
So I've been plateaued since September-ish, floating between 142-138 pounds or so. Since that time, I've become fitter - I can run 4, nearly 5 miles now without stopping, and I can lift more weight and people notice that I've gotten a bit thinner or whatever. I still don't feel the best, I'm still not feeling great about my body... I know I have to continue intensifying my exercise and all that, but what's really getting me is what/how I'm eating. Obviously I can't meticulously count every single calorie, but I'm not sure what my intake should be. Some days are my rest days and I feel like I can barely stay below 1350 calories (which isn't even a 1lb/week rate of weight loss), but on days that I exercise, where my allotted calories are up in the 1800 range, I feel almost guilty if I eat that much, and I try to stay under. I don't want to deprive myself, and I know that slow, steady weight loss is the way to go, but I feel sort of hopeless. I'll eat well for a few days then cave, and I'm never eating below 1300 calories... ever. I don't want to deprive myself.

If anybody has any suggestions please go for it... I don't want to think about this so much, but I really do want to lose my flab-ness. Thanks!


  • torrtorrr
    i too have be plateauing for a while now, and it is so frustrating! when your constantly working out and eating right and don't see that change on the scale its the worst thing ever! you're right by not depriving yourself, eating too few calories can lead to weight gain and especially if your exercising a lot you need to make sure that your eating an adequate amount of calories. i notice in myself that my body gets very used to me eating the same foods, so try and switch up your diet. also switch up the amount of calories your eating. some days eat 200 calories over your net calorie intake, some days eat a little under, and some days eat the right amount. this keeps your metabolism constantly running. i have noticed too that if i don't follow calories one day, and the go right back on my schedule the next day (say for the holiday) my weight has actually gone done. i think its because it gives my metabolism a little extra boost and makes it work a little harder which speeds it up! also switch up your exercise routine because your body becomes acustomed to that too. hope i helped a little bit! good luck to you and hopefully we get out of this plateau!
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    thanks for the advice!!
  • lordofultima
    nutrition is the reason you plateau, not amount of exercise. eat a reasonable calorie deficit (read: reasonable, not insane), and make sure you eat healthy food in general. Complex carbohydrates, plenty of fiber, vegetables to get your vitamins and minerals, lots of water, and a good amount of lean protein and healthy fats. Try increasing your calories. Sounds weird, but try it.
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    I just recently came out of not eating enough calories and plateaued for over a month. I even gained some weight back. I was so sad and frustrated. I was working out EVERYDAY burning like 500-600-700 calories a day just on working out!! I was seeing no changes. I was eating 1200 calories a day give or take 100!! Some really great people on here mentioned that I was starving my body and it was storing everything I gave it. I just started eating more ( still healthy for the most part, but more) and now my hunger pains are back and I have more motivation again, I am not so tired, feel happier, going to the washroom more (TMI) I actually feel like drinking water again. I have not weighed myself since I started eating more but I can just tell things are progressing again!! Switching things up is a major aspect in losing weight! Feel free to PM me if you have more questions:) I would love to help you out!
  • nikkiloh
    nikkiloh Posts: 12 Member
    this advice sounds good because previously i have been eating 1200 calories a day and working out in the gym 1 1/2 hours of cardio everyday and i acually started to gain weight. i was over 300 lbs and lost 30 lbs and boom!!! i started to gain weight instead of losing and i got frustrated and quit going.