Been flirting for a while, deciding to jump in right abooooo

prototype Posts: 14 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
oooooout.... now.

Hi. :)

I'm Prototype. I have to admit... My hopes aren't up real high, but I'm here willing to try. I've been trying to lose about half my weight for about 5 years now. Most of my life I've been over weight. I think I've tried some of everything since the age of 16. What I really want is to do this though adopting a new diet that I can keep up with for the rest of my life, and regular exercise. I'm hoping here, I can find some support / camaraderie that I don't have outside the cyber world.

A friend referred me here (since I'm online most of the day anyway) and I pretty much created a profile and then never came back. I'm now at the point where I want to do this for ME. I just know I need help to stay motivated because I do get discouraged rather easily when I start to think about the amount of weight I need and want to lose. In total according to the BMI chart I need to lose about 188 lbs (yikes!). I've never typed that out before. I'd be happy if I lost 173. :)

So I'm here, scared as hell... trying to figure out where to start and how to set myself up to win. Any suggestions?


  • linzismith
    linzismith Posts: 139 Member
    oatmeal. Oatmeal was my lifesaver. It's really filling and only has 150 calories. Cereal, on the other hand, usually has about 150, plus another 150 for milk, and it's not nearly as filling.

    I eat oatmeal for breakfast quite often, it frees up a lot of calories for the other meals.
  • hellokatee
    hellokatee Posts: 211 Member
    Track EVERYTHING that passes your lips! You can do it! I know it sounds daunting, but you wouldn't be here if you weren't heading in the right direction. I will friend you. :happy:
  • lady_hellis
    lady_hellis Posts: 20 Member
    Hi and welcome!! sounds to me like you need to stop thinking about the big number and set a mini goal, like 10 lbs. Then it wont be so scary and hard. when you make that goal then set another one. good luck and we are all here for you!

    Friend me if you want

  • Everyone's been in your mental state! So don't feel alone! We're all here to meet our goal. We'll help you only on one condition... You help us. Welcome. :)
  • singkat53
    singkat53 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Prototype,
    I can identify... I joined in October and really haven't done much with it. In the mean time I looked at lots of other sites, but this one seems like the most user friendly and seems to have a great community. I didn't get a feel for how old you are, or how long you have been one this journey to find your better self, but I have been there and done that for about forty years. I'd love to share some of the things I have learned. I am finally on the right path... Some of the things I heard years ago, but I never understood the logic in them, now I get it. I started in August at my highest weight of 276, I'm now at 260. Slow but steady... there is a story there, but I won't bore you.

    About you, I suspect there was a point in your life when you thought, 'I can't control this, I'm just always going to be fat.' It doesn't matter what has happened in the past. Every day, every meal, every breath is a chance for you to reset and make a good choice. Don't ever, EVER give up on yourself! Promise... even when you have setbacks.

    Things that help me get through the day without blowing it:
    Start your day with complex carbs like oatmeal or whole grains or a higher protein breakfast. (if you eat simple carbs, or simple sugars you will get a sugar high and when you crash you start craving that high all day)
    Drink water, if you can't do the 8-10 that "they" recommend make it 4 and work up (it won't fill you up like you've heard, but sometimes you are thirsty and not hungry and your body can't tell the difference.. drink the water first wait about 20 mins, if you are still hungry eat a snack that you have planned.
    Eat smart when you are hungry, don't let yourself get to a point where you are starving.
    Stop eating when you are satisfied, comfortably full... You aren't in the middle of a desert... you can eat whenever you need to, so don't over do it.

    Good luck with your journey... remember to be your own best friend. take care
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Welcome, you CAN do this!:flowerforyou:

    Some suggestions:

    Log all of your food.
    Drink LOTS of water
    Get some exercise in. Walking is great!
    Get planty of protein and fiber...helps keep you satified and full longer.
    Don't go too long betweeen meals.
    Be patient with yourself! Think of it in 10 pound helps!

    Good luck on your journey!
  • prototype
    prototype Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you all so much! I really appreciate the feedback, the warm welcomes and the support! I believe in paying it forward... so I will definitely help where I can where I see a need I can fulfill.

    A little about me.

    I'm 34.5 years old. lol I'd say I've been overweight for at least 24 of those years.
    I'm not at my highest weight right now, but I'm not that far from it. The least I've ever weighed at my current height was 169 lbs. The most was about 350 lbs.
    I work from home and I spend most of the day online.
    I have a puppy who I take on short walks 3 or 4 times a day.
    I recently relocated. I don't have many friends around so I don't get out much.
    I've always wanted to be a runner, but never felt confident enough in myself that I could be one.

    Sorry I didn't include all this earlier. I wasn't sure what kind of feedback I was going to get.
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    Good morning and welcome!!

    Start with today! Don't look at the long term and the 173 you want to lose - that is overwhelming. Look at the short term for now. 2 lbs, then 5, then 10, then 15.... it gets easier! Find what works for you and STICK TO IT!! Staying with it is key. Don't let one bad day, one bad week or one bad month stop you from being who you want to be.

    Have faith in yourself. You can do this. I promise. I've been there myself, and now almost 100 lbs lost - I only have about 35 more to go. (I'm not gonna lie, I've been slacking and just maintaining for the past 6 months though, but I have a feeling 2011 is going to be EPIC!!)

    Best of luck to you!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    If you are intrested in learning to run look up the couch to 5 k program. It starts out slow, and if you need to you can repeat weeks till you feel more comfortable at that level.

    Start with one change in diet and one change in exercise. One step at a tiime. What would you like to lose in the next 30 days? Be reasonable in deciding that number. I think 5-10 would be ok. (If you do that every month: 6 months will be 30-60 lbs)

    You didn't gain it all at once don't expect to lose it all at once.
  • booboomagoo
    booboomagoo Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 105 lbs from my highest weight, with 60 more to go. Here is what worked for me:

    1. Tell yourself that you can do it. Cheer yourself on like you would a good friend if they were trying to make a major positive change.

    2. If you slip up, don't beat yourself up, just get right back to eating well and exercising.

    3. Focus on smaller goals of 10-15 lbs and reward yourself. Pedicures, massages, new clothes, bubblebaths, trips to the movies...whatever will keep you going.

    You didn't gain all of the weight in a week and you won't lose it in a week. Focus on making changes that you can maintain for life. If you learn to eat like a slim, healthy person and exercise like a slim, healthy person...eventually you'll become a slim, healthy person. :)
  • jparson714
    jparson714 Posts: 171 Member
    I agree with everyone else, so I won't repeat anything except for mini goals! Set small ones to start chipping away at your big goal.
    Another thing I do is set my goal on MFP so that I will lose 2 lbs a week. However, I went to see how many calories I could consume if my goal was 1 lb. a week. There is a 400-calorie difference between losing 1 and 2 lbs. My goal is to lose 2 lbs. a week, but if I'd rather lose something then nothing. If I'm having a bad day, food or exercise wise, I know that I'm not completely messing up the week if I stay under those extra 400 calories.
    Good luck and feel free to friend me!
    You can do this!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I wnted to add this for you to look at. I'm sure it will give you hope and insipration!
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    Prototype, huh? Doing much JavaScript?

    Welcome! There are quite a few computer geeks around over here, of both sexes. The food logging function alone is extremely helpful, and the forums offer a good number of people with solid experiences, or just supportive ones.

    Tips: Read the sticky posts in the various forums. Log your food. And read Chris Pirillo's weight loss tips :)
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