Has anyone tried a vegan/plant based diet?

I definitely wouldn't call myself a "vegan" but I try to eat a plant based diet as much as I can. It's the only thing that seems to keep me on track. When I eat non-vegan, I binge like crazy and I can't stop… it's bad. I'm 90% more likely to reach for a banana rather than a donut when I eat plant based. Has anyone else tried it? Maybe in the future I'll be more strict with it but right now I just take it day by day!

Feel free to add me by the way, my diary is open :)


  • I'm a vegan. And I promise there are still plenty of unhealthy junky snacks that I could reach for. Lately I have chosen not to but if you do your research and make sure you are getting all of your nutrients, vegan is a killer way to live. My energy levels are 10x higher than they were. I'm attempting to do vegan and gluten free (hopefully for the long run) but its so hard and it will cut my available snacks by like 75%. Feel free to add me. We can exchange recipes or something :)
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    In my second year now- feeling great!
  • Vegnanimous
    Vegnanimous Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a vegetarian that avoids dairy --sometimes-- but not all of the time. I am super happy with it! I have a ton more energy, my joints don't hurt, my back doesn't hurt (I have nerve damage from an accident a few years back, and it stopped hurting when I gave up meat) and I feel less "foggy" which is wonderful. It is not in any way an answer to losing weight, though. I'm a fat vegetarian (and am correcting that now!) and have many heavy/obese vegetarian friends. I was a vegan for a few months and did not lose a single pound, either. I am definitely MUCH healthier, though, but it makes me sad that some people think it is a quick fix to being suddenly skinny when it is not.
  • I've been a vegetarian for 4 years now, and it I don't think I'll ever go back. You can still eat very unhealthy and be a vegetarian. But it makes me more conscious of what I want to eat. Nomeatathlete.com is a great blog when you're looking for information on nutrition for vegetarian and vegan athletes. For the past couple of months I have trying to eat clean (as little processed food as possible) and mostly vegan, and I have never felt better. I think vegetarian clean eating is the best way to sustainable weight loss and feeling great. Of course I cheat, but drinking alcohol, and eating pizza or chocolate feels a lot better, when you take good care of yourself most of the time. :smile: Feel free to add or message me, I'd love to share my Pinterest recipe collection.
  • KardioKim
    KardioKim Posts: 160 Member
    Lifelong vegetarian. Eggs, cheese and chocolate hang me up every time.

    Sometimes I can go for weeks vegan but then the need for cheese kicks in...

    Feel free to add me. There is strength in numbers. :-)
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    i"m trying a vegetarian cleanse. My daughter loves going vegetarian every few months to cleanse her body but actually found a well written "CLEANSE" that allows you to eat while omitting sodium/ sugar/ meat from the eating plan. I prefer to eat on a cleanse, than to starve and only drink juices that will spike my glucose levels.

    This is only my second day, but it's been wonderful! :love: Reintroducing me to quinoa and tofu, as well as balsamic and apple cider vinegars. I love spices/ onion/ garlic/ herbs. So this way of healthy eating is PERFECT for me! :drinker:

    I hope to get more vegetarian recipes but only from a well researched nutritionists. I have confidence that the 2 professionals that wrote this 5 Day Cleanse are quite capable and educated in this field. I get breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner.
    I'm eating more food now than I do when i'm "dieting"... and yet by entering it in my fitness pal I have the reassurance that I'm staying within my caloric daily goal.

    My sisters are vegan and pescaterians. I hope to continue eating meat.. but only maybe 1X a week compared to my old habit of 7X a week. It'll be more of a treat now than a staple.