How i train for a 96km trail run.

mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
This will be my longest endurance event yet. I've called on some of Australia's leading endurance athletes to help me sort out my program and i'm excited to see if i can meet my goal of 20hrs.

Wk 1.
monday - 2hr morning walk with 10kg with pack -30min sprint intervals to warm up. mon afternoon - Stronglifts + leg workout 1.

Tuesday - Incline treadmill 1hr max incline with 10kg pack, abs

Wednesday - 1hr morning walk with 10kg day pack 30min sprint intervals to warm up. wed afternoon - Stronglifts + leg workout 2.

Thursday - 45 min running session on dreadmill with 5kg day pack – 10min slow jog warm up – 5x 5min incline walk/2min flat run. abs.

Friday - 30min run - Stronglifts + leg workout 3.

Saturday - 3hr team walk with 10kg day pack + nutrition

EASTER - Rest and yoga

Wk 2.

Monday - 2hr morning walk with 10kg day pack, sprint intervals to warm up. Mon afternoon - Stronglifts + leg workout 1.

Tuesday - Incline treadmill 1.5hr with 10kg day pack. - 1hr max then decrease 2 for 2 min increase 1 for 1 min – repeat for 30min. Abs.

Wednesday - 1hr morning walk with 10kg day pack, 30min sprint intervals to warm up. Wed afternoon - Stronglifts + leg workout 2.

Thursday - 55min run session on dreadmill with 5kg day pack – 10min slow jog – 5x 5min incline walk/4min flat run. Abs.

Friday - 30min run. Stronglifts + leg workout 3.

Saturday - 3.5hr team walk with 10kg pack + nutrition.

Sunday - Rest and yoga

Wk 3.

Monday - 2hr morning walk –with 10kg weight pack, 30min sprint intervals to warm up. afternoon - Stronglifts + leg workout 1.

Tuesday - Incline treadmill 1.5hr with 10kg day pack - 1hr max then decrease 2 for 2 min increase 1 for 1 min – repeat for 30min. Abs

Wednesday - 1hr morning walk with 10kg day pack - 30min sprint intervals to warm up. afternoon - Stronglifts + leg workout 2.

Thursday - 60min run session on dreadmill with 5kg day pack – 5min slow jog – 5x 5min incline walk/6min flat run . Abs.

Friday - Stronglifts + yoga

Saturday - Rest

Sunday - 30km trail run (i will view this as a training run and will have nutrition and pace for the big one in mind)

Wk 4.

Rest week

Monday - 1hr walk no weight and yoga
Tuesday - 1hr walk no weight and yoga
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - 30min walk no weight
Friday - 1hr walk no weight
Saturday - Team walk 4.5 hrs with nutrition pack.
Sunday - Rest and yoga

Phew! I love this part of race prep. the next 4 weeks will be focusing on pace and the next 4 weeks will be ironing out nutrition and tapering towards the end. :)


  • RachelX04
    RachelX04 Posts: 1,123 Member
    wow girl, sounds intense.
  • Bounce2
    Bounce2 Posts: 138 Member
    Kokoda on the Gold Coast?? Should be ALOT of fun.. Get that elevation training going from day dot!! This has been on my bucket list since a couple of my friends did it a few years ago.. Damn you work, LOL. Go get it I say :smile:
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    Kokoda on the Gold Coast?? Should be ALOT of fun.. Get that elevation training going from day dot!! This has been on my bucket list since a couple of my friends did it a few years ago.. Damn you work, LOL. Go get it I say :smile:

    YEP - Gold Coast here i come. NO elevation training out here - FLAT FLAT AND MORE FLAT! This is why i've included so much leg work and dreadmill days. Heaps of squats, lunges, step ups and downs, leg press....... My legs are going to be HUGE!! LOL :)
  • Bounce2
    Bounce2 Posts: 138 Member
    LOL Tree trunk legs are the new sexy didn't you know? Don't envy you the dreadmill days; although hills and stairs suck a@@ when you have to do them often enough... Have fun on the coast, I WILL get there one day!!