Can I share my story with you?

Hello there,

I´ve been searching for a place to share my story where I could finally get off my chest my inner battles and issues I have been struggling with. I hope you won´t mind, guys.
I´m twenty years old college student. I used to be very active child until I was like 13 years old when I stopped doing completely everything. I guess I felt overwhelmed, because I had so many hobbies and homeworks that I didn´t just wanted to do what I had to. So I stopped and started to stay home, watch TV, use my computer and eat. And at the age of 16, I gained a lot of weight, ate and done nothing. I was literally doing no sports and I didn´t overeat, I just eat a lot of unhealthy food, specially eating sweets in the evenings. My mom and my brother was very active, my mom eat very little if anything and healthy and did a lot of sports, my brother did sports to and because he is tall and active, he could eat anything and still would be slim and fit. Then I visited my doctor, because I had some health issues and he told me to do some sports and not just eat and sit all day. So I started. It was hard first, but as I kept going, it got better. I started to cut off all the junk and bad food - I never was eating super junk food like McDonalds, hamburgers etc., usually home-prepared full meals, but not really healthy though. I started to excercies and ate less. You can guess how it looked like just few months later - I´m 5.7 tall and I got from 146 pounds to 112 in just few months. My BMI was too low and especially my body wasn´t working properly. I denied eating most of the food, I stucked to tuna in brine, couscous, white yougurt, apples, bell pappers and carrots. Well, I was going to the therapist to gain some weight and after like a year I finally did and then I felt pretty happy, I was still slim, fit and healthy. But after all those years of restriction, at the age of 19, I remember that exactely, it was the evening of my prom, I was really watching over what I ate for past few weeks to be perfect to my dress and after the prom when I got home at like 2pm and was so hungry I allowed myself to eat some chocolate muffins. I never told anyone. I felt a little guilty but thought like whatever, I won´t gain much weight of that. How the weeks went buy, I started to "allow" myself to eat more and more unhealty foods, going to the shops and buy junk food and secretly eat it at home. First I thought it´s something my body needed after long time of starving myself and I thought I can stop whenever I want. But after my graduation at high school, there was a summer, a long one and I didnt have to do any studies or work. So I kept eating. But as I started to notice of the weight gain, I added up much more to my excercies, so I was eating and excercising like crazy, so I got back to like 136lbs. Now, after a year of my first binge I realized few months ago that I got myself into some serious trouble and I cant find my way out of it. I read books, tried to logically realize it´s just a habit but I can´t just somehow get out of it. I´m not overweight but I could be skinnier and healthier. I excercies every single day for hours, my joints just hurt me so bad, and I´m just twenty, because I want to burn all those calories from those binges.
Every day I want to start again, but I´m tired of starting and failing. I last just like few days and then it´s just worst. Every binge, more and more I realize what health issues am I heading towards.

I had to tell my problem somewhere, so I hope you won´t mind that I wrote it all down here. Do you have any tips and ideas what I could do about it? I know it´s a bad habit, it´s not emotional, it´s not cause by being sad or happy, I think. I tried write it all down, motivate myself. I think it´s just really weak willingness...When I thinkg about it I had my entire life. Don´t you know what I can do? :/
Thank you guys!



  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Hello and thank you for sharing your story. There might be a group here for people who have gone through the same thing. Have a look around MFP and see what you can find. Good luck in your journey!
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
  • Parthus02
    Parthus02 Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story. I had a friend go through something similar when we were teenagers. We're in our late 20's now. What really helped her was therapy sessions. It wasn't emotional eating and she wasn't depressed, but it was an eating disorder and had something to do with the way she viewed and constantly thought about food. The therapist gave her some pretty useful tools to get it all under control. I don't know if that's something you may want to look into, but that's what helped her.

    There could also possibly be MFP groups of individuals who've gone through this as well and you could see what avenues they sought. I wish you well on your journey and hope you reach a healthy resolution. :-)