anyone trying to take control over beer?



  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    Ditto to all. I've been struggling with this as well, I don't log my alcohol at all. I'm a vodka and crystal light drinker, probably 2 drinks (4-6 oz total) and 1-2 glasses of red wine (this is a habit my husband and I do every night after the kids go to bed). I drink all evening, so don't really get drunk, 5-11pm, 4 drinks, and I sip slowly. This is an extra 500+ cals a day. I'm pretty sure it's why my weight loss has been slow this time around. From the replies here, I think I'm going to try to cut down to 2 a night and have a bottle of water in between. Hubs and I just enjoy the adult beverages...:drinker:
  • mrsfyredude
    mrsfyredude Posts: 177 Member
    My husband and I are self proclaimed beer snobs (we frequent several of our local breweries and love our beer) I don't think I could ever fully give up beer. Hell we plan vacations around breweries we want to visit.

    We cut it back no drinks Monday-Friday, we still enjoy our beer on the weekends and when we hit up a brewery we get some samples and share them. It gives us the taste without drinking the entire pint. Or when friends come over with beer they have purchased we bust out small glasses and split one bottle. We will have a pint here and there or will do 1/2 pints which a lot more places have started offering....we keep our intake lower so we can still enjoy the deliciousness that is food. :drinker:

    I had to laugh at this post, as my hubby and I proclaim the Coors, or Bud or Michelob for gives us headaches now! Drink on beer snobs! :drinker:

    ETA: I'm more worried about my addiction to coffee creamers really, I can give up beer, and I have, but coffee creamer! UGH!
  • beachylove
    beachylove Posts: 137 Member
    My husband and I are self proclaimed beer snobs (we frequent several of our local breweries and love our beer) I don't think I could ever fully give up beer. Hell we plan vacations around breweries we want to visit.

    We cut it back no drinks Monday-Friday, we still enjoy our beer on the weekends and when we hit up a brewery we get some samples and share them. It gives us the taste without drinking the entire pint. Or when friends come over with beer they have purchased we bust out small glasses and split one bottle. We will have a pint here and there or will do 1/2 pints which a lot more places have started offering....we keep our intake lower so we can still enjoy the deliciousness that is food. :drinker:

    I had to laugh at this post, as my hubby and I proclaim the Coors, or Bud or Michelob for gives us headaches now! Drink on beer snobs! :drinker:

    ETA: I'm more worried about my addiction to coffee creamers really, I can give up beer, and I have, but coffee creamer! UGH!

    :bigsmile: Happy to hear we are not alone in our love of the delicious that is out there.

    Oh man coffee creamer used to be my vice, I have gotten so much better with it now but there are days I cave and still have some.
  • Living in the Pacific Northwest, I've been a big beer drinker myself. Drinking one beer a day isn't that bad, it's typically 130-250 calories. I found out that I am snacking more on junk and high calorie food when I was drinking 4-5 beers a night. Now-a-days, I just stay away from chips and nachos - and treat myself with wings once every 2 weeks. I try to check myself with just one drink a night, snack on veggies and walk a little more to offset the extra calories.
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    no beer here, but I do drink tequila ....for the last week just once, however im working hard at changing up my routine as it was almost nightly for the last year...I do log it under quickadd calories...but yea, I agree out nutrition must be suffering...I know I eat about 600 calories on days I drink to stay in my calorie allowance!! not much weight loss either I must add...amazing how others here state they do NOT Log the beer, but no mention of weight gain or anything from their extra calories?:drinker:
  • AlliSteff
    AlliSteff Posts: 211 Member
    First, I switched from beer to wine at home- I do not really keep beer in my fridge, so now I only have it if we go out.

    Then, I slowly eliminated evening glasses of wine during the week (unless we go out to dinner or something on my gym night off- Wednesday)

    But oy, good craft beers always have a ton of calories, don't they?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Yeah, mine regularly wrestles the remote control away from me. It prefers to watch football. :grumble:

    Seriously though, I usually drink stuff if it is around. But have periods of time when I purposely don't keep it around, because I find I don't give a hoot about my macros or calorie goals after a couple of drinks.
  • Mar_11
    Mar_11 Posts: 35
    For a long time, I had a closed diary and logged the beer. Then I posted this and opened my diary. It is what it is! This is me and I will find a way to make weight loss and beer work together.. it just means I have to move more to allow for beer, which isn't a bad thing.

    I'm glad that this post has had such positive responses and may have even helped others. Hugsss to all!
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I'm a big drinker and I find that I make rules for myself. Rule #! is that I only drink on Friday NIGHTS, Saturdays and Sundays. Those are my drinking days, period.

    Another way I get my mind of having a drink is going to the gym, or taking a long walk. When I get out of the house and start to sweat, I don't want to sit on my butt with a cold one.

    I probably have 4-6 drinks a week, and it's usually like 1-2 Fri night, 1-2 Saturday and 1 sunday, or something like that.

    I also drink a load of tea. If I feel I need something to sip on and relax, late at night a Ginger or Peppermint tea (with honey) really puts my mind and tummy at ease.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Remember "It's all just piss colored water". ( from the movie Brew.)
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    I cut the booze out pretty much completely.

    Been maybe 3 weeks since I've had a drink, which was the equivalent of two beers at a restaurant.

    Before I started trying to get fit I was drinking 4 whiskey cocktails a night, maybe 4 nights a week. Sometimes every night.

    It just doesn't fit with my goals anymore. I'd rather the calories fuel my workouts or refuel my muscles. I don't want it making me tired the next day for workouts. Or tired in general.

    Not sure if my thoughts on that will relax over time or not but that's the way I feel right now.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    Nope - decided a couple of times in my life I would reduce my beer consumption or try low-cal beers. Not sustainable for me and makes me unhappy.

    Beer makes me happy - I fit it in.

    I also brew my own.
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    I love beer and wine. I won't give it up completely, but I have changed my habits with it a bit recently.

    I find I sleep much better when I don't drink (even one or two tends to make me restless at night) so I either stop drinking well before bedtime or I don't drink on nights I have to get up early the next day.

    As far as fitting it into my calorie count, I don't worry about it. If I'm going to drink, I will enjoy it and just try to make good food choices.