What was your turning point?



  • When I had a body scan / evaluation and they told me based on my BMI, weight, energy level, muscle to fat ratio, etc that I have a body age of 37. I am only 24 years old, sluggish, overweight and unhappy. So I've begun Herbalife (almost 2 months ago) and I'm a happy girl! About 7 lbs down already! :)
  • noor_v
    noor_v Posts: 133 Member
    Bump for later... need to get back to work now...
  • fireytiger
    fireytiger Posts: 236 Member
    There were two turning points for me, and even with those, it still took me a couple months to get it together and really change. I knew I was overweight, obese even. I was depressed about how I felt, how I looked, and watching the numbers on the scale go up and up. I had recently been diagnosed with PCOS and my doctor put me on 1000mg of metformin a day, which I (foolishly) thought would help me lose weight on its own but it didn't. It did stop me from gaining uncontrollably though, although the scale did continue to rise. My cholesterol is and has been high for at least the last 5 or 6 years, and for someone under 30 years old, that's just plain unacceptable. But, I kept telling myself that I didn't look too bad, even for a fat person, and I wore my clothes well and all. 230 pounds was bad but hey, at least I wasn't as bad as the rest of my family (yet).

    Then, over this last Christmas, I really really wanted to have a family portrait in front of our picturesque fireplace, with me, my husband, and our three cats. Our good friend who did our wedding shoot came down to take them, and while the pictures were fantastically done, I was appalled at how awful I looked. I had a double chin in most of my photos despite doing my "chin up and out" head pose that usually hid it. In the best photo, I was sitting next to my husband, him facing forward and me sideways, with my legs behind him, and even from the side I looked huge. The beautiful family pictures that I wanted so badly to hang up in our living room, instead were posted on Facebook, our friend thanked, and then shoved in a folder on my desktop somewhere. That was the first real wake-up call.

    The second wakeup call was very close to the same time, I found that only one pair of my size 18 pants that I had JUST BOUGHT fit me anymore. They were tight and I was miserable wearing them. I lied to myself and thought maybe some of them shrunk, so I went to the store and tried more size 18s. I couldn't even get them close to buttoned. I had to buy size 20s. They looked like clown pants to me, and I've never felt like such a loser.

    I decided in the new year that I was going to get it together and lose the weight, but I had a few false starts. It wasn't until mid February that I finally cracked down, because I started going back to taekwondo. It was so hard to get back into it after over a decade and 70 pounds gained that I figured, how can I do all of this without at least TRYING to lose weight too? Am I gonna let all this sweat and hard work go to waste, and stay fat and unfit forever? So here I am. :)
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    My dad died the day before my birthday. He had a host of weight-related issues that contributed to his death. I don't know why it took me so long to finally get serious about getting healthy. I stepped onto the scale one morning and realized that I weighed more than I did when I was 9 months pregnant with my daughter (who was 9 pounds, 7 ounces at birth!). My fat pants were too tight. At that moment, I think it all just hit me, and I knew that I had to make a change.

    I started out at the beginning of March with Sparkpeople, but then a friend recommended MFP to me, and I've found so much information here that I've pretty much moved here permanently. Sometimes I get overwhelmed when I see how far I have to go, but I know that at least I'm going in the right direction.
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    My babies had their 1st birthday late last year (twins, born December 2012) and I think there is 1 picture of me with them. I have them both on my lap so you can't really see the horror that I have let myself become. Then there was Christmas, and there are a few truly awful pictures of me.
    I realised that there are so few pics of me with the girls while they are little, and I don't want that to be the trend as they grow. I want them to have pictures of them with their Mother.
  • EllenTebbits
    EllenTebbits Posts: 37 Member
    When my husband and I were talking about losing weight (like we always would nonchalantly), and then it became serious......he grabbed my hand, looked me in the eyes and said "I'm overweight, but you're the kind of overweight that people die from".

    That was March 10th, and that's the day I joined MFP.

    I needed that wake up call and to see his real care and concern for me made me realize that being super morbidly obese wasn't just affecting me, it was affecting him and could possibly end my life sooner if I continued in the direction I was going.
  • EllenTebbits
    EllenTebbits Posts: 37 Member
    When my husband and I were talking about losing weight (like we always would nonchalantly), and then it became serious......he grabbed my hand, looked me in the eyes and said "I'm overweight, but you're the kind of overweight that people die from".

    That was March 10th, and that's the day I joined MFP.

    I needed that wake up call and to see his real care and concern for me made me realize that being super morbidly obese wasn't just affecting me, it was affecting him and could possibly end my life sooner if I continued in the direction I was going.

    This is incredibly touching. Thank you for posting.
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    This photo was posted to Facebook and I couldn't believe how bad I looked.
  • DblChinz
    DblChinz Posts: 31 Member
    I donated blood and I found out that my cholesterol level was SKY HIGH. I think I was in shock for a week. I knew I was overweight but I didn't realize what else it was doing to me. I'm with you on the clothes thing! i can't wait to wear some cute stuff without being self conscious.

