Looking for motivation

Hello, I am Tiffany. This is my second bout on MFP. I started this journey in 2012 and was not very successful as I did not find myself dedicating time and energy into losing weight. I joined my local YMCA in July of 2013 (with help from my children who wanted swimming lessons) and had a trainer take my proper measurements and show me the ropes at the gym. I dedicated an hour or more each day Monday-Thursday at the gym doing cardio and strength training. I love working out. I love the feeling I get after I have completed a routine. However my husband was laid off in November ( steel fabricator and does not work in winter months) and I started to slack off on going to the gym or even doing at home challenges I was doing. I thought it was great to have him home all day and that we got to catch up on time to spend together But my body didn't think so. I put back on all the weight I worked so hard to lose. I recently quit smoking (three months smoke free) and found that I turn to "treats" when I get the urge to smoke. My husband is back to work I have been back to the gym and doing my home workouts and started walking but I don't feel like I am seeing any results and I am having the worst time trying to find to motivation to get out the door. So I was wondering what everyone else does for motivation on the days you don't feel like doing anything... HELP


  • jfarber85
    Tiffany, hi! I'm Jessie. After a nasty separation and divorce I connected with myself last year and started eating better, exercising and lost nearly 40lbs. I am in a more comfortable place emotionally and in a new relationship and I have hit a rut and put on 20 of those pounds. I'm determined to not to backslide anymore and get back to where I was physically because I was happier there. I have hard time finding motivation because my fiance works nights, which leaves me at home with my 3 year old by myself during the evening. By the time she goes to bed, I have no motivation to take care of myself. I'm also looking for that thing that jump starts my motivation!! I could help by being someone to bounce ideas off and be a support system. Friendsies?
  • Itsallsolame
    Hi there, I am new here too and thought this would help me as I am the same as you, I lack motivation. Last year I started going to the gym and went for over 6 months but started slacking off again in the winter months and the weight slowly came back on. This year I have been going here and there but not consistently. I think the best thing is to try and find someone else to exercise with who is trying to lose a similar amount of weight as you are. I find it helps being with someone who also is keen to lose weight and who is at the same fitness level as you are. Whenever I have gone to the gym with friends who are fit and in shape I feel I can't keep up with them and it makes me feel bad again and I'll start to slack off and comfort eat. Obviously Im not saying it's bad as it's great seeing someone work out who is in shape but being with someone similar to you just means you can both have a goal together and you can both relate to the feeling off being overweight.

    If you want to add me on here I am more than happy as would like to have people to talk too to help motivate me. I am not a big eater (although I do eat too much chocolate), for me it's all about the exercise and trying to do much more of it.

    Well done on stopping smoking by the way! :)

    Eloise. x
  • diggerjcb1966
    Hi Tiffany, my name is Joy, I am 48 years old and a Mum of two gorgeous girl's. I have a very supportive husband but that's not always enough.. I have been a yo-yo dieter most of my life and have decided just to be sensible about my weight loss expectations; I'm going for a pound a week over 35 weeks and started 5 days ago (so far so good). I have signed up for pilates and a weekly dance class to boost my calorie burn and get me fit.
    I am a comfort eater; if I am down or having a bad day, I turn to food. I am also a big reader and have a tendency to snack whilst doing this. My motivation is my health; I am classed as obese and I really don't want to end up with Type 2 diabetes. I also have some other health issues and my doctor believes changing my diet and adding exercise will help with them. So, that's the plan.
    I know I will want to snack but I just have to remind myself WHY I am doing this and that no one else can do it for me. This is why I am on here; everyone is going through the same stuff, no matter what they want to lose. We are all doing it for different reasons but the end result is the same. Please add me and we will help each other through.