Anyone afraid to bulk?



  • ars1300
    ars1300 Posts: 159 Member
    I myself did struggle with adding weight and transitioning into a kind of bulking stage after dieting down for a figure show. But I love lifting and enjoy lifting heavy, so that feeling of lots more energy, feeling strong and see ing more muscles keeps me going!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    It's not so bad.
    120lb->130lb after bulk
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member

    Especially since its getting warmer, and I JUST bought my first ever bikini.
    But, either bulking and gaining fat, or all bloated now - either way I wont be happy in it, so its best to just rock the confidence and wear it abyway, regardless if im losing or gaining I guess!

    Thats my thing, I know itll be super uncomfortable to gain mentally, but youre right .. youre seeing results so when you cut itll be even better

    It will probably be easier on you if you increase your calories incrementally each week and 'work up' to the bulk. Taking it slow = much less opportunity for mental freakouts. Setting non-aesthetic goals during the bulk can help to motivate you, too...although I also have my first ever bikini stored away (as much in the back of my mind as it is in my drawer).