About to be 30yo Female 5'10" 302.7lb

Hello everyone! Nice to meet you all! :-) I started this journey not able to fit on my mother-in-laws scale which I then learned I was over 330lbs so who really knows how much I weighed at my heavist, but I am guessing like 345. I sorta halfassed eating right and "exercising" cause I was certain I had a thyroid problem or some other reason I am so overweight. (Didn't want to admit i am an overeating, not enough exercising person) SO I went to the doctor and had her test everything she could test and it all came back normal (which even she seemed surprised about) That's when it got real and I was like ok no more excuses this is all within your control. I asked her to help me lose weight and she told me about diet pills but I do NOT want to take those things...the heart problems associated with them is scary. So she suggested Garcina Cambogia which I don't know if its mind over matter but I feel it is helping me.

On that note...I think I have been doing pretty good and am 2.7lbs away from my first goal of 300lbs! I will be starting at Planet Fitness on April 30, 2014 (When they open) and hope to be at my first goal and ready to start a new one. I have been using Garcina Cambogia and eating 1300-1500 cal a day. My job is sedetary as I am on a computer all day long. I have been taking the stairs and parking in the basement so I have to walk up them to get to my building. I am ready for the next step of adding exercise but I am also scared about it. Everytime I have tried to stick to it I always fall off that wagon and I REALLY want this time ot be different. I am the smallest weight I have been in YEARS and I wanna get to 200lb or less.

SO here is to staying motivated and positive and thankyou all for the posts cause I love to read all the encouraging words and progress stories you all post. Hope to see you all around!


  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Hey there!! I started my weight loss "journey" (even though I don't like that term for it) at 5'8" 307 lb, and possibly could have been heavier than that even...not sure. But I just wanted to say welcome, and I hope you will find this site as helpful as I have!!

    Like you, when I was at my highest weight, I assumed that I had some sort of thyroid disorder, metabolic syndrome, disease, or "at the very least" PCOS...and finding out I had none of the above was what motivated me to get started! I am now at 186 lb. For me MFP was the fastest and most helpful thing of all. It took me 4+ years to drop 45 lb on my own through exercise and trying to eat less food and healthier food...it wasn't until I started logging here and counting calories that I've dropped 76 lb in about 13 months. Hopefully you will find it similarly 'easy' -- no it's not easy -- but easier than going it alone!!!
  • MrsJennaKwasniewski
    MrsJennaKwasniewski Posts: 204 Member
    So awesome! As much as I want this weight off I still struggle on a daily basis with wanting to give up. I will be going to the Caribbean with my husband in December and would love to be 270 when we go. Hopefully I can reach and/or surpass that goal. MY problem was/is I put to much pressure on myself and expect great changes in small periods of time OR I think im gonna bet Super Fitness Girl! and of course I have NEVER been that so I fall off that wagon lol.

    I am gonna try to trick myself into getting fit by waking up at 6am and going to the gym...getting it over with and then not having to think about it all day and talk myself out of going afterwork sort of thing. I think this will be helpful for me and I just need prayers that I can stick to it!

    Thanks so much for your encouraging words and gooooooood luck!
  • rmercadogurl
    rmercadogurl Posts: 3 Member
    WE are all in this together.
  • KaysKidz
    KaysKidz Posts: 208 Member
    Welcome! I'm 44, 5'11" and started out right at 300. I was devastated to see that number. But it was the kick in the rear I needed to realize I couldn't keep abusing my body the way I had been. Eventually, it would kill me. A month or so ago, I made the decision that I needed to make a change. I needed to find my new forever. I have dropped 11.2lbs in that time and I feel well on my way that I can do this! It's no longer about vanity, but getting healthy. What ever that weight ends up being. I'm in it for the long haul!
  • Lizabelle1212
    Lizabelle1212 Posts: 252 Member
    Hey there, and welcome! Sounds like we're in a similar boat - I'll be 28 this year, I'm 5'11", and my highest weight was 298.6 (that number will forever be burned into my brain lol). I'm currently down to about 274, with an ultimate goal weight of about 180, but my initial goal weight is 250. You can do it, but like you said, don't put unrealistic expectations on yourself (I'm the exact same way), and I have also found that if I just dive in and get obsessed with being "Super Fit Girl" then I am just setting myself up for failure, because it wears me out. It's tough to find a happy medium that is sustainable long term, but starting with baby steps and mini goals seems to help a lot. Good luck and feel free to add me if you want! =)
  • DCarney
    DCarney Posts: 38 Member
    I am 36 yrs old, mom to 2 beautiful boys and fairly close to hitting my goal. I have been using MFP for about 7 months and I'm just now connecting with people via message boards. My "story" is that I injured my back while 5 months pregnant last year. I was unable to workout or even go to work for that matter. I was miserable and even though I didn't gain much weight during pregnancy, I had so much trouble losing it afterwards because of the back injury. I finally had an epidural 3 months postpartum and was able to start exercising a week later. I lost my baby weight and then some. I have a goal to be the fittest, healthiest ME... as I still have to be mindful of my spine and also have some other health issues that could catch up with me down the road. I am looking to connect with some gals who are looking to do the same.
  • reese2282
    reese2282 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! You are doing an amazing job! 30 lbs lost is impressive!

