Getting Started... Again

I joined a while ago, but never did anything here, since I was actively doing WW. I've been off the WW bandwagon for many months, and my husband and I are looking to start our family in about 5 years. So I need to start NOW to get this weight off. I have almost 200 pounds to lose.

I'm looking for support, and success stories.

I hope as the weight comes off, I can keep it up. The most I dropped before was 30 lbs and that was a few years ago. I gained it all back plus more. I don't want to do that this time (do any of us??).

I'd love to hear your tips or secrets of how you stay on track, and stick it through.

I'm terrified that I just don't have the inner strength to do this for myself and my family. I don't want my fear to stop me, but it's there none-the-less. And I'm sure it affects the decisions I make.

Anyways, Cheers! to the journey!


  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Hello and welcome! Good luck in your endeavors. I found that adding a solid motivational base has helped me immensely. I have friends that will send me messages and wall posts if I suddenly disappear. They are great for support. Another option is to join a group with like minded people. Very motivating!
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    Hello! I am in a very similar boat with my weight as well. I know we can do this! We just have to stick with it!! :-)
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member

    if you're back... or.. off of the wagon...

    then you didn't make changes that were sustainable.

    take a look at those tips in the link up there. make sustainable changes. stuff that you can live with. forever.

    make the cart much harder to fall off of, and you'll stay on.

    I'm terrified that I just don't have the inner strength to do this for myself and my family. I don't want my fear to stop me, but it's there none-the-less. And I'm sure it affects the decisions I make.
    ...and if you can't do it for yourself or them, then you aren't going to. When you decide to make the lasting changes, you will. Until then, fake it until you believe it.
  • lovinyoutwo
    lovinyoutwo Posts: 37 Member
    I've been where you been...I just recently came back to fitnesspal cause I cant do this by myself and I know that now. I say we do this together... what you say about that????
  • lovinyoutwo
    lovinyoutwo Posts: 37 Member
    by the way I don't have a picture cause I cant get one to download it keeps saying the picture is to big so I'm hoping i'll have time to try to put one up tomorrow.
  • amyc115
    amyc115 Posts: 32 Member
    You've already done the hardest thing, you've signed up and you're seeking out support. Motivation is the biggest hurdle in weight loss, IMO. Sounds like it's a big one for you too. What works for me is setting small goals, they're easier to accomplish and happen faster (as opposed to looking at the big picture of losing 80 pounds in my case.). Accountability also helps. If you let yourself off the hook, be accountable to someone else. A site like this is great, you can make your food diary public, join challenges, etc. Find a way that works for you to be accountable. Finally, make weight loss your new religion. Bring it into every aspect of your life. Live. Eat. Breathe. Lose.

    I have recently discovered something new that has given me a new found motivation and drive. You bet on yourself and set goals to lose weight with the opportunity to win some money along the way. I am nearing the end of my first bet and I have lost 5 pounds in the last 3 weeks and I'm not sure if I will hit my mark to win money but the progress I've made is great. I would recommend that everyone trying to lose weight try this. I will friend you and hopefully you will join a diet bet with me soon! Good luck on your journey.