Im new here

Hi my name is Penny, i am new to this fitness pal. Ive been on my weight loss journey for 1 year now,i am down 94 lbs,and i feel so much better.I am looking to lose another 50 lbs,and am excited on reaching that goal.It hasnt been all smooth sailing.I have a huge sweet tooth,and at christmas i gained back 10lbs,and that has made me wake up and realize that instead of having 1 little treat a week or i cheat meal,i realized that i was actually bingeing,and that scared me to death. I do find myself getting worried about how hard is it going to get to lose weight the smaller i get.Thats i believe where it will take alot of determination ,will power,and not forgetting why i set out on this lifestyle change.My parents both died in there early 50's ,my dad was diabetic,and my Mom died of lung cancer.Diabetes is not what took my dad btw,he died on the job.However the fact that he had diabetes ,i know its a possibility for me to get it,and i want to do what i can to hopefully not get it.I have a wondeful little boy he just turned 3 and I have my husband as well,who always encourages me and reminds me of my reasons why I am doing this.
