Ladies what do you do that time of the month?



  • Veggie_Ankers
    I don't eat much or exercise on the first day as I'm just in too much pain to do either but I drink plenty of water. After the first day I'm usually back to normal. I carry on with walking and stretching and if I get a craving for something (usually chocolate) I curb the craving by making nutella pancakes which just eggs and nutella. At least then I'm getting my protein from the eggs and satisfying my chocolate craving and they fill me up :smile:
  • harphy
    harphy Posts: 290 Member
    Lift heavy. I've had really strong cramps in the past at the beginning of period but now it's ok. Heating blanket on my belly helped.
  • aplhabetacheesecake
    aplhabetacheesecake Posts: 181 Member
    leading up to pms week i get thr unsatiable hunger
    Its the type of hunger that no amount of food can solve so i have vowded to just drink water and its working! Part of me is sad - i really want to be full of cake or skittles and not water
    The ofher part of me is happy i made a smart choice

    Exercise exercise exercise! My gawd what a difference that has made!
    I dont even feel the cramps come on to warn me its "that" time!!
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    It is definitely a challenge – I get food cravings and physical discomfort – but I do my best to stick to my plan both with meals and workouts. The only concession I'll make is maybe dialing the intensity back on a workout but I won't skip it altogether. I am always glad I did as exercise and healthy eating seem to alleviate some of the cramps.

    this, I always feel better exercising and I just try and figure in what I'm craving for the day into my calories.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I stock up on Always and avoid wearing pale coloured trousers (not that Always lets me down, but I tend to err on the side of caution...)
  • naomigee161
    naomigee161 Posts: 41 Member
    drink lots of water and try to avoid salty processed food

    eat normally but have a treat snack

    wear a menstrual cup (seriously. life changer)

    exercise as normal, or take it a bit easier if I'm feeling very wiped out
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    accept that you may want/need an extra boost from a snack - try to pick wisely, but if not never mind >> eat it. log it. and move on
    don't expect the scale to move down > it'll probably go up >> but it will come down again later
    excercise as much as you feel you can
    use hot packs / beany microwave soft toys
    keep backup sanitary items and nsaids in every bag you use

    don't let the ** get you down, you've beaten it before, you will beat it again
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    I gain 5lbs, whine a whole lot and do really crappy in Martial Arts class.

    Omg I complain about everything lol
  • albatati
    albatati Posts: 10
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  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    I find what I eat and do the week before is important in reducing tom symptoms. I cut right back on salt, no added salt in meals and I avoid soy sauce as it's full of the stuff and makes me swell up like a blimp. Eating bananas every day helps as the potassium seems to alleviate water retention. Dried apricots help with digestion and give you a little iron boost. Exercise definitely helps before and during, but during I tend to do shorter workouts with mostly cardio and only light weights as I tire more easily. Even a short walk will make me feel better as sitting down a lot just makes the sluggishness and bloating feel even worse.

    The rest of the time I curse nature for punishing me because I didn't have a baby that month.
  • Ashaleet
    Ashaleet Posts: 59
    I drink a lot of water and tea, eat a light lunch at work and save my calories for a glass of red wine and some dark chocolate. I then enjoy both of those while taking a bath.
  • segastler
    segastler Posts: 207 Member
    Sometimes my husband finds me curled up in a dark corner, face and hands covered in chocolate and the blood of a coworker that pissed me off that day.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Depends. If it's the type of month with the make-me-vomit cramps I'll take it easy and just take walks at lunch and drink A LOT of water. Other times, I'll stick to my routines and push through. It sucks but I've run races on my worst period days and survived.
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    I listen to sad music and cry and eat chocolate and take bubble baths and usually drink too much wine. And thank the powers that be that it's only a week and not 9 months :drinker:
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    Hey! I was actually really surprised when i started eating really healthy and found that craving junk foods around the time of your period is a myth i think. i think we are just so used to hearing about craving chocolate etc on our periods, that we dont' even think about it. I think we just feel so crappy that we want comfort food, aka sweet rolls. Depending on your current diet now i would say over all try to eat as healthy as you can and i think it's better during your periods for craving. Also, the way i find the energy is just remembering that my body tends to want to shed weight during my period and use it as insentive for big weight loss weeks. Our bodies are cleaning themselves out during this time and since you are having a period (and clearly not prego) it's the one time a month i think those pesky hormones are not working against women and making us keep weight on. So, i try to eat good and work out hard and when you see the results it's intoxicating. It's always the week after my period i gain weight no matter what i do. Good luck! Drink lots of water too that helps with cramps and bloating ;)
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    LMAO!!!! :happy:
  • awtume9
    awtume9 Posts: 423 Member
    I cry when babies don't smile at me or my dog doesn't want to cuddle.

    Then I go on with my life like normal.
  • 120by30
    120by30 Posts: 217 Member
    I usually give in, be lazy, take lots of Midol and sleep a lot and it goes away in 2 days or so... 2 days won't kill my months and months of efforts, so I don't sweat it.

    The worst advice possible.

    She wasn't advising anyone to do this. She was just saying what she did during that time of the month. That was what this thread was about anyway.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I was almost suicidal or homicidal 2 days ago. Thank GOD I got my period and found the cause of those horrible dark feelings. I cannot believe all you women who can say push through it. I can stare a nurse down as she draws blood, look at the needle as it goes into my arm, giggle as I get a tattoo, but cramps, I am a straight up diaper baby 3 days out of the month, I will admit it. I don't do chit for the first 2 days. ForGET it. I turn on my seat warmers in the car despite living in Texas and keep my heating pad at work and veg. I beg for back rubs and just TRY to stick to a low cal diet while I glare at anyone who dares eat chocolate or a french fry in my immediate vicinity. I am typing this now with extreme back pain.. craving cheesecake.
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    I can't exercise at all the first two or three days of my cycle, I can barely function at all the first day or two (massive migraines and alot of blood loss) I try to do double workouts two or three times right before it hits to help. I swear watermelon helps with bloating, but I try to stay away from salt also... (even though I am craving it like crazy!) I allow myself some dark chocolate but just a little and really try to manage my carb and calorie consumption. I have made it through a couple of times just eating meat and veggies and I felt very little cramping or headaches during those times after the first two days of hell.