Anyone else find this?

toludc Posts: 49 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
So I see all these MFP-ers who weigh-in and lose  a pound here and there on a fairly consistent basis. 

However,  I seem to stay on the same weight for a week - ten days, and then suddenly drop 3-4 pounds on a random weigh-in. Even though my diet and exercise has been consistent and usually i have stepped up the exercise. I get bored easily so Im always changing it up a bit.

 Anyone else find this?


  • booboomagoo
    booboomagoo Posts: 28 Member
    Yes, this is me to a T! I'll go a week or two with nothing, then over the course of a day or two, drop 2-5 lbs.
  • That happens to me as well.....and I actually weighed less when I started MFP, but that was just before Thanksgiving. Now that the holidays are over I seem to be losing weight again. YEAH!
    Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
  • ktthompson2003
    ktthompson2003 Posts: 4 Member
    Well I had a plateau for a month or so before I started using MFP but now I'm pretty consistent. But as far as the bored part just change it up a bit. If you are a member of a gym take advantage of the classes they offer. I have a personal trainer but I still go to Zumba 3 times a week. Zumba is super fun!!!! If you can't take a class in the gym you can always buy the dvds for at home or play it on a game console. I have it on the Wii and it gives me a pretty good workout. I have several other workout games such as Golds Gym Dance Workout and Wii Fit Plus that keep me from being bored with just the usual cardio on an ellipitcal.
    Exercise can be fun!!!!

    SW: 150
    CW: 129
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