
I have a eating plan that I try to follow and one of the things it says is a sandwhich with a table spoon of guacamole. YUK!! Is there something else I can use instead?


  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    What is wrong with you??? Guacamole is a gift from the gods. Go sit in the corner and think about what you've done. :angry:
  • Ashaleet
    Ashaleet Posts: 59
    What else is on the sandwich?
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Plain avocado...or, if it's the avocado you don't like Tableside make a guacamole that has tomato and jalapeno in it and hides the avocado's probably a way to consume healthy fat...maybe could substitute with almond butter or cashew butter???
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    You take avocado, turkey breast, bacon, tomato and throw it on some bread. Then you give it to me.

    I hear Shakeology is magical.
  • HAHAHA. To me it tastes like leaves.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    HAHAHA. To me it tastes like leaves.

    Those are some damn tasty leaves.
  • roasted chicken breast chopped, lettuce, and light shredded cheese
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    What kind of guacamole are YOU eating??? The best guac is creamy, with bits of citrus and salt, and a pronounced yet not overpowering cilantro taste.

    Guacamole > PB2. Hahah.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    What is wrong with you??? Guacamole is a gift from the gods. Go sit in the corner and think about what you've done. :angry:

    All of this.

    I'm assuming for your meal plan this is meant as a fat source. If you don't want to eat the avocado/guacomole, replace it with something else, like the equivilent in calories of another fat source like olive oil (if you ahve a salad with it or something) or nuts. Mayo would do the same thing. A lot of people suggest avocado or guacomole as a mayo sub.
  • Maybe I need to re taste it. Every one seems to like it. I had it a long time ago and I just couldn't get over the smell of leaves.
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    What is wrong with you??? Guacamole is a gift from the gods. Go sit in the corner and think about what you've done. :angry:

    I don't often agree with the bear, but when I do, it's about guacamole.

    (Actually, that's a lie. Bears are wise. They like honey. And guac. Which you apparently don't like. You should fix that.)
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Are you making your own or using store bought?

    Personally, I've tried some store bought guacs that are downright awful...

    But making your own (nothing but avacado, lime juice and a bit of salt) and I've never been disappointed. Throw in some spices, tomatoes, onions, or garlic if that floats your boat.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Maybe I need to re taste it. Every one seems to like it. I had it a long time ago and I just couldn't get over the smell of leaves.

    I was also going to suggest making your own. That way you can flavour it how you like.

    My recipe is chop up a little onion, squeeze the juice of a lime over it. Let it sit while you prep the rest. Chop up a bit of tomato and jalapeno (seeds in for heat). Mash up your avocado(s), then add a little of each ingredient along with salt until you have the flavour you want. I also throw in some cilantro (some people love cilantro, others hate it). Some people add garlic or olive oil, I don't.
    Sorry, normally I am an exact measurement person but this is like the one thing I wing.

    ETA - I haven't found a store bought brand that I like. Even most restaurant are terrible.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    What is wrong with you??? Guacamole is a gift from the gods. Go sit in the corner and think about what you've done. :angry:

    lol :laugh:

    Um... I don't know. I guess it depends on if the guacamole is helping you meet specific requirements. If it's just there for the calories, you could swap it out for something of equal calorie value, like some cheese and some hummus. If it's there for the fat, you could swap it out for some mayo or something else that adds fat.
  • lensperry
    lensperry Posts: 29 Member
    Mash the avocado up really well to a creamy consistency. Add lime juice, garlic powder, a tiny bit of salt. We like to put in diced roma tomatoes and red onion too. I can't stand store bought, but I love making my own!
  • bwats33
    bwats33 Posts: 25 Member
    Try this one....easy, basic, and delicious:

    -2 avocados (mash with fork)
    -half can Rotel
    -chopped green onion
    -lime juice from 1 lime
    -chopped cilantro
    -salt and pepper
  • Thanks everyone I will try to make my own,. I have only eaten store bought
  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    Not to toot my own horn, by my Guac is LITERALLY Award Winning. It's won a couple of contests! I will share.

    2-3 Hass Avocados. (from California is the best, or from Mexico, if you can only get them from Chile, then forget it, don't waste your time.)
    3 roma tomatoes (diced)
    1/3 of a red onion (finely diced)
    large handful of cilantro (coarse chopped, use the stems, there's a lot of flavor in them)
    2-3 green onions (thin sliced with with the white and green part)
    1 cup of coarsely chopped RED CABBAGE (yes I know, who puts cabbage in their Guac? I do and it wins awards, so try it!)
    1 small can of diced green chili or diced jalapeños (if you like it hotter)
    juice from 1 lime squeezed

    seasonings: season salt, course ground pepper, garlic powder, ground cumin

    Scoop out the avocados into a large bowl, squeeze the lime juice in there. Use a potato masher or a fork to mash the avocados. You don't want puree. you want chunks still in there, it should NOT be like baby food. You want a little texture, not totally smooth.

    Add in the rest of the ingredients without the seasonings, mix together, being carful not to further mush up the avocados.

    Start adding the spices. I try not to over salt it. It should just barely be salty enough since the salt from the chips will add to the saltness. You should be able to taste the cumin and garlic. You will have to slowly add the spices until it gets to where you like it. I couldn't really tell you proportions of the spices I use. But I tend to put quite a bit in. Carefully stirring as you add more and more in.

    This is best made in the morning or let it sit in the fridge tightly covered until you're ready to eat it. Let it sit at least 2-3 hours before you eat it.

    NOW, tell me this isn't the BEST guac you ever ate?
  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    Try this one....easy, basic, and delicious:

    -half can Rotel

    Why would you use canned tomatoes when you could use fresh? Fresh is always better than in a can.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Not to toot my own horn, by my Guac is LITERALLY Award Winning. It's won a couple of contests! I will share.

    2-3 Hass Avocados. (from California is the best, or from Mexico, if you can only get them from Chile, then forget it, don't waste your time.)
    3 roma tomatoes (finely diced)
    1/3 of a red onion (finely diced)
    large handful of cilantro (coarse chopped)
    2-3 green onions (thin sliced with with the white and green part)
    1 cup of coarsely chopped RED CABBAGE (yes I know, who puts cabbage in their Guac? I do and it wins awards, so try it!)
    1 small can of diced green chili or diced jalapeños (if you like it hotter)
    juice from 1 lime squeezed

    seasonings: season salt, course ground pepper, garlic powder, ground cumin

    Scoop out the avocados into a large bowl, squeeze the lime juice in there. Use a potato masher or a fork to mash the avocados. You don't want puree. you want chunks still in there, it should NOT be like baby food. You want a little texture, not totally smooth.

    Add in the rest of the ingredients without the seasonings, mix together, being carful not to further mush up the avocados.

    Start adding the spices. I try not to over salt it. It should just barely be salty enough since the salt from the chips will add to the saltness. You should be able to taste the cumin and garlic. You will have to slowly add the spices until it gets to where you like it. I couldn't really tell you proportions of the spices I use. But I tend to put quite a bit in. Carefully stirring as you add more and more in.

    This is best made in the morning or let it sit in the fridge tightly covered until you're ready to eat it. Let it sit at least 2-3 hours before you eat it.

    NOW, tell me this isn't the BEST guac you ever ate?

    The owner/head chef at my favourite restaurant swears by cumin in guacomole. I like his, and I've tried it at home but I just don't prefer it. Garlic powder is the devil. I do not use it for anything :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    But this is exactly why you make your own, everyone has their preferences. I do agree though, fresh is best.