
Hi Ladies, well I have been on my weight loss journey fir about 1 month bow and I have lost about 10 lbs. I still have another 40 lbs more to go. I am just so impatient though. I can not see any changes in the mirror yet and do not fit I to the next size down yet. I am a stay at home Mon and when my kids are napping is when I try to work out,but I find myself getting obsessed with weighing myself and I constantly think about food and losing the weight. I just don't know how to live a normal life without stressing about it. I feel guilty when I cheat and then I get so down about it that I binge. I just can't seem to stay on track. I would love some new friends to help with motivation. I am 33 yrs old and a mom of 3.Thanks for all your help


  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    Hi Ladies, well I have been on my weight loss journey fir about 1 month bow and I have lost about 10 lbs. I still have another 40 lbs more to go. I am just so impatient though. I can not see any changes in the mirror yet and do not fit I to the next size down yet. I am a stay at home Mon and when my kids are napping is when I try to work out,but I find myself getting obsessed with weighing myself and I constantly think about food and losing the weight. I just don't know how to live a normal life without stressing about it. I feel guilty when I cheat and then I get so down about it that I binge. I just can't seem to stay on track. I would love some new friends to help with motivation. I am 33 yrs old and a mom of 3.Thanks for all your help

    Think about all of the awesome things you have done already! You've stuck to the journey for a whole month which is great! You lost 10 pounds during that month which is AMAZING! You just need to relax and the rest will come too. You should be proud of yourself and happy about what you've already been able to achieve. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • _cdaley
    _cdaley Posts: 79 Member
    10 lbs in a month is a lot of weight to have lost. Be proud of yourself! I understand getting stressed about going over calories, I rarely do since starting MFP a month ago, but on the few days I have I have to try hard not to feel guilty. If you go over by a few hundred every once in a while, it's really ok. No need to make a little overage into a big one by binging. I think the mind set of "well, I already failed today, might as well fail as hard as possible" is what leads to a lot of people gaining weight. I know it was an issue for me.

    Don't give up! You are 10lbs closer to goal than you were a month ago, and in another 30 days you could be even closer! You got this girl :)
  • pearljammedbeat
    I'm sort of in the same boat. I started monitoring food intake and exercising on march 27, and I have lost about 9 pounds. I realize this is great, but I get impatient, too. I can't notice at all, and my clothes are all still tight. However, I didn't get this big over night, and I'm definitely not going to take it off over night. When I have a major craving for unhealthy foods, I drink a coffee or hot tea. Then, if I still have the craving, I treat myself to a small amount. But usually after I drink a hot beverage, I don't even want to eat anymore.
    Ten pounds in a month is a lot. Keep up the good work, and think of how good you will feel several months from now if you do keep it up.