Hi there, new here.

Hi there, my name's Eloise. I have just joined this website today as I feel I really need to do something about my weight. I am at my heaviest at the moment and would like to lose around 3 stone ideally. I have always struggled with my weight, I have never been a big eater, it's more exercise and bad genes with me! I previously lost 6 stone a few years back but being depressed and going on to anti depressants last year meant that the weight slowly started creeping back on again and I had no motivation to do anything. I would like to start exercising on a daily basis and as much as I have always eaten pretty healthily I do need to cut down on chocolate and cakes as I have a very sweet tooth! I am off the tablets now and feel in a much more happy place but I just need to shift the weight. I would love to talk to other people on here for tips and ideas, and just for some extra motivation really.

If anyone would like to add me, feel free! :)

Eloise. xxx


  • Amy01Liz
    Amy01Liz Posts: 73 Member
    Welcome! I'll add you! I need all the motivation I can get, too!

    Together we can do this!!
  • annetuck2
    Good luck. I can walk past the sweets all day but can't resist the carbs! o.k. I live in Florida, USA I have to ask how much is a stone?
  • SeekingFitness
    Hey! I'm just the same, I need all the motivation I can get! Add me if you want. Good luck, you can do this!:smile:
  • Itsallsolame
    Thanks Amy! I have accepted your add. Yes, we can do this! I am more than happy to help you too :)

    Hi Anne, thanks! A stone is 14 pounds, so I am looking to lose 42 pounds.

  • Amy01Liz
    Amy01Liz Posts: 73 Member
    I googled it yesterday since I see "stone" all the time on My fitness pal! I am looking to lose 30lbs myself!

    Best of luck! :) Dont give up!
  • AmeikaRNstudent
    Hi, I too have a major sweet tooth. I'll be happy to add you!
  • hamstermom123
    hamstermom123 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 30 lbs myself - we can do this! Feel free to add me!!

    Anyone else, feel free to add me, too! I'm hoping to build a solid network to help me see this through!
  • DCarney
    DCarney Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome Eloise! I will add you too :-)
  • nonacgp
    nonacgp Posts: 132
    I'll add you. Just rejoined the website today and I, too, want to lose 30 lbs. Good luck ...stay positive.
  • nonacgp
    nonacgp Posts: 132
    I'll add you as friend!! I need all the support I can get.
  • sprungerj1
    sprungerj1 Posts: 10 Member
    I am on week 2. Things are going good. I have a cake eating problem also. This app really seems to help. Good Luck. Ill add you as a friend. I need all the help I can get.