Hello All my fitness Pals, newbie here...

Just to say hello to everyone on this fab application. I downloaded it to my phone and its the best app ever as now I can do my diet properly and no cheating!!! I am 145.5 pounds and on the countdown to my wedding for September 2011 so need to lose 20lbs!

Great site, abs love it so far!!


  • jshordon
    Welcome to the site and good luck with your goal I'm sure you will get there
  • Bookat
    Bookat Posts: 15 Member
    I am going to be 64 years old and I am so frustrated with myself for putting on almost 20 pounds recently. I have no self control when it comes to snacking at night. If it is in the house I eat it till it is gone. I am not hungry but I eat it anyway. My husband is a constant snack eater so the stuff is here. I am on a computer all day, so I have often do not feel like getting on at night for this website. But I do want to give this another try. I do not feel good with all this weight packed on. I could sure use some encouragement from you out there around my age.
  • mscarlett
    So I am new to this program, and so far it seems to be very promising. I hope to stick with it, as I have a long road ahead of me. But with patience and dedication I am sure to succeed. My friend from California told me about this site and how he lost alot of weight. So here I am:-)