so annoyed!

On the 5th january this year i decided enough was enough and because i was turned 30 at the end of july i would get back down to my pre pregnancy weight. Not only because of my birthday but because i didnt want to hide away behind the camera, i wanted to enjoy getting my photo taken with my daughter. So since then i have lost 48lbs, 8lbs away from my 1st goal (weight loss seems to have stalled, although its only been a few weeks, i will work through it!)

Anyway only 1 person has noticed my weight loss, a woman in our local garage commented how well i was doing, which gave me another boast in my weight loss. This was about a month ago.

Yesterday i was working with a colleague who i hadnt seen for a while, she is a larger lady probably the same size as i was if not bigger. She said "oh your looking alot better than you did, you were massive after you had your daughter, what tablets are you taking" i told her i was doing it properly this time with no fad diets only counting calories, she said "oh theres no way youve lost all that just counting calories, is it drugs your using" i was that annoyed i walked away.

now its got me thinking is that what everyones thinking, is that why no one has commented on my weight loss. Ive hardly slept a wink.


  • auntyfred
    auntyfred Posts: 63 Member
    I think that says more about her than you tbh. Super well done on your weight loss.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    who cares what anyone else thinks? its really NOT worth losing sleep over...
  • new_nathalie
    new_nathalie Posts: 27 Member
    She's just jealous...
    Some people do not comment because they are afraid to offend you if they say the wrong thing...
    Don't worry about it and keep up the good work!

    It is an amazing loss!!
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    they are just jealous coz you found something that really works the healthy way.

    kudos to you !

    suxz for them .... LOL !
  • JoshD8705
    JoshD8705 Posts: 390 Member
    Truth is... pill, or not you're either eating less, being more active, or both. All the pills do is suppress appetite.
  • mathandcats
    mathandcats Posts: 786 Member
    Most people are probably not commenting for fear of offending you or perhaps they think it is not appropriate for them to comment, not because they think you are doing drugs or something. This woman just sounds bitter to me.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    On the 5th january this year i decided enough was enough and because i was turned 30 at the end of july i would get back down to my pre pregnancy weight. Not only because of my birthday but because i didnt want to hide away behind the camera, i wanted to enjoy getting my photo taken with my daughter. So since then i have lost 48lbs, 8lbs away from my 1st goal (weight loss seems to have stalled, although its only been a few weeks, i will work through it!)

    Anyway only 1 person has noticed my weight loss, a woman in our local garage commented how well i was doing, which gave me another boast in my weight loss. This was about a month ago.

    Yesterday i was working with a colleague who i hadnt seen for a while, she is a larger lady probably the same size as i was if not bigger. She said "oh your looking alot better than you did, you were massive after you had your daughter, what tablets are you taking" i told her i was doing it properly this time with no fad diets only counting calories, she said "oh theres no way youve lost all that just counting calories, is it drugs your using" i was that annoyed i walked away.

    now its got me thinking is that what everyones thinking, is that why no one has commented on my weight loss. Ive hardly slept a wink.

    I just dont know why you care?...
  • Whiskeytub
    Whiskeytub Posts: 96 Member
    People can be really touchy about comments on their weight even if it's meant to be a compliment. They're probably just going the safe route and saying nothing at all rather than risk offending you, the exception being the vocal woman who obviously didn't care about offending you. She probably just doesn't want to believe that healthy weight loss is possible for others when she doesn't feel like it's possible for herself.
  • mishtery
    mishtery Posts: 148
    I think that says more about her than you tbh. Super well done on your weight loss.

    Absolutely! And she's probably just jealous of your progress. Well done !!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    now its got me thinking is that what everyones thinking, is that why no one has commented on my weight loss. Ive hardly slept a wink.
    Are you doing it for them or you? The people that matter in your life will know what and how your doing it. As for everyone else it's nothing to do with them and if they think that that's more there problem than yours. Carry on with what your doing and congratulations on your loss
  • Tabithas_Transformation
    She probably just doesn't want to believe that healthy weight loss is possible for others when she doesn't feel like it's possible for herself.

    ^ THIS. Think back to the past when you might have struggled to lose weight yourself. If you saw someone as successful as you've been, I bet you'd be convinced that it was some miracle diet or pill. I think it's hard for people to accept the simplicity of healthy eating and exercise to lose weight. We're conditioned to think that there's some quick fix or that some massive sacrifice has to be made (like cutting out entire food groups).

    You're doing so well! Focus on you and have some pride in your success :smile:
  • Clareel
    Clareel Posts: 22 Member
    People are either jealous, don't know what to say, don't care, don't want to offend you... could be a number of reasons!

    You're doing great and you will look fabulous so screw what other people think because you're doing this for you, not for them!
  • KezJB
    KezJB Posts: 33 Member
    As someone else said it's more of a reflection of her than you.

    Seriously don't lose sleep, what's the point, Just accept she told you you've lost weight and be pleased with that!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    People are stupid. The end.
  • juliedb22
    juliedb22 Posts: 4 Member
    Don't worry about what others say. The same thing happened to me last year.. I lost about 20 pounds over the summer just by watching what I ate and walking about three nights a week. No pills, no diet. I changed the way I ate. The only thing I did cut from my diet was sweet tea because of all the sugar. But i just reduced my portions and made better choices.. like when we my family goes to Shoney's.. I dont get the breakfast bar (eggs, gravy, biscuits, etc.).
    I now eat the salad, corn, green beans, pintos, etc.
    You can do it by making good choices and exercising. Keep working hard... You can do it !!
  • lgrix
    lgrix Posts: 160 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss, you are obviously on the right track. As far as the other woman's comments, just let them go. Whatever her reason for being inconsiderate, it doesn't matter.
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    You are doing great and you should be proud of yourself (I'm proud of you and I don't even know you- LOL).. I have two theories for you: 1) The lady that made the comment about using pills - she probably thinks there's no way SHE could lose weight the healthy way and therefore thinks that of you... actually, you should pity her. Maybe if she presses it, you could introduce her to MFP? My second theory about why people don't say anything is probably because they don't want to offend you. If they make too big of a deal, they may think you'll think "Geez, how bad did I look before?". That's how I've reacted before when I've lost weight or got a new haircut or some change and people tell me I look so much better - I think "Holy &*%$! I must of been a mess before!" Hang in there!
  • Clareel
    Clareel Posts: 22 Member
    I actually remember once I went to meet a friend for coffee, I'd lost about 50lb since last seeing her but was still overweight, wearing a UK size 16 (US size 12?) which obviously was better than what I was when I started but still chubby.

    The first this she says to me when I walk in is 'OMG you look anorexic! What have you been doing, starving yourself?'

    I was actually like what has just happened, this is my friend! One of those situations where you think 'if you have nothing nice to say...'
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    I don't comment to others about their body or food unless they ask. But that's because I hate anyone commenting on my body or food.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    People can be really touchy about comments on their weight even if it's meant to be a compliment. They're probably just going the safe route and saying nothing at all rather than risk offending you, the exception being the vocal woman who obviously didn't care about offending you. She probably just doesn't want to believe that healthy weight loss is possible for others when she doesn't feel like it's possible for herself.

    This comment is all sorts of truth!