Anyone doing couch to 5k?

I have just done week 1 day 1, I've never tried running before. I had to pause it after run 3 and walk for a bit longer. I'm going again on Friday, has anyone got any tips for following the plan or am I just super unhealthy?




  • laurahamm96
    laurahamm96 Posts: 46 Member
    I had issues the 1st time I tried it. I waited a year, got in to other types of exercise, and when I tried again my legs, lungs, and heart were stronger and used to the strain.

    If you really want to run I would start out walking 3 miles, then adding in jogging as you feel you can handle it. You will get there, its just HARD.

    Also, your mind will give up before your body does, I have to tell my self "one more step, you can do it, come on" etc as I run. My body can handle it, my mind likes to screw with me!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I LOVE THIS PROGRAM. I started using it about 4 years ago... And it served me well. I remember panicing about the 20 min run at around week 5 or 6... Because there was NO WAY i could do it... I COULD.. and you can too.

    One of my runner friends told me during it... that if you felt like you couldnt finish that day.... repeat that day until you can. Then move on.

    I am now training for a Half Marathon and can run 12 miles. Just finished my first 10k in about 5 years last saturday and had a great time!!!!

  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    There's a group with plenty of advice and support
  • I am restarting couch to 5k after I had some really bad health problems, but about 18 months ago I ran a 5k and wasn't actually near the bottom of finishers! Trust me, if I can do it - respiratory problems I can't take rescue medicine for, out-of-shape, never been able to sprint - then you can as well!

    If you're worried about your health with it, I would talk to your doctor. I would also listen to your body and what it is trying to tell you. Like becs3578 says, if you can't finish that day, repeat until you can.

    Also - some of these programs are different than others. One I found says 1min run, 1.5 min walk 6 times with 5 min warm up and cool down before & after, another says 10 min warm up, 15 sec run 1 min walk 10 times then 10 min freestyle (run/walk as you would like to). Find one that works for you! Good luck!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Slow down. Go as slow as you need to to complete the time. The biggest mistake people make is going too fast.

    Also a good read
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    Run slower than you think you should. IMO, it's better to start out slower than you think you should then speed up if need be. I used to say that I was not a runner and you wouldn't catch me running, but last year, a friend was doing C25K and I ran a couple intervals with her for motivation/support. Right around then I read a quote that if you can't run a mile, then run slower. If you still can't run a mile, run even slower. It kind of clicked for me and I ended up running a full 5k at 4.8 mph...yeah, it's slow, especially considering that at the time I could WALK at 4.5 mph on an incline, but I RAN. Yesterday's first day back in over a year I started my first interval at 4.7, the next couple I did at 4.8, did one at 5.0 and one at 5.5. When I get to doing the longer intervals again, I'll be keeping my pace around 4.8 until I get the distance I want, then I'll work on speed more.
  • Sooz1965
    Sooz1965 Posts: 10 Member
    I have just started as well and to give myself a target, I signed up for Race for Life 5k and set up a justgiving page. I have just over eight weeks to train. I have asthma, still smoke ( that should stop very soon!) And have never run before!
  • Thank You for the replies. I really appreciate it. I am going to try again on Friday. I'll try and go slower and pace myself a bit.
  • pinkvici
    pinkvici Posts: 140 Member
    Yes I'm on week 7! I also found the first day really tough but then found the next 4 weeks okay. I struggled at the end of week 6, and week 7 is killing me. I posted yesterday and got loads of support and I'm going to keep at week 7 for a few weeks until I master it! The main advice I've been given is go slow and repeat days and weeks if you need to. Good luck!
  • Imcharmed
    Imcharmed Posts: 346 Member
    Yes I'm on week 7! I also found the first day really tough but then found the next 4 weeks okay. I struggled at the end of week 6, and week 7 is killing me. I posted yesterday and got loads of support and I'm going to keep at week 7 for a few weeks until I master it! The main advice I've been given is go slow and repeat days and weeks if you need to. Good luck!

    I'm with you on this one, im at week 7 and finding the 26/8 mins a hard slog, so will be repeating. That said, I was like most people at the beginning couldn't run for 1min let alone 20+.

    Keep at it peeps, it'll be worth it in the end.