    I found out my cholesterol was high over a year ago, just now starting to do something about it. went on a shopping spree yesterday and found out i wear a size 3x... i've been squeezing into an xl or 2x for some time now. i am with you, i want to wear cute clothes and be healthy. can't believe i waited this long
  • choppie70
    choppie70 Posts: 544 Member
    When I had my gal bladder out, the images showed that I also had hydronephrosis (enlarged kidney). I went to a Nephrologist and they ran many tests. The nephrologist told me she thought my kidney was just shaped that way and that the pain I felt in my back was the result of extra weight.

    I went right to the store and bought a new pair of sneakers that day!

    On a side note: It was not the extra weight causing my back ache... the nephrologist missed that I had a 22mm kidney stone that had lodged in my ureter.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    My divorce. Photos from my former brother-in-laws wedding(I was 240 lbs)! A doctor telling me that despite how well I carried extra weight, I was pre-diabetic.
    When I moved in with my parents I knew I NEEDED a job and I NEEDED MFP to try again. I will make my goal this time. I WILL maintain. I WILL NOT let outside influences bring ME down!
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    A Christmas family photo. I never realized I was THAT heavy. After seeing the photo I stepped on the scale and saw 252 lbs. I changed my life the very next day!
  • Zikhona123
    Zikhona123 Posts: 22 Member
    My 8 month old baby. After she was born, i told myself i want to be a good role model to her and be able to run around playing with her.

    And i want to wear whatever i want.
  • DellaWiedel
    DellaWiedel Posts: 125 Member
    My turning point was severe gallbladder pain. (Seriously the worst pain of my life, I felt like I wanted to die...) I haven't had it taken out. An ultrasound showed no gallstones, and I'm trying to manage it through healthy diet. So far I've had a big reduction in the pain through eating healthier. I'm 5'5" and was 191 lbs. to start, I'm now down to 176 lbs. My goal is 150 lbs. But for me it's not all about weight loss, it's about health too. Besides the gallbladder problems, I also have migraine issues, and I'm finding a healthy diet helps with both. Also being on MFP helps, since I have others to encourage me to keep going. :)
  • Tashac17
    Tashac17 Posts: 6
    Yesterday was a turning point when my partner said he did not want me to go through another summer of me crying as I can't find nothing to wear as I feel fat. He said he had watched me for the last three weeks and all I done is eat crap and sit on my back side so now I need to take control. Just under 200lb and 5ft 4, I can't fit into most of my wardrobe and walking up stairs I'm out of breath. It's time for a change and it starts now. Roll on summer when I with look and feel better
  • I am now VERY HUNGRY FOR RESULTS. Ive never had that before, yes, I wanted and hoped to lose weight in the past but it's only now that I feel like I really want to see my body change for the better. Now I have real commitments and I feel bad whenever I don't hold up my end of it. Now I understand what being accountable means and that really pushes me to keep going. =)
    Me too! I'm gonna get there this time I can feel it! My turning point was I guess I just woke up one day and said I wanna take care of myself cause I'm getting older and I wanna look in bathing suits!
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    A co-worker/friend came up to me one day in the office. She put her arm around my shoulders and whispered the words I desperately needed to hear: "Judy, I love you but you're too fat." She then kissed me on the cheek and said she would do whatever she could to support me while I got healthy.

    When I tell this story, some people have a really negative reaction, but it's truly what I needed - the unvarnished truth.

    We still work together - and she still checks in with me often. It's been 6 years since that first comment. She's still supportive and doesn't let me get away with ANYthing....which is why I'm here. She wasn't accepting any excuses for a seven pound gain, regardless of why it happened! LOL
  • Lindzpnc
    Lindzpnc Posts: 98 Member
    A personal side note, I have PCOS (Google it if you don't know what it is) and it caused me many health issues. I ignored my health for years despite being told I need to lose 50+ lbs from the doctor that diagnosed me 9 years ago. I pitied myself and let myself just continue to gain more weight. About 3 years ago my dad had a heart attack and quadruple bypass surgery, followed by lots of physical therapy. I thought I lost him, and he survived the whole ordeal and is healthy now. This made me realize life is too short to wallow in self pity. I could be the next one in the hospital. So I picked myself up and began trying to get healthy, I researched my PCOS, I found people on here with it and got ideas on how to take control. I even went to a doctor and got tips and medicine to help treat my health. Slowly I've gone from 230lbs and a size 18/20 to 150 and a size 6/8, I only want to drop 20 more lbs. My next goal is to have a baby now that I'm finally healthy and got my PCOS mostly under control.

    my PCOS mostly went away after losing most of the weight... just had a healthy baby girl she's almost 4 months now... I feel ya- totally hoping the best for you babywise :)
  • eherte
    eherte Posts: 9
    Hearing my doctor say that I fell into the obese catagory. My mom is obese, very ill, and has been most of my life. She isnt even 50 yet and will be lucky to make 60. I dont want my son growing up with seeing me like that. I decided to stop using my fibromyalgia as a crutch to explain why i wasnt taking care of myself. My boy and I deserve better.
  • BL_Mark
    BL_Mark Posts: 183 Member
    This was my "Oh Hell No!" moment... I still have no clue who this guy is and how he got to be so big. It's embarrassing.

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