How should I eat after surgery?

I am getting a breast augmentation next week and I am really worried about not being able to workout for 4-6 weeks. For the first 2 weeks I cannot get my heart rate above 120 so I will be very inactive. I cannot do any cardio for 4 weeks and no lifting for 6 weeks. I can go on light walks though.
What I really need help with is how to eat during this time. I am afraid of gaining weight during this time so I want to get a good meal plan going. Should I lower my calories to 1200? Currently I'm eating about 1600. I need to make sure its easy to digest food within the first week, but after that I'm sure I will be back to food prep. I have been eating as paleo as possible so I also don't want to get sick.

Any ideas would really help!
Thank you!


  • MarisaShickel
    MarisaShickel Posts: 31 Member
    I don't have advice on what you should eat, especially since I'm not doing Paleo but I do have some general advice.

    I had surgery on my foot two years back and the best thing I did was cook up food the day before. I made chili and lasagna. This way I had the food prepared and my husband could bring it to me/I could get up and get it easily when he went back to work. My doctor had told me I made a good choice with chili and lasagna because the body needs lots of protein to heal after surgery.

    So my advice would be to find something you can make ahead of time and have for that first week.

    Not sure about calories, the oxycodone made me lose a ton of weight because I felt so sick all the time. The first few days my husband had to make me eat. I wouldn't lower your calories too low because your body is healing and it will need the energy to do so!

    Good luck!
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    i had surgery last year and did not alter my calories during recovery.. i just made sure to stay within my daily alotment and make good food choices for the most part. i didn't gain any weight despite the inability to exercise. you should be fine :) good luck!
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    ask your doctor
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    ask your doctor

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i woudl stick to maintenance cals for the 6 weeks while you're recovering.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    You do need to focus on protein to help the recovery process. And stick to maintenance. I wouldn't necessarily try to lose during this time, but maintenance is a good place to be
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    I just went through this with my husband. All he had was a small foot wound. The wound doctor told him: Eat at maintenance at least, not a deficit. Your body needs the calories to repair itself. Eat more protein. More protein helps with skin and tissue growth/healing.

    That was in mid January. He just got released yesterday--finally! Good luck to you.

    edited for content
  • ChelsoBee
    ChelsoBee Posts: 26 Member
    Great thank you for all of the advice!
  • mlt2908
    mlt2908 Posts: 123 Member
    I had surgery at the end of Feb so was not able to do strenuous exercise for 6 weeks such as running or elliptical or Zumba like I would normally be doing...I was able to walk though. I could not lift anything for 6 weeks either. I had only started on MFP approximately Feb 7 so I was worried that without my normal exercise, I wouldn't be able to lose any weight, but I did. I have my calorie count set (per the instructions on MFP) at 1200 and ate fairly close to that count....I think I was under a lot of days but not by a lot. I would just recommend really keeping track of your calorie count by logging your food into MFP. Good Luck!