    I am 31, and at 286 lbs. I joined a few months ago when I began having serious health problems, and am now on a journey needing to lose about 120lbs. In October, I was diagnosed with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (Pseudotumor Cerebri) which was quite literally blinding me. Within a month's time, I had lost 90% of the vision in my left eye, and 70% of the vision in my right eye. It was incredibly scary, and required that I be rushed into surgery to have a VP shunt placed in my brain. Because being female, overweight, and on birth control are all risk factors for this condition, I am determined to lose the weight and hopefully put the whole disorder into remission. After surgery, I was on bedrest for 8 weeks, and gained even more weight, the highest of which landed me at 297lbs. That number will forever be burned into my brain. It's tough getting started, as I still have a ton of fatigue, but I have lost about 20 lbs in the past three months just by watching what I eat. Of course, I have learned that giving and getting support along the way really makes a difference, so let me know if you need a cheerleader from my end!

    I think my biggest revelation is realizing how emotional my eating patterns are, and that will be my focus as I really try to get healthy, body and mind. It's great "meeting" you! Thanks for being brave and introducing yourself!
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    I am 36 yrs old, mom to 2 beautiful boys and fairly close to hitting my goal. I have been using MFP for about 7 months and I'm just now connecting with people via message boards. My "story" is that I injured my back while 5 months pregnant last year. I was unable to workout or even go to work for that matter. I was miserable and even though I didn't gain much weight during pregnancy, I had so much trouble losing it afterwards because of the back injury. I finally had an epidural 3 months postpartum and was able to start exercising a week later. I lost my baby weight and then some. I have a goal to be the fittest, healthiest ME... as I still have to be mindful of my spine and also have some other health issues that could catch up with me down the road. I am looking to connect with some gals who are looking to do the same.

    I hate to intrude on this thread, but you are NOT 36 years old?! There's no way lol...
  • gurlygirlrcr80
    gurlygirlrcr80 Posts: 162 Member
    Hey you can do it! Every journey is different and it will not be easy. You will want to quit ,self sabotage and fight yourself, but if you stick with it...pretty soon all that will go away and you will start to love yourself, love your fitness and drive for more. Just stick with it :) it's worth it!
  • pyramid918
    pyramid918 Posts: 23 Member
    I started very close to where you are; 31, 6'0, 290lb. Granted, I do have PCOS so my weight issues and ways to deal with them are probably different than most. Ease yourself in to the gym life and STICK WITH IT. If you aren't used to an active gym life then it might really suck in the beginning but hang in there :) I am at my best when I start my day with a good dose of cardio and lifting and I really used to dread it. Stock up on motivational friends and remember that every step forward, no matter how small, is good and heading in the right direction.
  • megans1980
    megans1980 Posts: 22 Member
    Im so happy you posted. I am right there with you in pretty much every way :) I am 5'7 and 292 right now. I actually get my results back from from my 10 million tests April 30th. I was so terrified she would say nothing was wrong and it was all ME....that I joined MFP and started a life style change. It has only been 13 days for me and yet a struggle daily. I would LOVE to be MFP friends and write back and forth if you need a friend!
  • mandamylee
    mandamylee Posts: 2 Member
    You can do it. It's a long but rewarding journey!! :)

    I'm 32 and around 5'8. My highest weight was 304 at the beginning of 2010. At least that's the highest I saw it on a scale - getting on a scale was not something I did very often so it could have been higher. I randomly lost 30 lbs over a year in 2010. I came to find out that I was diabetic and instead of using that as motivation to lose more weight - I put on 13 lbs.
    In February of last year I finally got motivated and joined weight watchers at 287lbs. I lost around 9lbs before switching to MFP a month or so later.

    I've lost around 83lbs since February of last year and am now 100lbs from my heaviest. I'm really excited to hit my next goal of 199. I haven't been under 200 since i was probably 14 years old!

    Stay active. That's where I really struggled in the beginning. Now I'm going to the gym six days a week. And while I don't love it everyday - I also don't hate it. And some days - it's my favorite place to be. I never ever in a million years thought that I would be this girl.

    Remember that there will be bad days. Just don't let the bad days turn into bad weeks. Stay positive and keep up the good work. :)
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    Good luck on your journey, you can do this!!!
    I am 34, 5'3" and started out at 270, anyone can do this, you just have to put your mind to it! :drinker:
  • MrsJennaKwasniewski
    MrsJennaKwasniewski Posts: 204 Member
    Thank you! I have never in my life wanted to be a loser so badly....a 100lb loser that is! Someday I hope to be and until then I am sure there will be alot of wanting to give up at the gym but I am looking forward to it opening so that is a good start. :)

    Congrats on all your hard work!!