45 year old mom seeks lifestyle change

Hello! I enjoy reading other people's posts, but have never been one to post myself. I am looking to improve my lifestyle by getting more active and learning to eat in a sustainable healthy manner. It seems like I can have the greatest intentions, and then don't follow through. I thought if I started writing things down and posting, it might offer a little motivation.

I love to read and be knowledgeable about things that affect me, so I have been reading up on the benefits of exercise to heal spur me into action. I look forward to hearing other people's stories and ideas!


  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Hi. I'm 44 and looking to age gracefully while eating right and being active. Friend me if you need support.
  • myrtleMac123
    Hi, I'm 49 and hoping to lose 2 stone to get me down to 10st4lb. But today my kids had lovely cool coke in the fridge and I bought some clotted cream for only 20p....so I had to make some delicious cherry scones to go with that!! I did only have half a scone...but so many calories. I am just such a picker. If I don't make some changes, I am just not going to lose any weight and will still have a big spare tyre to rest my arms on....
  • Raggedy_Ann
    Hi Casey, I'm 45 and working hard at sustainable change. I'm a reader/information gatherer also, I sometimes research workouts for an hour just to get motivated to work out! Add me for support if you like, I'm having a bad week but log every day regardless.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I'm 48 and was also 45 when I started and also due to my cholestoral. It was my final push. I have two young kids and need to be healthy as long as I can, which what I have control over, to be able to help them as much as possible in this world.

    I've learned you Can teach a .... medium aged dog.... new tricks! LOL In fact, we are pretty good learners.

    Welcome, and feel free to add me. Would love to help in any way.

  • LauraFouhse
    LauraFouhse Posts: 115
    I was about to turn 45 and felt old, out of shape and tired. Decided to make a change. 7 months later I'm down 22 pounds and am training for my first triathlon. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! I had to radically change the way I thought about food and exercise and little by little it has changed and I'm enjoying eating healthier and moving my body.

    Wonder what it is about 45 that inspires change?

    Add me as a friend if you want. I log in every single day and my diary is open.

    You can do this...
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Hi there! I am also a mom in my 40's (almost 50). Any chance you can find a group of women to exercise with? That is how I started 20+ years ago - a step aerobics class at work. A couple of years after that I moved onto instructor, then I started running, then triathlons. Mostly I run now, though I am currently looking at bikes. My best advice to you is to find something you enjoy, because it will help you stick to it.
  • karenraith
    Same here! I am 45 and keep gaining weight without doing anything differently. I never had a problem with weight gain until after I turned 40. I too have great intentions and don't follow through. I need to lose at least 10 lbs for my clothes to fit me again though.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I started MFP right before I turned 45 too, back in August.
    Wonder what it is about 45 that inspires change?

    I think it hits us that in 10 or 15 short years we're going to be middle aged! :laugh:
  • EreborsPrincess
    Another 45 year old here. I decided in January that this was going to be the year I got in shape. For the first month I did nothing but eat smaller portions and drink more water. 5 lbs went a way. In February I joined MFP and started walking. In April I dipped my toes into lifting and try to do it 2-3 times per week, and walk every day. As of this morning I'm down 16.8 lbs - my goal is to lose 49 lbs. overall.

    Feel free to add me!
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    How about a male post in here! :) I'm 45, was just about 45 when I started this back in October. I've lost nearly 50 pounds and am very close to my initial goal. I'm going to go for another 10 to 15 pounds - see what my body tells me.

    You have to commit to this lifestyle change and stick with it. If you are willy nilly about it then don't bother because you'll just get frustrated.

    Eat healthy and workout a lot. You need to make it part of your daily routine so you form healthy habits. You can do all of this while eating the things you like too! You just need to do this in moderation.

    I wish you the best of luck achieving your goals and being the healthy Mom you want to be. Do it for those wonderful children of yours too! :)
  • myrtleMac123
    It is definitely more difficult to lose weight when you are over 40 but with being older and wiser we should be able to do it gradually and realistically compared to when we were teenagers and more prone to crash diets and thinking we had to be thin to be loved. Myfitnesspal is very helpful and finding exercise you can enjoy like walking or whatever. I am hoping to lose 2 stone gradually.
  • myrtleMac123
    Do people find posting their MFP ticker helpful?
  • karenraith
    karenraith Posts: 6
    I have followed my fitness pal for 29 days now, stayed in my 1200 calories 95% of the time, exercised at least 30 mins a day which is more than I used to, and have still only lost 2 lbs - in a month! very frustrating and depressing! I don't understand why. I am 45.