Need Some Kind Words

I'm feeling pretty bad about my Easter weekend. Before the weekend, I told myself that I wasn't going to go overboard. That I'd have a few treats and enjoy myself and that was it. Well, Saturday and Sunday came and I completely bombed. I didn't stop eating from morning until bed time. And it wasn't foods that made me feel full either. It was all cookies and sugary items. I ate and ate and felt completely out of control and horrible about myself. I actually ate so many greasy and sugary things that I ended up vomiting before bed time from feeling so sick. I was just in the company of the people I love and there was delicious, comforting foods around and I was feeling good and happy. I know it's only 2 days out of my entire journey. And really, I shouldn't beat myself up about it. However, the scale is playing tricks with my mind, because of course, I just Had to step on it on Monday morning and I was up 6.8 pounds from 2 days previous. I've been back on track and I've been drinking more water than normal. But I could really use some words of encouragement and just to know it's okay. I just need some help.


  • Alz4589
    Alz4589 Posts: 8 Member
    I would say #1 - don't step on the scale again for a while (a week?). You are just torturing yourself and you know it!

    #2 - just keep doing what you were doing. Remember that feeling of how sick you felt after eating all of that and take pleasure in eating healthy and knowing that you're moving forward.

    #3 - remember that we all go through this. you are not alone. you are human which means of course you're going to muck it up once in a while! take a deep breath, get back into your healthy habits and forgive yourself.

    good luck!!
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    :flowerforyou: You're not alone! Start fresh and move on. You're human!
  • rchltrrs
    rchltrrs Posts: 5 Member
    Don't worry, you didn't gain 6lbs of fat in one weekend. I agree with Alz, avoid the scale for a couple of days at least.
    Try not to beat yourself up. No matter how many calories you ate it's nothing that you can't fix.
    Try to use this as motivation and perhaps try to have a plan of attack next time that you intend to give yourself a cheat day or meal. Perhaps you can promise yourself that you'll eat something healthy before you have your treats?
    Either way, try to drink lot's of water to help cleanse your system a bit and just keep working at it. You haven't undone all your hard work!
  • mrg68
    mrg68 Posts: 48 Member
    I agree!! We've all been there. It seems like all the planning that I do in my head NEVER works for me once that good food is in front of me!! And I know I work so hard to burn calories, why do I do that?!?! But I tend to remember what one of my son's coaches said to his team once, "As long as you are more gooder, than badder, you are doing ok!!" Horrible grammar, but it stays in my head.

    Another thing, my scale does tricks with me, too. I'm trying very hard to give it up and judge my success by the way I feel, look, and how my clothes fit. But I still reach for that instant gratification. But lately, I swear it will jump between 2-3 pounds at a time. What the heck? So, remember that the scale is just stupid!! Just keep going and be thankful that we only have holidays a few times out of the year!!

    It's all OK!!! Just keep going in the right direction!!!
  • Jeffs_Jess
    I plan to avoid the scale for a few days now.
    I've heard a couple people tell me that I didn't gain 7 lbs. of fat in a couple of days. I probably didn't. However, I ate A LOT. Probably 15 cookies. Along with chips, chocolate easter eggs, high sodium meats like pepperoni and salami. Handfuls of chocolate chips while I was baking. Dough from baking. Salads with high mayo and sour cream content.
    I don't know. It was really bad. And of course, now I feel guilty because I don't think I put one healthy thing into my body. I just need some kind words that it's okay and that I'm not alone when it comes to having days like this.
  • Kevin_Rex
    Kevin_Rex Posts: 127 Member
    The best news is that the weekend is over!

    What's even better is that you can use this past weekend as a reminder that, even though you went a little nuts in the eats dept, you can recover and get back on track.

    I've had MANY of those types of weekends and all they are, really, are speed bumps :)

    And I agree with Alz - stay off the scale for a week or two... and forgive yourself definitely!

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I plan to avoid the scale for a few days now.
    I've heard a couple people tell me that I didn't gain 7 lbs. of fat in a couple of days. I probably didn't. However, I ate A LOT. Probably 15 cookies. Along with chips, chocolate easter eggs, high sodium meats like pepperoni and salami. Handfuls of chocolate chips while I was baking. Dough from baking. Salads with high mayo and sour cream content.
    I don't know. It was really bad. And of course, now I feel guilty because I don't think I put one healthy thing into my body. I just need some kind words that it's okay and that I'm not alone when it comes to having days like this.

    7 lbs of fat requires a surplus of over 24,500 calories
  • Jeffs_Jess
    Honestly, I know.
    I'm just getting down on myself.
    Thanks everyone.
    I guess in the end, I turn to food out of comfort, like a lot of people. It makes me feel good. But really, being healthy makes me feel better.
  • skinnybythanksgiving
    skinnybythanksgiving Posts: 159 Member
    In there types of circumstances I like to learn from my experience instead of beat myself up, feel ashamed, disgusted etc. It helps me to plan for next time. What can I do differently next time? I planned Easter, my treat was lots of Gardetto's snack crackers because I really love them. Also mac and cheese, homemade. And ham. Yum! I gave up sugar 9 months ago because I couldn't stop gorging on it. It was all over the house but the craving for it went away after a couple months. Now I don't particularly like sweet food except fruit.

    Most of your gain is glycogen stores from excess carbs. You'll be ok, just eat a lot of fruit, vegetables and lean protein and stay at your calorie goal. It will come right off!
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    I'm feeling pretty bad about my Easter weekend. Before the weekend, I told myself that I wasn't going to go overboard. That I'd have a few treats and enjoy myself and that was it. Well, Saturday and Sunday came and I completely bombed. I didn't stop eating from morning until bed time. And it wasn't foods that made me feel full either. It was all cookies and sugary items. I ate and ate and felt completely out of control and horrible about myself. I actually ate so many greasy and sugary things that I ended up vomiting before bed time from feeling so sick. I was just in the company of the people I love and there was delicious, comforting foods around and I was feeling good and happy. I know it's only 2 days out of my entire journey. And really, I shouldn't beat myself up about it. However, the scale is playing tricks with my mind, because of course, I just Had to step on it on Monday morning and I was up 6.8 pounds from 2 days previous. I've been back on track and I've been drinking more water than normal. But I could really use some words of encouragement and just to know it's okay. I just need some help.

    next time dont step on the scale the day after a cheat day if you are not ready to see the reality ;P seriously, just go back to your healthy routine, i've been dieting for 4 months now, 5 days tracking my foods to the grams come the weekend I eat whatever til im full, so far im on schedule, 1 lb of loss a week, i use to weigh myself daily but now im starting to weigh weekly..... look in the mirror instead of scale ;)

    ALSO BEING HEALTHY MEANS EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL as well, if you cant see yourself eating the way you are eating now 3, 6 months, 1 year from now.... most likely you wont adhere to it.... change the way you eat or being flexible to suit your lifestyle without sacrificing the healhty lifestyle you want to achieve too much.... balance is key ;)