Heart rate ok ?

When I'm at gym I do 30 mins of elliptical at level 3 and 20 mins of treadmill at a 5% incline. This I find for me is just the right intensity, and over the last 3 weeks I have stepped it up gradually....(started at level 1 elliptical and 0% incline treadmill)

I've found that my heart rate for each is between 150 - 160 bpm. Is that a good heart rate for cardio or should I aim to be getting my heart rate up higher ?

Any advice greatly received


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    When I'm at gym I do 30 mins of elliptical at level 3 and 20 mins of treadmill at a 5% incline. This I find for me is just the right intensity

    Since that's just the right intensity, then that's the right heart rate. It's hard to compare heart rate from person to person due to individual differences, so use intensity as your guide.. if your goal is fat loss. If your goal is something else, let us know what it is.
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    You're fine, as long as you aren't one of those people reading a book while you're on the machine:) It always amazing me, why bother coming to the gym to walk 2.0mph while reading a book? Anyway.

    As you continue to work out, you'll gain cardiovascular fitness and you're heart rate will drop lower and then you can increase intensity again. As the PP said, heart rate varies greatly person to person.
  • bimpski
    bimpski Posts: 176 Member
    ever try intervals?
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    Sounds fine to me....when I'm on a fairly leisurely run my HR gets into the 170's so it's different for everyone.