New and need a kick start

Good Morning,
I have been strict on my diet now for about 2 weeks and have not lost a freaking pound :-(
I was expecting a little bit more, somehow. I run in the morning and do the 30 day shred in the evening, every single day!
Is there a such a thing of to much exercise?

Is it normal, anyone else experienced the same?

I "think" I may lost some fat around my belly area, at least that is what it looks like in the mirror, however, I might just drive myself crazy!

Anyone mind looking at my food log etc, what am I doing wrong?
(my weight log is not correct, I used a very old scale before that did not work correctly, so my start weight was actually 73.8 kg)

Thank you in advance for your input!


  • Ryan_Reborn
    Good morning,

    Don't give up! There is hope.

    Start with calculating your BMI and get a good base caloric intake while considering how much activity you do daily.. How much time do you have to dedicate to training? Either you have been losing some weight and gaining muscle which cancels your weight out to look like you're not making progress. Unless you physically see your body changing, take overall measurements. Or your activity level , metabolism and caloric intake has you breaking even, keeping you from losing those unwanted pounds.. If you're able to, I'd always recommend amping up your training and doing a couple of High intensity workouts a week and start doing compound exercises. LSD (long slow distance ) walking is also great for fat burning, do this fasted or first thing in the morning. High intensity interval workouts really burn those cals and give your metabolism a boost.
    Eat with a caloric deficit with optimal nutrition!
    Maybe try intermittent fasting as well.
    If this helps let me know! I'd be glad to help