!
  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    I try to get to know people at my gym to make the workouts a little more enjoyable and to give me something to look forward to. When I did classes, I showed up early and let the teacher know I was a noob. I talked to the teacher before and after class. Cardio is a little trickier but you could try catching people before or after. Exercise questions or general comments about the facility are good ice breakers.
  • sshields1975
    sshields1975 Posts: 22 Member
    Glad I found your topic. I feel like this everyday. I just can't picture the end result either. So thanks. I used this quote I found that said "It takes 21 days to get into a routine" I put a reminder in my phone to show this everyday and it did help with a fitness challenge I was doing. I won :) I need to do it again. It is about getting moving and just doing it, even if is just 15-30 minutes that day for me. Good Luck.
  • josieconquerstheworld
    I register for 5k's and such... this way I am not exercising just to exercise - I have a *bigger* purpose for my exercise. I am working towards a goal. Knowing I've paid the money and I am going to be racing helps keep me commited.

    Wow, that is SUCH a great idea. Why haven't I thought of this? Thank you! Now, I will have to get over my commitment issues. haha That's great!