What am I doing wrong? Or am I just too eager on the scale?

Hello fellow myfitnesspalers! I am wondering if you can help me. I have been doping this straight for 1 days now. I have done really well to date with losing 23 lbs. I know my plan is set up to lose 2 lbs a week, but I just feel with my calories in vs calories out that I should be losing a little more. I also know that 2 lbs is a healthy weight loss and I should only strive for that. My weigh in day is not until tomorrow but I did weight this morning and I didn't quite get to the 2 lbs yet (almost not quite) I was just wondering if maybe someone could take a look at my diary and tell me where I may be going wrong, and if there is something they suggest I can change.

I am set up for 1500 calories a day, which I do make sure that I get. I also exercise 5-7 days a week. I feel bad eating my exercise calories so most time I do not eat them or eat very little of them. In studying my diary myself I have noticed that I have been having a little too much sodium lately, which I am going to try and make wiser choices in this department going forward. Please let me know if there is anything you see that stands out to you.

It is appreciated, thank you.


  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    You are just too eager on the scale.

    Yes, reducing sodium could help reduce water weight so you would benefit some from trying to keep that in check.

    Weight loss is never linear. You will not lose 2 lbs each and every week from now until goal even if you did everything exactly the same day in and day out. The body can fluctuate up or down 5 lbs in the course of a day. You still are close to the 100lbs to lose (what I gathered from your ticker) so 2 lbs per week isn't too much of a stretch, but as you lose more and more, you will want to reevaluate your loss rate goals and adjust to 1.5, then 1, then .5 lbs as you near goal weight. So keep that in mind.

    This would be a good thread to read if you haven't: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • slippsy_gypsy
    slippsy_gypsy Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for the response! I agree with everything you are telling me I think I just needed it hear it from someone else. Thanks for the tips also I will definitely keep that in mind and re-evaluate as I go.

    Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • redzgal
    redzgal Posts: 255 Member
    Also, sometimes the scale doesn't tell the whole story. So, also start taking measurements to keep yourself motivated! But your body will get used to what you are doing and you may have to switch things up, maybe with your exercise routine. Much luck!!
  • beckzidot
    Technically one pound of weight loss per week is recommended. Two pounds is very eager especially since you have already lost 23lbs. That is amazing! Congrats! Once you get down to a certain point you won't be losing two pounds per week. You need to make sure you are averaging at least 1200 net calories per day. So if you eat your 1500 and burn 300 you are ok, but if you eat 1500 and burn 500 not ok! Under 1200 calories you are putting your body in to starvation mode and it's going to hang on to everything and unless you want to eat and exercise like you currently are for eternity then once you go back to a normal pattern the weight will creep back on. You have to find something sustainable. Losing weight should never be about being hungry. It's simply not that. It's about find a balance of good quality food and exercise you enjoy. Which obviously you have done great with so far so keep up the great work just be careful please :).
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    You are off to a GREAT start, so don't second guess yourself. My suspicion is that it feels "slow" to you because you are looking at your overall goal and that seems so big right now. Maybe look at it this way...you could have done nothing for the last two months and still be 23 lbs heavier! Imagine where you'll be in 4 months, 6 months, a year if you keep up what you are doing. Your rate of loss is good right now for your size, and like another poster said, don't expect it to be so exact and linear, cuz it ain't! I can tell you after almost 9 months of daily logging that there are ups and downs, but as long as your overall trends in downward you are doing ok. Congrats on starting on a healthier you!!
  • slippsy_gypsy
    slippsy_gypsy Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I think I just needed that extra encouragement to know that I am on the right path and to continue it.

    @redzgal I have been taking measurements and I did lose 2. 5 inches in my hips and an inch on my waist so yea that does count. Just this week was a little slow and no change.

    @beckzidot I will definitely try and keep a net of 1200 I have not been doing that . Great Tip!

    @ruffnstuff Love your positivity it shines through your writing!

    Thanks Everyone!!