tips to lose the love handles and lower belly fat?

First off I would like to apologize for the long read but I would sincerely appreciate all the help I can get.

Some background info:
Female, 18yo
5'2, 125lbs
Asian decent

I've been exercising and eating fairly healthy for the past several months now and just recently (2 weeks ago) I have been even more conscious about what I eat and exercising more because my vacation is coming up soon.

I currently exercise about 5 times a week doing about an hour of cardio (treadmill, biking, elliptical) and 10-15 mins of mostly abs strength training.

I'm not too strict on my diet so i would eat a donut whenever I feel like it but I mostly eat healthy. I mostly eat fruits, some veggies, rarely dairy products, fish and chicken and no red meats.

I have definitely seen a change in my face, arms, thighs and stomach but I still have alot of love handles and a fair amount of belly fat. It's strange because my upper abs are coming in very nicely and from the front view, it seems that my overall abs are coming in nicely too. My main problem is really the love handles.


[img] Uploads/20140423_024518_zps05207c55.jpg.html[/img]

I would rly appreciate some tips and help on how I can lose the love handles and belly fat. Im also going on vacation in 10 days so i need help fast! Could it be because of the amount of sugar or salt I'm eating? Could the weight be water retention? Could it be my sleeping habits? ( as a university student I often sleep late)

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance :smile:


  • bts1234
    bts1234 Posts: 4
    ^sorry about the poorly sized pic! I don't know how to resize it properly..:laugh:
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    you can't target reduce fat and any "sudden" fat reduction product is probably a scam (cynic here)

    but, if you want to generally improve your tone then strength/resistance work is the way to go

    I do pilates for core strength and over time (yes it takes patience and dedication) i have lost belly inches and gained tone, the muscles have improved from resistance and bodyweight work in pilates and swimming and the weight loss that I track on mfp have haled me see the more tones muscles that i couldn't see before through the layers of fat

    find a strength/resistance workout/class/routine that suits you and that you enjoy (or you won't keep it up)
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Get rid of the donuts and eat more protein!!

    Do strength training 3 times a week!!!
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    Ab exercises don't flatten your tummy, also there's a lot of research that women over train the front of their bodies and not enough on their back, which can give you a hunchback later in life... Just sayin'

    You can't spot reduce fat. Best advice to lose fat is lift heavy for 30 mins, using routines that work multiple muscle areas/groups (barbell deadlifts and squats, lat pull downs, kettlebell routines) eat a slight deficit and you'll get there. Not in 5wks though.

    You have a lovely tummy but maybe get one of those spray on abs tans if it will make you feel better.
  • alexandrachalk
    alexandrachalk Posts: 2 Member
    Well I would like to know the answer to this!!I can only share my personal experience - I hope it helps.
    I've always had love handles and a little bit of belly fat even when I was 19 years old and 50 kgr (now I'm 28 years and 59 kgr ).

    Firstly, I would suggest doing pilates -classes or even from youtube videos- as it creates a nice defined belly area.
    I've asked my pilates trainer the question you ask and she said that a miracle exercise to only lose from that area doesn't exist.
    But you can definitely do pilates exercises that can help- I've seen very good results with a combination of a healthy diet.

    Secondly, after discussing with my gynaecologist about gaining weight she said to me that it is completely normal and usually women store some fat at those areas as our bodies get more feminine and ready for being able to get pregnant.

    And lastly don't stress too much for that area, don't forget they are called love handles for a reason....
  • IsabellaGiano
    IsabellaGiano Posts: 158 Member
    You cannot eliminate all of your residual fat in 10 days, no matter what, sorry.

    Anyway, allow me to say that your belly is very nice, and won't look bad on your vacations :)
    Yes, if you don't feel comfortable with it, it must go in the future, sure.
    But, don't be obsessed, actually you look pretty nice!
  • dreaming13000
    dreaming13000 Posts: 68 Member
    By looking at your picture i would guess you have long legs ( where your body doesn't hold fat) and a short torso, like me. It doesn't look like "real" love handles it looks like you have a short torso. As others have already said there is no magic spot reduction, only eating clean at a calorie deficit ( others will argue a calorie is a calorie and for weight loss it is indeed) I splurge and eat doughnuts or highly processed food as long as it's within my numbers from time to time but it is counter productive for a shirt waisted woman like you and I .

    I have finally flattened my tummy and tightened my love handles and this is how:

    Logging very precisely, buy a digital scale if you don't already have one. Mine was like $16 on amazon. It will amaze you how incorrect labeling serving sizes are!

    I stay away from white carbs and processed foods as much as possible. Protein protien protein! ( beer on the weekends from time to time lol)

    Strength training. Cardio is just fine but you won't see body recomp where you are at now with dread mill activities. I am doing supreme 90 day and the results in just two months have been awesome. A lot of HIIT cardio and resistance training with weights and my belly deflated a lot!!(3 inches worth!)

    Have fun with this journey, use it to learn about your body and your spirit and your soul! You are young and if you can set up healthy living habits now you will discover that eating well and working your body is the true key to longevity and energy!

    Enjoy your holiday!!