    Good luck.
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    I agree with the folks saying slow down. My #1 tip in addition to that is to remember that you don't have to follow the schedule exactly. If you aren't quite reaching the goals or don't feel too good doing it, repeat the week until you have it licked. I just ran my first 10k this week!!! The programs works! Have fun with it. :smile:
  • say_pocket
    say_pocket Posts: 54 Member
    All of the above sounds like good advice. I just wanted to add that I'm on Week 4 Day 2, and Week 4 Day 1 was the first time I really ever felt like I wasn't dying. And I'm sure I'm going to eat those words during tonight's run, when my boyfriend is running with me and really pushing me. I have never been a runner and the program is definitely kicking my butt, but I feel myself slowly getting better.

    You've got this! Stick with it.
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    Yes I'm on week 7! I also found the first day really tough but then found the next 4 weeks okay. I struggled at the end of week 6, and week 7 is killing me. I posted yesterday and got loads of support and I'm going to keep at week 7 for a few weeks until I master it! The main advice I've been given is go slow and repeat days and weeks if you need to. Good luck!

    I'm with you on this one, im at week 7 and finding the 26/8 mins a hard slog, so will be repeating. That said, I was like most people at the beginning couldn't run for 1min let alone 20+.

    Keep at it peeps, it'll be worth it in the end.

    Good luck.

    To those considering repeating this week (or any week), I highly, HIGHLY recommend slowing down. When I ran the 5k last year, I went from only walking daily (about 4+ miles) to doing random days/weeks with my friend of C25K. Because I took it SLOOOWWW in my running, I went from the 3 minutes, to 6, then 10 then 13, then 2 miles then the full 5 k in about 4 weeks without any issues. Of course, running the 5 k took me over 38 minutes and I could WALK 5k in about 42 minutes, but I still did it. Even if it feels like it might be a step back for you, try going slower. When you finally accomplish the next running milestone, hopefully it will help get you in a better place mentally to push through when you are struggling. I know that even though I haven't run in over a year, when I finally tried running again this week I felt so much more confident that I could do it because I've done it before.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Slow down and see this is a couch to 30 minutes jogging program for the moment, do not expect to run a 5k in 30 minutes by following the program as is, the name is misleading. You will get to the actual 5K, but it is possible (or almost certain actually) that you will need more weeks, repeating a week's program for more than one week, gradually increasing speed, running in the end more than30 minutes and so on. All these are normal and not a sign you are doing something "wrong". For now, slow down to barely running, at whatever is the slowest pace that for you is actually running and not walking. Ignore the speed and distance for now. Increase speed only when you are comfortable where you are, regardless of whether this happens in 2 weeks or 2 months. It is better to take a few more weeks to get at your goal than to push yourself harder than you should and lose several weeks recovering. Of course do not just end up walking 1k in 30 minutes, but push yourself only to reasonable limits. If you are in pain, exhausted, completely out of breath etc, listen to your body.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    you might have to do the first few work outs twice. it does get easier.

    lol, just kidding!! running is hard, and i find that if you don't maintain it, you have to start at the ground level every time. honestly, every winter i tell myself i'll just bundle up and run 2-3 times a week, and try and maintain a solid 5-6 mile base, and every march i find myself huffing and puffing to do 2 miles.
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    im going to start but im so unfit, so at the mo im walking for 30 mins at a brisk pace and adding a run in at the end. when this starts to feel easier ill try and start!
  • southern_star
    southern_star Posts: 89 Member
    I am not a fit person but started on March 4th and had to repeat week 1 as I was cutting my jogs short by a few seconds. When I made it to week 3 day 3 shin splints got the best of me and I took a week off. At the end of that week I did (walked) a 5k that I had originally registered for and gained my courage to try again. I am now on week 4 Day 3 with NO shin pain. I learned that it was ok to go slow as I am building my endurance the speed will come later.
  • 123stefania
    123stefania Posts: 167 Member
    I am doing it right now. Just finished week3 day2.
    I had to do week 1 twice. I was too out of shape. Now, its going well,
    Do it at your rythm, For sure it will take more than 9 weeks for me, maybe 12.

    Listen to your body and dont give up.
  • Two2Love
    Two2Love Posts: 32 Member
    I'm on Week 2 Day 2. This is my 3rd try with the program. The prior trys were on a treadmill and this time I'm doing it outside, which has helped tremendously. I literally came off the couch to do the program but I'm going REALLY slow - barely jogging. In fact, my walk/run interval pace is about a 16.3 minute mile. I think Week 3 will begin to be a huge challenge for me, but so far, so good - I'm loving it and feel great about myself!