Zumba questions

bubblie117 Posts: 78 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Does anyone here do Zumba? I've heard good things about it but it would be nice to talk to people who have actually done it. I've been really interested in it and thinking of doing it. Any comments/ suggestions will be greatly appreciated! :smile:


  • I dont do zumba classes, but I do have the dvd's and I LOVE it! If you like dancing you will definitely love it. I'm a non dancer but I still love it. Its a great workout. I have a cardio, flat abs and full body sculptor oh and 20 min express for zumba. Even the 20 min express is great!

    I say give it a try!
  • I'm uncoordinated and have NO rhythm whatsoever and I love Zumba! I've been to a handful of classes at the gym before, and for Christmas my hubby got me Zumba for the Wii and I love that, too. Fun, fun, fun!
  • Thank you for posting this. I have been wanting to try it out also, but working grave shift I don't seem to make it to the classes. I will have to purchase the dvd and/or maybe get the one for Wii. My kids just got a Wii and I need to put it to good use. lol I bought the book about Zumba but not the dvds yet.
  • i didnt like the dvds but i do the classes at the gym and i love them! so much fun! and i great workout too!! :bigsmile:
  • bubblie117
    bubblie117 Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks guys! I appreciate all the advice keep it coming!

    rshellb- I know what you mean with the weird schedule, I have a lot of the dance games for the wii and I like it, I bet your kids will too!

    Ang2323- what didn't you like about the dvd's? I think I will like the classes better too I'm more motivated to do it that way
  • MrsRawwwr
    MrsRawwwr Posts: 166 Member
    I love Zumba! The important thing to remember when you start, though, is that it will take some time to get down all the moves. Don't worry!! It will happen eventually. And don't let yourself feel like a fool, everyone was new at some point. Just smile and have fun...the important thing is that you are moving!
  • acode
    acode Posts: 1
    I have gone to several Zumba classes. They are a lot of fun, if you like latin dance, but be warned it is a very high impact, hard core work out. I took some dance classes when I was younger and thought I would be able to pick up the moves fairly easily... not the case. I ALWAYS feel like I have two left feet when I go. I think the thing to keep in mind is that it's about getting up and moving and having fun, not being so focused on doing the moves correctly. Good luck and I hope you have a great time!
  • I love the classes! The great thing is that they are always rotating a new set of move into the class and rotating a set of move out. So after you have attended several times you should be familiar with most of the moves, but also be learning a new set of moves. It keeps it interesting and new, yet you will still get to do dances you have come to know. It is great for the hips and waistline so make sure you take advantage of the hip action filled moves to help tone those muscles. Many community programs now have classes and they are also at many of the bigger gyms. The fun thing is there are people of all ages and shapes and sizes, also people of all ability levels so you won't feel intimidated. Have fun!
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    I love Zumba; I've been going to classes for a year now. I have the DVDs, too, but I like the atmosphere and vibe and fun of the classes so much more. And you get to learn so many more and newer dances than the selection (which is several years old now) on the DVDs. I think the major thing about classes, though, is finding the right instructor fit for yourself. Everybody will have a personal preference for the type of instructor they enjoy. Have fun and enjoy it!
  • LetItBe4Sanity
    LetItBe4Sanity Posts: 41 Member
    I love Zumba! The important thing to remember when you start, though, is that it will take some time to get down all the moves. Don't worry!! It will happen eventually. And don't let yourself feel like a fool, everyone was new at some point. Just smile and have fun...the important thing is that you are moving!

    Very, very good advice. I recently started taking step classes, and for awhile felt like an absolute idiot because I kept messing up (you'd be amazed at what they make you do!). I've been too chicken to try the zumba classes yet... I'd definitely have to take a friend. But I'm glad you brought this up, I just might go try it now :)
  • bubblie117
    bubblie117 Posts: 78 Member
    I am glad to see so many people love it! Does anyone think it has significantly helped their weight loss? my problem is I need to get moving- along with eating well which I am working on as well. I get bored with exercise easily, but I think I will like this because I was in dance (classes) until I was 16.
  • nikkiloh
    nikkiloh Posts: 12 Member
    i am new to this, wha is zumba?
  • bubblie117
    bubblie117 Posts: 78 Member
    i am new to this, wha is zumba?

    Zumba is a form of workout classes/ dvd's based on latin music/dance. Here's the website http://www.zumba.com/us/
  • nikkiloh
    nikkiloh Posts: 12 Member
  • nikkiloh
    nikkiloh Posts: 12 Member
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Honestly? t's not hard enough for me. When I work out I want sweat and lots of it!!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I love Zumba.....I was walking for excercise so adding Zumba was nice to switch things up...
    I honestly dont feel like I'm exercising just having fun....when I first started my appetite went crazy though I found I was hungry all the time...it took me a while to get my calorie amount just right to compensate for this new workout.....but then things got better and I started to lose weight, which was good cause I had plateaued for about 4 weeks.....Bu then there was christmas :angry:

    Hpwever I plan on using ZUmba alot more to help me get to my goal in 2011
  • I am really glad you posted this!:smile: I too have been wantng to take a Zumba class but have been really nervous and didn't know what to expect. I was going to try one out a few weeks ago but it turned out the class was cancelled for that day. I did get the change to hop in on part of a spin class... I actually really enjoyed it! But be warned, it is hard. Please let me know how you enjoyed the Zumba class!!:flowerforyou:
  • I love Zumba! When I first started I had no idea what I was doing lol It's a great workout....you get what you put into it!
  • My wife is a certified Zumba instructor now after falling in love with it last year. She already has like 6 classes a week and gets calls to do more (but the body can only take so much). It was already mentioned, but the instructor has a lot to do with it so try a few different classes before deciding if its for you. Some are 20-yr old hip hop college gals, some are 40+ and geared towards that age group, etc. My wife tries to make it enjoyable for the non-dancer yet challenging. She has people from teenagers to 70 in her classes! She's not on this Board, but i'm sure (hope!) she'd be happy to answer any other questions if ya want to contact her directly. On the Zumba website, go to Find Instructor, By Location, type in Byron Center and she is first on the list.
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