beginning weight lifting

I have lost 50 lbs over the last year and a half from 200, now 150lbs. I'm a 5'8" female i have 15 more lbs until i am at my goal weight. I do sit ups and other ab excersizes, I also run regularly so my leg muscles are pretty hardcore. My arms are seriously lacking. I had a wrist injury in high school so push ups cause me alot of pain. (sometimes it bugs me sometimes it doesnt) i have a set of 8 lb weights and a 20 lb weight on a small bar. Any type of rep that would be good to start with. I always try to work out my arms, and end up quickly giving up. Advise?


  • krystalrfletcher
    krystalrfletcher Posts: 13 Member
    There's a good beginning weight lifting program on ,actually a lot of good programs, but i really liked Jaime Eason's liftfit trainer. She spells out everything you need to do!
  • kwedman488
    kwedman488 Posts: 132 Member
    A couple things: push ups are definitely tweaky on people's wrists-I recommend using one of your pairs of dumbbells as push up bars. It will alleviate some of the tension put on your wrists and also allow you to do deeper push-ups.

    The general rule for weight lifting is to aim for 10-12 reps. If you can push out more, ou need to increase your weight. As for moves you can do for different muscle groups, I recommend looking on They have a lot of stuff there to help you put together a workout, or already made workouts that are free.
  • dearcrumpet
    dearcrumpet Posts: 14 Member
    wrong topic! oops!
  • melissawilson61
    melissawilson61 Posts: 18 Member
    excellent question I was just about to ask the same one! I, too, am just starting out using weights, I have 10#,5# an 3# dumb bells and have been looking for a good beginning workout.