
I am considering buying a Wii, but it would really only be for all the fitness stuff on there. I have a gym membership, which is where I do most of my cardio, but it's sort of a meat head gym so I don't like to do any muscle-building stuff there (I'm super intimidated) Does anyone have the Wii? Is it worth it?


  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Wii is more for the cardio. As for weight training you may want to go with a workout dvd system. I am on my second round of Chalean Extreme and it is quite intense. I highly suggest it. Or you could try P90X.
  • MMarcordes
    MMarcordes Posts: 58 Member
    I love the wii and there are a ton of good fitness options on there. But, I wouldn't use it for strength training. It's more for getting off the couch and moving for a while. If you want to do strength training at home - I recommend a couple of DVDs - Biggest Loser Boot Camp, and Bob Harper workouts are great.
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I have a Wii, with Wii Fit and the Biggest Loser game. If you have a gym membership already, I wouldn't recommend buying a Wii simply for the exercise. You will get much more out of your gym membership!

    The Wii games are more for cardio.
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    Wii is good for cardio, yoga, stretching, etc but not great for actual strength training. You don't need much to do that, though. Pushups, lunges, etc all help with strength. Invest $50 in some dumbells and you can do a variety of arm strength exercises. Cheaper than Wii :)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I have a wii and a gym membership. I use the wii when I simply don't feel like going to the gym. But if I want a good, hard workout, then I have to go to the gym. The wii gets me off the couch but it doesn't get my blood pumping like the gym. If you are going for strength training, I would suggest a small set of free weights and dvds (or you can look up some movements online). Here are a couple websites to get you started....


    http://health.msn.com/fitness/fit-zone (not sure if this site is dead or its just not pulling it up at work)
  • Melisha82
    I LOVE my wii!
  • everydayepiphanies
    I'm new here and just made some serious commitments to myself. Exercise is one of my huge challenges, because I just don't love it. But I do have a Wii and one of the "games" I love is Just Dance (and Just Dance II). It is so fun that you don't even feel like you are exercising. Yes, it's all cardio. I plan to use the Wii to help me get back to being more active.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    We just got the Wii Fit Plus for Christmas
    I love it:love: It has everything; Cardio,
    Yoga, Strength Training. It helps with
    balance and your core. I am losing the
    Y membership as soon as I can.
    I get intimated by some of the people too
    since I am older. The weights are always
    been hogged by the young guys.
    Buy it by all means. :wink:
  • Fineraziel
    Like the others said : dont buy a wii if you want to do strength training. :S Yes, there are some games that do strength training, but they are not challenging enough. You defenitaly better go with workout DVDs and a set of dumbells.

    However, there are lots of fun "cardio" games on the wii. Just Dance, MyFitnessCoach, Zumba, etc. ;)